Fallin' In Love?

That evening, I was sitting on my bed while Wednesday was in the bathroom. I just looked at my phone with nothing to do.

(the pov part is inspired by theguythathatesbooks, read his story i enjoyed it lmao)

Wednesday POV:
I went to brush my teeth in the bathroom as I looked at my phone and saw a message by Enid. Y/N was sitting on his bed so there's no way he took Enid's phone. I decided to check it when I was done so I quickly got ready and sat on my bed reading it.

                         annoying wolf

What is it?

                                            We found a
                               new cafe and the food                                
                                            looks so good!

I dont want to meet up.
Stop trying.
                                             Just this once!

Fine! Whatever. Stop whining.
What time?.
                                             Yay!! 3PM tmr
Uhh. Works.

                                            Okay!!! Bye GN
I figured I made a dumb decision so there wasnt any turning back. I couldn't stand the thought of being With Enid at some cafe so I unfortunately had to ask Y/N to come.

'Y/N!' I called his name.

'What?' He put his phone down and asked.

'Do you- uhm.' I stuttered.
Why did I stutter..?

He got up and walked up to me and my cheeks turned red. He was really close to my face and I was about to pass out.

'You're too.. close..' I said nervously. He realized how near me he got and quickly moved away.

'Sorry, sorry! What did you wanna tell me?' He asked changing the topic.

'Enid texted me and asked me if I wanted to go to the cafe tomorrow. I searched a bit and it's called Weathervane.' I asked looking at my phone which I was gifted before.

He smirked and said.. 'Are you asking me out on a date?'

'No! Don't make a big deal out of it. I don't like you.' I said.

'Whatever you say. I would love to.' He said in a half joke.

Y/N pov:
I was glad to be able to spend time with Wednesday. Maybe I did catch feelings for her. Maybe I can't run away from it.

I went to the bathroom to shower and when I got back Wednesday was sitting at her typewriter. And now I'm feeling Deja Vu from.. that moment. I sat on my bed and scrolled through my phone a while.

'Why aren't you going to sleep?' I asked her. It was about 12am.

'Because I'm not tired.' She asked me even if it seemed like she was.

I rolled my eyes. I got up to grab my headphones from the drawer and started watching YouTube videos. Soon enough, it was 2am and I looked over to see Wednesday fallen asleep on her chair. I gently picked her up and put her on her bed then covered her with a blanket.
I'm pretty sure I was smiling too.
I honestly wasn't tired at all so I decided to take a walk. I was listening to music while walking and stopped to sit on a bench. I was bored and had nothing to do. One of my hobbies was digital art so I grabbed an ipad and an apple pen from my bag. I did some doodles of Wednesday since I couldn't stop thinking about her. As I was done I checked my phone. 3am. It was like a horror movie here. It was dark and silence filled the park. Usually people can't fall asleep without sound but this made me tired enough that I fell asleep on the bench. I woke up that morning at 6am and realized where I fell asleep.
'I doubt Wednesday woke up. Even if she did she wouldn't worry about me I guess.' I got up and grabbed my bag. I was quite hungry so I decided to visit that cafe early. As I got there I was greeted by a brown haired, smiling guy with a work uniform behind the counter.

'Welcome to Weathervane!' He said in a friendly way. Something was off about him to me though. No matter how kind he sounded he doesnt seem as kind as he makes it seem.

'Would you like anything?' He asked me keeping his smile.

'A regular coffee. I'm sleep deprived and in a hurry so get it done quickly.' I said.

'No worries. I got you.' He responded getting right on it.
As I was looking for something to eat on the menu I saw a familiar figure walk by. I had no idea if it was the right time to approach it or not. Then they entered the coffee shop. I hid my face behind the menu because I would probably be in trouble, then I heard something that made me collapse on the inside.

'Hello Wednesday. How are you?' The cashier asked her. Wednesday. Wednesday entered. It made me furious. Who does he think he is talking to my future wife like that?!

'How do you think, idiot.?' She asked him in her usual monotone voice. She didnt seem to like him but its how she is to everyone else.
