How is our Kingdom-preaching work organized?

Shortly before his death, Jesus announced: "This good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:14) But how would this global preaching work be accomplished? By following the pattern Jesus set when he was on earth.--Luke 8:1.

We try to contact people at their homes. Jesus trained his disciples to preach the good news from house to house. (Matthew 10:11-13; Acts 5:42; 20:20) Those first-century evangelizers were assigned specific territories in which to preach. (Matthew 10:5, 6;2 Corinthians 10:13) Similarly today, our preaching work is well-organized, and each congregation is given an assigned area to cover. This enables us to fulfill Jesus' command to "preach to the people and to give a thorough witness." --Acts 10:42.

We endeavour to reach people wherever they can be found. Jesus also set the example by preaching to people in public places, such as along the seashore or by a community well. (Mark 4:1; John 4:5-15) We too engage people in conversations about the Bible wherever we can_on the streets, in business places, in parks, or over the telephone. We also witness to our neighbours, workmates, classmates, wattpad mates ;-) and relatives when we have an appropriate opportunity. All these combined efforts have made it possible for millions of people earth wide to hear "the good news of salvation."--Psalm 96:2.

Can you think of someone with whom you would like to share the good news of God's Kingdom and what that news means for their future? Do not keep this message of hope to yourself. Share it with them as soon as you can!
