A Cabin in the Snow

(Pic by ariyamidai) (!warning blood and abuse!)

*Crunch Crunch Crunch* the fresh snow under the young boy's feet made such a nice noise. USSR loved to run around after it had just snowed, it was exciting and yet peaceful. His father would sometimes take him to the forest so that he could play in the fresh Russian snow. USSR never came out hear alone, untell today.

He ran not enjoying his time outside, not playing in the snow, but running away from home. Blood trickled down the side of his face threatening to hide the golden symbol that adorned it. he knew better than to speak out against his father, but he felt he had no choice, those people where hungry what was he supposed to do let them starve?! 

"Those with the money can get whatever they need if they don't have money they simply need to work harder" that was Empire Russia's philosophy.

"but that's the problem, the people who are working don't get the money for there work. they work hard and don't get to reap the benefits of there labor. if we could change that fact than maybe..." he was cut off by a blow to his head. his father scabbard cut into his skull. The young boy fell to the floor. his father walked away telling him to think about what he just said. 

I know I'm right, people are good, and if given the chance they will do the right thing. It was cold out, and USSR had forgotten to grab his coat. A long-sleeved turtleneck was all that protected his upper body from the cold. suddenly he saw it, smoke. thank god, smoke means fire, fire means warmth. He ran towards the source as fast as his legs could carry him.

*nock nock nock nock* USSR patiently waited untell a lovely young woman answered the door. 

"may I help you?" she asked.

"um...yes...um my name is USSR"

"oh, your our country's son!" 

"um...yes I need a place to stay, I'm cold and I saw the smoke and..." She cut him off.

"Oh yes, of course, come on in." she led the boy over to the fire so he could warm himself. "I know the place is small, especially compared to your house in Moscow, but it's home to us"

"Us?" USSR asked.

"Myself, my husband Ilya, and our daughter Anna. oh, I'm Maria by the way," she said walking into the kitchen.

"Oh, of course, a woman as beautiful as you, it would be wrong for you NOT have a husband" he looked over and saw an infant in a crib. Must be Anna.

"hehe your such a sweet little boy hear." she came back into the room caring a bowl of soup.

"oh thank you Mis. Maria!" the boy said happily accepting it. she was about to say your welcome when the door opened. a tall man with a large beard entered the cabin. USSR presumed it to be Ilya. Maria ran over and greeted her husband and explained why USSR was here.

"well it's an honor to have the Empire's son in our home," Ilya said.

"it's an honor to be here," he responded.

The older man grabbed a book off the shelf and sat down next to the young boy. USSR recognized the book, it being one he had read over and over and over again, the communist manifesto. he was shocked, to think he had found a nice couple who shared his world view, it was astonishing. it wasn't long untell the two of them were talking politics and agreeing on all that they said, it was amazing. 

soon the day turned to night and after a nice meal, USSR fell asleep at the house of Ilya Ulyanov and Maria Alexandrovna Ulyanova. The date was November 19th, 1864.

(hey author hear, thanks for reading this. I'm sorry for any typos I'm not the best speller. this is rooted in some history, I am a history buff after all however, I have taken some creative liberties. I hope you liked this.)
