Chapter 6

I am awoken from my nap by Alfred at around one thirty for lunch.

I sit down at the table at an empty seat beside Tim and Jason. Dick and Wayne are on the other end while Bruce is at the head. Alfred brings out food and places it in the middle of the table.

I grab only meat from the middle as I am so tired of eating nothing but fruit. I grab chicken, and steak, leaving out the salad.

"So," Bruce begins. "Maple how have you been enjoying the manor?" I fucking hate it. I have so much shit I need to get done and I cant even leave this place. I cant use a computer to see if Slade is in jail or not. Also your son is also an asshole who gets triggered over children's books. I would love to say that, but I have class.

"Its fine"

"Well that is good to hear. Have you tried the gym yet?"

"No" I say while continuing to eat. His deep voice is totally Batman's. I swear they are the same person.

"Do you enjoy working out?" Tim asks. I don't know one person on the planet that enjoys working out for the sake of working out.

"Not really but I do it anyways"

"Why do you do it then?"

"I don't really know. To be healthy I guess?" I say continuing to eat. I work out everyday because I'm forced to, or was, but they don't need to know that. Though I may wanna start lifting  weights to build up some muscle.

"So," Dick try's to make small talk, "What do you like to do in your spare time?"

"I don't really know. I haven't had any spare time recently"

"You said you know piano, do you enjoy it?" Bruce asks.

"Sometimes, but not really"

"Are you even any good at it?" Wayne joins.

"I used to be, but it was only because I was forced to play"

"Your family are musicians?"

"No. They just wanted to set me on the right path"

"And yet you still chose the wrong one"

"Well life doesn't always go the way we planned"

"You could at least try to do good"

"If only It were that simple"

"How is it not?"

"Unlike you I was not fortunate enough to grow up around decent people. I don't get as much entitlement and privilege as you do" I spell out for him. The silence is incredibly uncomfortable and frustrating to me, but life could be worse. Seriously though if this cocky kid thinks everyones life goes perfectly as planned he must be out of his mind

"Have you ever smoked Alvarez?" Wayne interrogates.


"Because your voice sounds as if a heroine addict inhaled twenty cigarets worth of smoke" What a bitch.

"And your voice sounds as if a pre-pubescent donkey got hit in the throat by tracker and fuc-"

"Profanity" Bruce interjects.

"I know a lot of people with voices like Maple's" Says Jason. "Some people just naturally have really raspy voices"

"Just like some people sound like nine year olds even though their what? Fifteen?" Tim smirks.

"I am fourteen. You should know that Drake, and for the record I do not sound like a nine year old!"

"Well...." I mumble under my breath.

"You're dodging the question. Have you ever smoked? I am not living under the same roof as an addict of any kind" I bet that at least two people at the table have smoked heavily, and one has tried hard drugs. I feel Jason would try judging by the vibe he gives off.

"You don't need to know that"

"So you have. I recon you aren't the type to smoke cigarettes. You seem more like you would be a drug addict of some sort"

"So what I've tried drugs here and there? That doesn't make me an addict."

"So you admit it! What drugs did you try and how did you get them when you are underage so I can get the dealer arrested?"

"Thats a really intricate question" If Damian Wayne is Robin I guess it would make sense to try and get information from me about crime. Key word: try.


"Doesn't matter. I'm done eating. The food was delicious by the way" I finish, while taking my plate to the sink and begin washing it. They all sure don't need to know what kind of drugs i've messed around with in the past.

"No need to wash your dish Miss Alvarez, next time just leave it at the table"

"Please, call me Maple and I don't mind doing it. Plus I'm pretty much done." I say putting the plate to the side.

"Did you enjoy the food?"

"Yes, it was wonderful"

"That is most pleasant to hear. Have you been enjoying your stay at the manor so far?"

"I guess yeah. Its better than where I lived before"

"The Wayne Manor is quite lavish"

"Yeah. How does anyone even get the money to build something like this?" I wonder.

"Master Bruce inherited his fortune from his parents"

"Where are they?"

"They were unfortunately killed one night when he was a child"

"Oh. Thats so sad" And to know I have orphaned so many children. Its a sad thought. My mother died because of natural causes but had someone killed her instead I would be furious. I'd probably waste my entire life trying to find her killer even though I never knew her. "I'll be in my room. Thank you for the food Alfred"

"Its my pleasure"

Its around two o'clock now. At ten I will leave to go get my bag. I might have a scanner inside of it so it should be helpful. I don't think I'm gonna run away yet because Batman said he would be watching me and I assume he's a good tracker as many people call him detective.

The bag also has a computer and phone that I assembled and programmed myself so they cant be hacked into. with them, I can do some research on Slade and the Waynes. I am already pretty sure that Bruce Wayne is Batman, but I cant bring it up without being sure. If he is Batman, then it gives me the opportunity to talk to him and ask him what the fuck is going on.

It is really dangerous for me to be living with Bruce Wayne. He seems like an important person who is well known. If I am seen with him it gives away my location to Slade and other enemies I have. Even if I am seen as Maple, quite a few people have seen my face and have betrayed me.

