Chapter 18

A/N: Hey guys!I just made a new book!You guys can read it if you want!

God POV:

I helped Beary untie the others.Dont know what was going on in Missbubble's mind,but at least we are in Less danger.I grabbed the wrench and went down to the exit.As I used the wrench on the box,I heard footsteps behind me.Guessing it was just somebody,I didn't mind it.
"Hey uh,Have you seen like a cam of gas?" I asked not looking back.I didn't get any response.I turned around to see A person with a yellow suit.
I gasped and then ran past him.I could've died I guess.And wow,luck is somewhat ok my side,I found a can of gas.I picked it up and ran back to a tank.I filled it with the gas and it moved forward,crushing the fence gate.It then stopped,out of fuel.
I found a fire extinguisher and put the fire out. "Guys!The exit is opened!"I shouted.Soon the others came.

Akasuki POV:

I woke up,sitting on a...Chair?I couldn't move.I looked around and saw I was in some sort of lab.
I then was a familiar person,their wings bouncing the same time they took a step.They then ran to me and hugged me. "Onee-san!Welcome back!"Iku said shielding and snuggling on my neck. "Iku,what's going on?" I asked.She smiled and took out a potion? "Hey,see this?Mr potato man gave it to me" she said smiling."Oh uh,that's great,what are you going to do?" I asked,kind of scared what she night do next.
She giggled and looked at me.
"Well,This is a cure Mr potato gave me!You'll be human like me!I mean...Im dead so uh I guess you'll be like....Y/N?" she explained.
"Iku,I'm already human,I don't need a potion to fix me or whatever"I said starting to het annoyed.
"Onee-San,did you forget you were infected?You silly billy!" She smiled.
She then took the potion and forcefully shoved it in my mouth.
I gagged as the liquid ran down my throat.Tears were coming down from my eyes.When the last bit of the potion was gone,Iku threw it somewhere. "How do you feel?"Iku asked.I didn't want to respond.
"Onee-San,give me a answear!"She shouted."I feel nothing" I said.
"Oh?Nothing?Hmmm.He said you should feel...Eh I forgot,anyways Your back to normal!" Iku announced. She skipped behind me and untied the ropes. "Onee-San!Can we play Hide and seek?" She asked.
"Iku!Don't you see the world is being destroyed and there are monsters everywhere!God who knows where they came from!?"I shouted.
Iku looked broken,it was my first time yelling at her.I walked towards a exit before I saw something.
"Sushi?Y/N!"I shouted running towards them.They were unconscious.I sighed as I untied them.
I then started to have a headache,but not like small ones,big ones.
I grabbed my hair and fell down.The sound,this strange sound is so loud!
I then opened my eyes but everything looked red.I then grabbed a nearby metal pipe and walled towards the two body. "Akasuki!Stop!" Shouted a familiar voice.I turned around.
"Akasuki!Can you hear me?!"Doggy shouted.I then ran at his direction but tripped and fell.I tried getting up but fell down again and again.

Sheepy POV:

"Wait guys!She's infected!" I said while watching Akasuki failing to stand.She looked more pale.
She had glowing teal eyes and back liquid wouldn't stop dripping from her eyes."Wait,No way she did" Dolly whispered.She then ran somewhere,leaving us."Dolly Wait!"
Bunny said."Where is she going?" George asked.I shrugged.
"Wait...Why are...You here?Where is...Zizzy and Pony?" Akasuki stuttered.We all looked at each other and sighed."When George came here,he was followed by a bunch of infected so Zizzy and Pony said they will take care of them" Elly explained.
Her eyes widened as she sat still.
"Why did you guys leave them there!?"She shouted. "It's my fault,if I hadn't come here,maybe they wouldn't be out fighting" George said.
"Oh don't worry,it isn't your fault" Akasuki smiled.Bunny ran to her to support her as she stood.
"Let's go find the others!" Foxy said.
We all nodded and decided to find something."Well,look what we have here" said a familiar voice.
We all turned our eyes and saw Talid.
"Wait?Talid!" God shouted.
She sighed."Well,I'm sorry,but I think you guys needs to be stopped,and of course, that will be my job" she smiled.Behind her back emerged two people.We all gasped to see Y/N and Sushi in a round black ball.
"I would like to see you try" Doggy spat.Talid smiled as her arm turned into somewhat a gun.
"I'll try,but it isn't just me going to fight you" she said,as another two shadow emerged.My eyes widen as they stepped closer.
"Badgy?Billy?"I whispered.
