Chapter 8

Smut warning heheπŸ™ˆ

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"...I'm going to make you feel so, so good." Kageyama whispered in my ear. I felt hot and a shiver had been sent down my spine. He looks at me with a hungry look in his eyes. I blush at the thought of what's going to happen...

I close and eyes and his lips crash onto mine. He licks my bottom lips for access and I open my mouth. Our tongues swirled together in a syrupy sweetness. His hands feel up my shirt and he pinches my nipples. "Nn-" I whine and he smirks on my lips.

He stops kissing me and pulls off my shirt only to resume. He moves down from my mouth to my neck biting and sucks leaving marks.

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Kageyama makes his way down Hinatas neck leaving a trail of hickeys. "Nn-" Hinata moans. Hinata doesn't know it but those little grunts and moans from him make Kageyama even more excited. Kageyama moves to his nipples biting and twisting. He circles his tongue and sucks on it.

Kageyama quickly removes his shirt not wanting to be left out. Hinata felt his body amazed by his defined muscles. While making out, Kageyama removed Hinatas pants only to see his member pop up. Hinata blushed. "Excited are we?" Kageyama says slyly.

Kageyama puts some fingers in Hinata's mouth and uses his other hand to stroke Hinata. "Ngh-" Hinata moans while sucking on Kageyama's fingers. Once satisfied with how wet they were, he stuck a few fingers into Hinata's hole, stretching it out.

Kageyama takes his fingers out and starts to insert his member. Once in, they stop and catch their breathes. "Are you ok? Can I move?" Kageyama asks shyly. "Nn- yeah-h m-move" Hinata manages time stutter out. Kageyama slowly thrusts inside of Hinata.

"W-wow you're s-so big" Hinata moans out, turning Kageyama on to the max. Kageyama picks up his pace until he's quickly thrusting in and out of Hinata. The only sounds were moans and the sounds of their skin slapping together.

They were in pure bliss. So extremely happy to have found each other. This is all they needed. They only needed each other to be happy. (And volleyball) When they finished they laid there staring into each other's eyes. They kiss softly and drift off to sleep.

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I wake up and look at the clock. 5:43 pm. Shit... I think to myself. I haul myself out of bed and realize I'm still naked. I blush and quickly get dressed. I run downstairs and my stomach growls. Starving I search the kitchen for something appetizing. There was nothing so I went upstairs to wake up Hinata.

"Why hello there sleepyhead," I say with a true smile on my face. "What time is it?" Hinata turns to the clock. "It's getting kinda late, I should get going." He mumbles out. I get up and get his clothes for him. He gets dressed and I go up and embrace him from behind.

"Wanna go get dinner?" I ask him resting my head into the crook of his neck. He smiles and replies with a quick sure and we were out the door. "We could go get something quick or we can go to the shop and grab some ingredients and make food at home," Hinata says rubbing his chin in concentration.

When he said home it felt so natural. I blush. "Well if we get a home together we might as well get married," I say smugly. "Where's the ring?" He says returning my smugness. I smile and grab onto his hand. I don't ever want to let go.

~the next day~

Hinata and I enter the gym late cause I had to carry him. Suga-san came up to me with a motherly smile. "Good morning you two! You're late. What happened?"
I exchange looks with Hinata not knowing what to say.
"Oh nothing, when I met up with Hinata this morning his back was hurting so I carried him on my back." Hinata gives me a look that screams nice save.

"They probably fuc-" Tsukishima begins.
"Shut up or I'll snap your neck," Sugawara says with a murderous smile. Tsukki quickly shuts up. Hinata and i discussed this morning that we were gonna tell the group that we were dating but my stomach was all up in knots.

"We have something to tell you guys-" Hinata begins. "We are getting married!" I say and bow my head. Hinata looks at me like I'm crazy. "No we are dating." He points to me and mouths 'He's nervous' to suga and he lets out a little chuckle.

"I always knew you guys were gonna get together!" Asahi and Noya say. Tanka looks furious, i could hear him muttering something about how he was mad that the first years found love before he did. We got an overall good reaction from the team which was nice.

~Later that evening at Kageyamas house~

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I snuggle up against Kageyama on his bed watching his laptop. I pause it and look at him. "What's up?" He says curiously. "I just had a question," I pause, "Why did you choose me?" I say nervously. "Huh?" He says confused.

"I'm just saying, out of all people, why me?" I say to him genuinely. "Because, you're a little ball of energy. You're the sun. You're my sun. And you're so adorable and you're always cheering me on and goddamn you can be so sexy sometimes. You make me feel all nervous and you make my face get hot. Just being around you is more than enough to make my day brighter. That's why I chose you."

I look at him with stars in my eyes. I suddenly feel tears well up and I'm overflowing with happiness. I rest my forehead against his.

"I will forever be yours."

I think this is gonna be the last chapter. But if you guys want I can make another chapter of them in the future. Idk just an option. Let me know if you want me to write anymore stories, Just comment some ships and I will get right on it! Thank you so much for supporting me! β€οΈπŸ’œ
