The whole two hours of classes didn't go well for Yeonjun. All he could think of was Beomgyu and how Beomgyu looks at the new boy with those heart eyes. Negative thoughts start to cloud his mind and it starts to annoy him. The bell finally rang signalling it was time for their break. He abruptly stood up and went out of the room without waiting for his friends. The three who were left behind got confused by the sudden behavior of the older. Beomgyu, who knew Yeonjun more than anyone, ran after him. He cought up with the older boy and held his arm.

"Hyung, are you okay? Where are you going? Aren't you eating with us?" Beomgyu asked.

"H-huh? Oh yeah. I was on my way to the cafeteria actually." Yeonjun tensed up a little bit. This made Beomgyu giggle as he found the older cute.

"Silly hyung. Are you really okay? The cafeteria is in the other way around."

"Oh I-"

"Nah it's okay hyung. You're just hungry. I know you can't resist food. Come on let's go those two were probably waiting for us." And with that, Beomgyu held his hand and dragged him to the cafeteria.

"Urghh what took you guys so long? My precious bread is already waiting for me." Soobin said as soon as his friends arrived at their table.

"Well hello to you too Soobin hyung, sorry we're late. Mr grumpy here almost forgot the way to the cafeteria." Beomgyu said pointing at Yeonjun.

"Hey I didn't forget the way, I was just, thinking about something." Yeonjun said.

"Oh really now?? I don't think it's something, i think it's more of a someone." Hueningkai said wiggling his eyebrows.

Yeonjun just rolled his eyes and went in line to get food for them. When he returned, Soobin quickly got ahold of his bread and ate it like hungry bunny. Hueningkai just drank his grape juice and then there's Beomgyu, eating his fav bittersweet combo, churos and iced americano. Yeonjun didn't feel like eating that's why he didn't get anything for himself. Beomgyu being the observant boy he is, quickly took notice.

"Hyung why aren't you eating?? That's the first."

"Nah I don't feel like it."

"Want some?" Beomgyu said handing him his churos.

"Gyu I swear I'm fine" Yeonjun declined.

"Oh come on hyung just one bite. Pretty please." Beomgyu said with pleading eyes and only God knows how much this affected Yeonjun. Damn how can you be so cute? Yeonjun thought.

"Fine. Just one bite." Yeonjun finally agreed.

"Yey say aaahh"

Yeonjun slowly opened his mouth and bit the churos that was in front of his lips.

"There." Beomgyu smiled victoriously knowing that he won again.

"Ehem-ehem... Did you just forget that we are still here?" Soobin said as he looked disgusted of the sight in font of him.

"Oh God just date already." Kai added making the males blush.

"Hello everyone!!"

Beomgyu's POV

Ahh here we go again. Seo Hayoung. The most annoying girl to ever exist. I don't know why she hates me so much. Heck I didn't even do anything to her. All I know is that she has a huge crush on Yeonjun. There's this one time where she told me to stay away from Yeonjun. I don't understand why she's so mad cause as far as I know, Yeonjun and I are best friends. Nothing more.

"Hello everyone, and Good morning to you Yeonjun oppa" She said with the most annoying voice.

"What's good in the morning if you're already here ruining it." Yeonjun replied in the coldest tone and maintaining his blank expression.

Beomgyu scoffed at that statement making Hayoung glare at him.

"Hey you! You think that's funny?" She said with pure anger and gritting teeth.

"Technically yes. Especially when you're the one getting roasted in front of me." Beomgyu replied while chuckling.

"How dare you, you little-"

She was about to hit Beomgyu when someone was quick enough to hold her wrist.

"Try hitting him once and I'll make you regret." Yeonjun said staring daggers at the girl in front of him.

"But he-"

"Shut that filthy mouth of yours if you know what's best for you and get out of here." Yeonjun cut her off.

"Aiishh..." Too afraid to fight back, she went out murmuring nonsense things.

"Damn you snapped" Soobin praised him.

"Serves her right." Yeonjun smirked.

They finished their food and went back to their perspective classrooms.

The rest of the day went by smoothly. The bell rang for dismissal and the four boys quietly packed their stuff and went out. Beomgyu was the last who came out cause he always want his belongings to be neat clean. He walked with Yeonjun through the hallways. As they were about to head out the school gate, someone held onto Beomgyu's wrist causing him to stop on his tracks and turned around. When he turned around, he was met with those familiar doe eyes. His heart immediately started to beat fast. He probably was a blushing mess at this point.

