Chapter 1

Sam's pov

So, I'm late.


Not only that but I have a shitty headache thanks to my idiot of a friend who dragged me to a last minute party knowing that I had work the very next morning.

Just great.

Worst part is, I let him. For some stupid reason, yesterday me thought he was pretty convincing when he said and I quote 'Your job made you a lazy, no fun slug'. Why did that convince me? Well let's just say I somehow was a no fun slug.

I mean, back in college I could have been the fun guy, but the medical career definitely changed me in a way. I guess it just made me more reserved and kind of an introvert.


My phone's ringtone harshly detached me from my thoughts and in a panic, I frantically started searching for my cell phone.


"Fucking hell" I murmur. Yes ladies and gentleman, whenever my phone rings I start having a little panic attack, don't ask why because I myself have no idea.

When I finally find my phone which was on the back seat of my beautiful black range rover, I grab it and check the contact number reading 'oh no'.

I'm about to answer my father's call already predicting his reprimand to the fact that I'm late but my eyes catch a frozen girl in the middle of the road, her eyes widening from the speed of my car.

I immediately press hard on the breaks getting the car to stop right before her, causing a loud screech of the tires against the ground.

I look at the girl of short red wine hair and witness her eyes turn from slight shock to anger.

I was about to get out of the car to check up on her, when she raised her hand that was holding a coffee cup and throws it at my car's windshield, causing hot black coffee to splash all over it.

The hell?!

"Pendejo!" she yells while flipping me off and casually walks away.

I sit in my car gaping at her back. Left in complete shock.

I blink a couple of times before getting out of the car.

My eyes twitch as I look at my now stained windshield and grimace.

"Why?" I mean I totally understand where she's coming from, but seriously? Throw your coffee which you spent money on is just a waste. Worst thing is that it's probably going to be sticky and I'm going to have to spend time -which I don't have- washing the fricking windshield.

Just great.

After some time of grieving over my poor car. I get in and that's when I notice my phone which I completely forgot about with five missed calls from my father.

I frantically grab my phone and dial my father's number hoping I don't die today.

"Sam Williams"

I gulp. I'm sure we all know that when a parent says your full name. You're in deep shit.

"Yes, sir"

"You're late"

"Yes, I'm aware. I-" I was about to tell him my great excuse for being late -which isn't that I slept in because of a headache from last night's party- but he cut me off.

"I don't want to hear any of your excuses now, or ever as a matter of fact. I'm just calling to let you know that you'll have to spend extra time at the free clinic today"

"Wha.. but dad my schedule is super packed today I don't think.. hello?"

Yep. He cut the line.

So let me tell you a little bit about my beautiful relationship with my father.

It's non-existent.

For him, I'm just a mere inconvenience in his life. He's never been pleased by any of my efforts, and he's never been proud of me, I've always been the disappointment of his life, which made me strive to gain his praise. And now, I work in his hospital, the job he always wanted for me, being the person he always wanted me to be.

I need therapy.

I run my hand through my hair in frustration and express how I feel with some colourful language I won't add because I'm trying to be nice here, then I start the ignition and head to the hospital.

I pass by the receptionist's desk hoping she doesn't see me and start making my way to my office.

"Oh! Sam!" she calls while rushing after me "I almost forgot to tell you that today you'll have to stay back for a couple of hours in the free clinic, orders from above"

"I am aware of that. Thanks." I curtly reply and start walking a little faster not wanting to speak anymore as it would just take more of my time which as I mentioned earlier, I don't have.

But of course, that was too much to ask, since I didn't even manage to take three more steps before I found myself stopping in my tracks and turning my head to the little manicured hand holding my arm.

Jenny Jenny Jenny. Apparently someone doesn't know much about personal space.

I slowly moved my gaze to meet Jenny's eyes and raised one eyebrow trying to get her to explain why she's trying to exacerbate my current headache.

I have nothing against the girl. But seriously. If she wants to chat. She's chosen the wrong person.

Jenny immediately dropped her hand, lowered her gaze and her cheeks reddened slightly.

"Uh. I was... well" she shook her head "I was just wondering if you would like to join me and my friends for dinner tomorrow after work" she smiled risking a glance my way.

"I don't know, I might have some plans" I lied.

"Oh come on Sam. It'll be fun. Just let me know if you change your mind, you still got my number right?"

"Yes, yes I'll call to let you know"

"Well then see you later"

After a couple of appointments, I had a gap where I was supposed to have my lunch, but of course since I'm technically punished, I headed to the free clinic so I could cross off some patients from the list I had to be done with by the end of the day.

"Hello Miss Rodriguez, I'm Dr Sam Williams and I'm going to be taking care of you today"

My bored expression totally wiped once I looked at my patient.

The short red wine haired girl.
