Meany Dean!!

Dean's point of view :

Seamus, I called to my best friend, who was returning from the library that very evening. Hi Dean, said Seamus as he gave me a brotherly hug. You won't believe what I did. I exclaimed. Dean, you're exclaiming as if you have put Ginny under the imperious curse, said Seamus jokingly. He turned around to see me and I had a grin on my face. You did not! He screamed, as he began running towards Harry, who was coming out of the great hall with Ron.

Ron's point of view:

I had a very delicious dinner in the great hall with Harry, while Hermione was studying in the library. Harry was giving me a few tips to get rid of Lavender. I actually got annoyed with her. While we were talking, we saw Seamus running towards us, closely followed by Dean. HARRY! Seamus shouted as he was panting. Woah! mate calm down, said Harry patiently. HARRY, HAVE YOU NOTICED SOMETHING DIFFERENT ABOUT GINNY!!!! IS SHE ACTING WEIRD??! Said Seamus as he was still panting. Dean was sweating. I was quite suspicious that Dean must have done something. I think I have noticed, Ginny was acting a bit weird, said Harry in a worried tone. IT IS BECAUSE DEAN HAS PUT HER UNDER THE IMPERIUS CURSE MATE! Said Seamus. Now I couldn't control myself, I quickly wanted to lift Dean by the collar and smash him into the wall, but Harry was quicker.

Harry's point of view :

I couldn't control myself and quickly lifted Dean by the collar and pinned him to the wall. I was soon followed by Ron, he began punching and kicking Dean to death. Even I slapped him and kicked him as much as I wanted, but Ron was literally about to kill him. I held Ron and told him that we have to get some information, to cure Ginny. And then Ron stopped. My blood was boiling and wanted to kill Dean, but instead, I just smashed his head once into the wall and asked him AT WHAT TIME DID YOU PUT THE CURSE ON GINNY?!! The monster buried inside my chest was about to come out, but Dean spoke. 9 AM this morning he said as he was barely breathing. I quickly turned to Ron and asked him to hold Dean and follow me to the common room. As we entered the common room, Ginny was still studying. I was quite surprised to see her commitment to her studies. Ginny? I said with a trembling voice. Yeah, Harry? she replied. We need to go and see Dumbledore, now. At this hour? she asked. Yes, at this hour I replied. To my delight, she didn't notice Dean. We reached Dumbledore's office. And he cured Ginny. Dean has been sent to Azkaban for using an unforgivable curse. And finally, Ginny said yes to my Hogsmeade date! I still couldn't believe that Ginny had been studying that much without the imperious curse. I mean, I thought Dean might have imperieised her to study for that long. Well, Iam happy, that I got "my Ginny" back.
