Itto x Gorou Part 4

Hi, part 4 is heree! I hope you still enjoy reading this series! <3 sorry for the delay >< I kept getting busy with my work >:(

Short story

Pairing: Itto x Gorou

(For context, Itto will be the young master from one of the most influential families in Inazuma. Gorou's family too. Miss Hina here will be as his twin sister :>)


-Gorou 18 y.o

-Hina 18 y.o

-Itto 20 y.o

-Ayato and Thoma 20 y.o

-Kokomi 18 y.o









"Can't you wait for me to say something? Why do you always have to keep everything for yourself? Are my opinions not important to you anymore? Am I irrelevant to you now?" Itto puts his head onto Gorou's right shoulder.

"What? No! You are one of the people I love the most!"

"Then why can't you say it directly to me...? About your feelings?" He hugs Gorou tighter,

smelling all the bergamot orange scent from that small body.


"I.. really don't know how to express my feelings towards you without thinking that I'm going to get hurt. I'm really scared of how you are going to reply.. since I already knew that you like my sister, Hina." Gorou slowly pushes Itto's body away from him, but Itto's strong arms bring him back to that warm and fuzzy hug.

"Gorou, the truth is.. I'm honestly confused with my own feelings." He looks down blankly while his fingers never stop playing with Gorou's tail.

"Everyone around me tells me that one day, there will be a girl who comes into my life and we will fall in love and we'll have a happy family like others too. It's a normal thing that everyone will go through, and I totally understand that. But why is it that everytime i spend my time with you, I keep feeling all these butterflies in my tummy? Is it a normal thing for me to feel it towards my best friend? I can't stop thinking about you since the day we had a bath together..." Gorou;s face becomes even redder as he listens to Itto's confession.

"I.. I even dreamt about doing something.. 'dirty' .. together with you, Gorou." Itto can't stop his shaky voice.

"Hu-Huh? What do you mean something 'dirty'?" Gorou lets go of the hug and looks at Itto's flush cheeks.

"I..I have dreamt about having sex with you." Itto can't even make eye contact with Gorou.

Gorou's embarrassment level has gone up to the max. He can't breathe or say a word. His mind is completely blank. All the things that Itto said don't make any sense at all. He never thought that Itto will look at him in such a romantic and perverted point of view.

"It.. doesn't make sense to me.. All this time, I thought you liked my sister? You have always asked me about her..."

"About that...It was actually because of my confusion. I thought my feelings for you were wrong and not real. So I thought maybe I would feel the same if I tried to spend time together with your twin sister. I thought I would eventually forget about those dirty thoughts of mine if I built my feelings towards her. But the truth is... I've been lying to myself. I've hurt you with my actions and words. I'm so sorry to realize this too late, Gorou. I'm sorry to always make you feel the pain that you shouldn't have felt in the first place." Tears start to slide down his cheeks slowly as he tries to talk about his honest feelings towards Gorou, feeling really hopeless and regretful.

Gorou lifts Itto's chin up and looks at his gorgeous red eyes gently. He wipes his tears always and cups Itto's cheeks with his two small hands (way smaller than Itto's hand ><) and smiles at him.

"It's never too late, Itto. Thank you for telling me everything that I needed to know. Now I won't feel anxious when I'm leaving Inazuma anymore as I've known your true feelings towards me ..." He hugs Itto tightly and slowly brings his lips towards Itto's cheeks.


"Thank you for everything, Itto. I love you so much with all my heart, but I have to leave now... You don't have to force yourself to tell me the same too right now. I will wait till you are ready and we will do it all again."  He is going to move, but those strong arms hold him even tighter, not letting him go.

"If I never say this right now, there won't be any chance for me to say it. Gorou, I love you too. Not only as my best friend, but as my lover. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Can you please give me another chance to fix everything?"

Gorou can't hold his tears any longer. He feels so happy and relieved that all his dreams have finally come true. All these years, he had been holding the pain all by himself and tried to stay strong. But now, the jar of worries that he had has now been emptied.

"Do you want me to stay over tonight?" Gorou speaks softly.

"That would be a great idea. Let's go to my house right now." Itto carries Gorou in bridal style and quickly rushes through the crowds in speed of light.

"Uwah?! Itto,put me down! I can walk by myself! Aaaa" Gorou is struggling with his flushed cheeks :>

"Not until we reach my house! HAHAHAHA!"


Ok, that's it for part 4! It's pretty short for this chap but i hope you still enjoy reading it! Please don't forget your sleep like I do hahaha :,>

A Lil' spoiler, the next chapter may contain some NSFW so if you feel a lil' uncomfortable, just skip part 5, ok! I will try to give small summaries for chap 6!

Anyways, as always, stay tuned for the next update! ILY!