For now, I will just meditate. That way I can release all my stress and take a pause at life.

—Time skip—

When I wake up from my daze its eleven twelve, I mediated longer than I wanted to. Now I know for a fact that Batman and Robin will be out because last night I was seen by them at around this time.

I walk out of my room carefully and I don't hear a single sound filling the manor. There isn't any snores, no ones on a phone, nothing. Its probably because they are all on patrol right now if my theory is correct.

I decide not to go out the back because that's just a lot harder, and I instead go out the front door.

I climb over the tall fence surrounding the front of the manor but instantly regret it. I fall to the ground the moment they touch me and see burns forming in my hands. The fence is made of iron. Fuck.

I'm all wet now from the puddles covering the ground. More reason as to why I need to get my bag.

I take a different approach to escaping and see a lock. It looks easy to pick so I take out my earring and begin to pick at the lock delicately. It cracks open and I kick the gate open with my foot so I don't burn myself even more. Its a small burn and luckily isn't anything to big but it still hurts really bad. The burn only covers one of my palms and it was the one that was already injured when I was fighting Slade.

As I walk I try to make my way to the west side of Gotham, the bad side. That is where my family and I used to live in together before I fucked up big time.

After about an hour of walking I make it. Its dusty and abandoned. No one lives in this neighbourhood anymore by the looks of things. The old piano is untouched and the kitchen tile floors are stained with blood from all the times Slade came here and tried to take my family away from me.

I find my old room, the one I used to share with my twin sister Isabella. I hope that Slade is in prison because if he is then I am definitely going to try and see my brothers and sisters again in person.

I find the bag and immediately shove my hand inside, hoping to get a scanner. I have to think of an object for it to come to my hand as it is bottomless. The bag is linked to me so only I can see its bottomless. To other people it looks like it is filled with gym cloths and school text books, like I'm a regular student attending school.

Luck must have finally chosen my side because I find a scanner. I think its the one that was lent to me a while ago by Talia al Ghul. Even though she is evil, I have decided to be on good terms with her so that I can get her help when I need it. It would also be pretty stupid to be on bad terms with a person like her.

I scan both my arms and it picks up a tracking device in my forearm. I have no idea how Slade even got that in there without me knowing.

I take out an exacto knife and tweezers then I carefully slit my arm. It stings but I keep my pain silent so I don't draw any attention to myself. I see it flowing in my blood down but I ignore it for now and use the tweezers to try and find the tracker. I swirl them around until I find it and eventually grab onto a coin sized chip.

Before cleaning my arm or doing anything I take the knife and crush the tracker. Even though Slade has probably already knows where I am, I wont take an chances.

I then wrap my arm with a bandage leaving my sleeve up, and leave the abandoned house I use to call home.

I hear catcalls towards me and police sirens everywhere but ignore the unwanted sounds. Instead, I pay attention to the sweet smell that comes after a rainy day. The nice grassy humid scent fills the corrupt city and I enjoy it for the little time that I will. Unless I sneak out again tomorrow.

On the way back to the manor I sit on a tall building and look over Gotham. I wonder how this place got so bad in the first place. How its littered with thieves, rapists, and drug dealers. Not to mention super villains who try to accomplish lord knows what. I wonder what gives people the urge to do bad things in the first place. I have my reasons for making bad choices, but what about Slade? "What reason does he have to be going around doing nothing positive for the world?" I accidentally mumble aloud.

"I wonder the same thing about most criminals" I jump and reach into my bag for a gun but I realize its just Nightwing and Robin. At least its not someone trying to kill me.

"Shouldn't you be like, doing the whole vigilante thing?" I lower my gun and putting it back into my bag.

"Shouldn't you be at the Wayne Manor?" Robin responds.

"I had some stuff I needed to do"

"Like what, go around killing more innocent people? I don't know why the others have any faith in you" Geez what an asshole. Wouldn't be surprised if I was right about Damian Wayne and Robin.

"I had to go get a bag"

"Why?" Nightwing asks.

"Well first of all I don't have any cloths that fit me, secondly the main reason I snuck out was to get a scanner"

"What did you need a scanner for?"

"Slade put a tracker in my arm. I needed to take it out before he found my location."

"By Slade you mean Deathstroke correct?" Robin asks.

"No I mean the magic dragon"

"So why did he put a tracker in your arm?"

"I have been trying to leave him for the last seven years. Some failed attempts some successful. I assume that about a month ago he put a tracker in me so I wouldn't be able to get away again"

"Why? Do you not want to be his apprentice?"

"You were there when Batman was interrogating me you know"

"I was focussing on making sure you wouldn't escape. Now answer the question"

"I was told that if I don't be his apprentice then my family would be killed"

"Robin this is information we already know, you just don't like to listen to anyone. What I would like to know is that if Slade had a tracker in you, how has he not found you yet?"

"You mean he isn't in jail?" Shit. I was really rooting for Batman and them, they literally had one job. ONE JOB.

"No, I am certainly not"


Hehe a cliff hanger
