Grace POV

                            I was glad that everything was better between us. I had a total of one person who would always be there to understand now. Our friendship is always there.
                           Noah came to me while I was walking to my next class. "You are beautiful did you know that?" He sounds charming and I want to flake for him so badly, but there is something behind his words that makes me feel like he doesn't mean it or he wants somehting because he told me I was pretty.
                             "Thanks," I said trying to not sound amused but it came out more like I was dazed and under a spell.
                             When the bell rang before lunch I headed out the door. I was suddenly stopped in front of the lockers by Brenda. This is the longest I have gone without her torture. I saw Noah round the corner and we locked eyes and then he went back to where he came from. I was confused fused but that immediately went away when I felt a hand soap me across the face and the everyone stopped what they were doing to look.
                            The side of my face burned and I couldn't muster up something to say.
                            "Brenda," a voice I could only place on Nick said angrily. "You should probably stop beating up other girls."
                              The girl who just slapped me smiled. "Why's that handsome?" Brenda flirted.
                              Nick bit his lip. "Why? Because it is wrong. Grace is a good person. She has something you don't and that is a heart. She can love people who don't have a reputation for the guy that every girl wants to date. Grace will say sorry to you for not doing anything wrong and yet you won't apologise for everything you have ever done against her. Can you even think for yourself or do you need the kids in school to take a vote so you know what they want you to do so that you get their attention?" Nick argued.
                              I had someone and I didn't know what I could do without him.
                               Brenda smirked. "If she is so great how come you are here and not her boyfriend."
                              "Noah's a jerk," he told her as if it was nothing. I didn't know what Noah Nick saw I just hope he wasn't all too different from the one I saw.
                                 "So she's a good person but she's dating a jerk?" Brenda didn't seem to get how that could work but sometimes people are different then how you see them and maybe Noah is one of those cases.
                                  Nick nodded. "I wouldn't be thinking it's such a bad thing, though, if I were you. You might just be the jerk and I am sure you date the jerks."  Nick's statement left Brenda and everyone in the hallway in shock.  Nick just went to me and pulled me away from them.  "Are you okay?" He asked me once we were in the cafeteria sitting down and eating. Noah wasn't there but he left me a note I didn't open.
                                   I nodded.
                                 "C'mon Grace. I know you aren't. Remember how I was when a girl slapped me." He was trying and it was all it took for me to smile again.  He looked around, I didn't know who he was looking for. "Be careful with Noah, okay? I am not trying to get you mad at me, but beware of him. He doesn't always have good intentions," Nick warned me for some reason.
                                As I was lunch was ending I opened the note.
                           Meet me after school. I am busy until then.
                                      - Noah

