23 ~ Evolution Epilogue~

Back in Spain, fans celebrated their champion's victory.

Valt had to prepare for future challenges, so the training got more intense.

It was probably time for them all to get even stronger to keep up with Valt.


He looked up.

"You left someone in the room"

She opened her hand in which Fafnir lay.

"I thought you were going to train now that you're allowed to again"

He didn't say anything and just looked at the bey in her hand.

"Take him. After all he belongs to you"

"I no longer have the right to be Fafnir's partner..."

"Why do you say something like that?"

"I let him down..."

She looked at the yellow bey.

"Fafnir doesn't give up on you...He wants to be stronger and he can only do that with you by his side. So don't give up hope. You can still get this far together. Don't give up on yourself and believe in yourself, exactly like Fafnir does"

"I can understand that you mean well..."

"Just listen closer"

She gave him his bey and he looked at him.

>Free...< He looked at the golden dragon. //...Fafnir...is it really you?// >Were you expecting someone else?< //...Honestly...I wasn't expecting anyone...// There was silence between the two. //...I'm sorry, Fafnir...I let you down...I thought if I gave you everything I have, you could become incredibly strong// >But not like this! If we build a resonance, we can become much stronger. You and me together. Don't give up, because you still have a lot of potential, Free. You just have to find it< //And you would still want to be my partner?// >It is you alone who can make us stronger. I will support you as best I can. I chose you because I felt something in you and that something still lies dormant deep inside you. Now that you know what Beyblade really means to you, you can set it free and get even stronger. Don't give up, Free< He closed his eyes for a moment. //You are right Fafnir. I want to get stronger and I want to get stronger with you by my side! // >So be it then<

"Fight me!"

Free had stood up and was looking at Algería.

She was a little surprised as Free had never been so energetic.

"I want to feel that feeling again...that fun you always talked about"

"Sure, let's fight"

The two lined up at the arena.

"3,2,1 Let it rip"

Their beys landed in the arena and an intense battle began. Fuerza and Fafnir hit each other. "Now Fafnir. Nothing Break" Fafnir attacked Fuerza with his special move and the red bey slammed into the rim. "Hold on, Fuerza" Fuerza bounced off the gang and raced towards Fafnir. "Ultimate Flame Shoot" This time Fuerza attacked and Fafnir slammed into the rim. But also like Fuerza, he recovered and they attacked each other again and it seemed like the battle would never end. "Exactly! Give it all to Fuerza!" Free looked at her. Algería looked pretty happy, although it wasn't looking too good for her. Fuerza finally stopped short of Fafnir to lie down. "That was really close! How about another round?" Algería took Fuerza out of the arena. "Okay" Free took Fafnir and spun him to his starter. "Hey" Free looked at her. "It's fun when it's about nothing, isn't it?" Free wasn't really convinced yet.

They held another battle, and another, and more. Although Algería rarely won and with ring out finishes or survivor finishes, she still had a lot of fun doing it. "Go Fuerza! Give it your all!" "Don't hold back, Fafnir." Algería looked at him. Free suddenly looked so happy. He met her gaze and smiled. "Beyblade is really a lot of fun, isn't it?" Algería was a bit surprised, but she quickly started smiling again. "Yeah, it's always fun with friends." Fafnir stayed where he was. "I think I get it" "What do you mean?" "What beyblade is really about" The girl nodded. "That's good" Free took his bey. "One more round?" "Sure, but don't overexert yourself" "I'll be careful"

The two got into position.

"3,2,1 Let it rip"

Their beys landed in the arena and another battle began...
