Chapter 29 - Recovery & Executions

I woke up in fear at the sound of bombs exploding not too far from where we were. Looking around at everyone else, I noticed Peeta cuffed around a pole, obviously having chose to be handcuffed because he was worried about hurting any of us. I remembered the comforting feeling of his hands running through my hair before exhaustion and blood loss over came me, putting me into a deep sleep that was disturbed by the shelling of the outskirts or perhaps closer.

I groaned, a sharp flash of pain from my wound spread up my leg at the slightest movement.

Finnick, who's sleep had also been disturbed, immediately jumped up to help me sit up, grabbing a bottle of water for me to drink.

"What's going on?" I asked to the group.

"Mortar shells. It's not ours," Gale said, listening intensely from where he stood, "Peacekeepers must be shellin' the rebels outside the city."

"That's not outside the city," Cressida stated, almost ominously.

We all sat there for a moment, realising that this is it, the final moments of the war is happening, and either the rebels win, or everything will go back to the way it was before and more.


"Sun's comin' up," Gale announced to us, coming back down from the shop, Finnick having just finished tying of a new set of bandages on my leg, "There's some small-arms fire. Could be Paylor, maybe Lyme. Rebels are close."

"This is it," Cressida stated, and as soon as she did, the TV that was down in the storage room came to life with a mandatory viewing message.

"To all Capitol citizens more than a half mile outside the City Circle," Snow began.

"Asshole," I muttered under my breath, my best friend nodding in agreement. Oh thank goodness I had managed to spot that mutt before it could make its move, because I didn't know what I would do if I had lost Finnick yesterday.

"I am announcing a mandatory evacuation. Come to the mansion. I am promising you shelter and sanctuary. All refugees, come to my home. There you will be provided with food, medicine, safety for your children, and you will have my solemn oath to protect you until my dying breath," He stated, and I immediately had a bad feeling that something was going to happen with that many people gathered when the rebels were nearing.

"Wish he'd hurry up with that last part," Cressida said to the group.

"Our enemy is not like us. They do not share our values. They have never
known our comfort and our sophistication. And they despise us for it. Make no mistake. They are not coming to liberate us. They are coming to destroy our way of life. They are coming to bury us," Snow finished, and his face disappeared.

"Is he still in the mansion?" Katniss asked Peeta, whose eyes hadn't moved from where Snow's face previously was, "Peeta?"

He turned to look at her, "Yeah. I recognize the room."

Katniss unfolded a paper map that she had as a backup placing it on the floor infront of where she sat, "Where is that?"

"About five blocks away," Cressida said, leaning down to point out where everything was, "We're right here. Off the Avenues. Mansion's here."

"What about the pods?" Katniss questioned.

"They'll probably deactivate the pods around here for the residents' safety."

"That could work. I could get close enough."

"How?" I asked, "There will be security everywhere."

"Yeah," Gale agreed, "Every Peacekeeper's gonna be waiting."

"Next to our faces on every billboard."

"Snow's offering shelter to all the refugees," Katniss told us.

"You might be on to something," Finnick agreed, immediately picking up on what Katniss was proposing.


With great pain Finnick managed to help me up the stairs to the shop, Tigris having moved wooden chair into the front of the shop while we said goodbyes so I could sit down and not put and weight on my leg.

Katniss and Finnick were already dressed up in more Capitol suited clothes, Tigris bringing in a cloak for Gale while Cressida explained what the plan was.

"Head straight north. There's gonna be thousands of refugees. Just get into that stream and don't look up."

"We got one shot," Katniss looked to Gale and Finnick.

"Let's make it count," Gale stayed firmly.

"Let's do this," Finnick agreed.

"Be safe," I told Finnick as he walked over to me, kneeling down in front of me so he was at the same level as me.

"I always am."

"I'm serious, Finn," I took one of his hands, "You are my best friend and besides, Annie needs you too. So just try not to die."

"Okay," He nodded, "I'll try."

I smiled, and he stood back up, leaning down to give me a hug.

"I'll see you soon, and when I do, it will be a new Panem," He whispered in my ear, giving me a kiss on the cheek before standing back to let Gale give me a hug.

"Don't be stupid, don't be reckless, and try not to get yourself captured or killed, alright?" I told him sternly.

"Yes, ma'am."


We all turned our attention to Peeta and Katniss, "Katniss, let me come with you, okay? I can be a good distraction. They know my face."

"No, we're not losing you again."

"You'll be safer with us," Cressida told him.

"What if Peacekeeper's are searching the houses?" Gale added to the conversation, "And if he's captured..."

"Not a chance," I shook my head, "I'm not going to let that happen."

"I think there's very little you'd be able to do, y/n," Gale stated.

"Then give me a nightlock pill, okay? I'm not goin' back."

Katniss and Peeta turned to Gale, who reached up and got his nightlock pill, handing it to Peeta. Katniss then unlocked the cuffs, letting Peeta slide them off of his wrists. The two friends embraced, each muttering something to the other before separating. She quickly walked over, giving me a hug.

"Stay off that leg."

"Good luck."

"Ready, Katniss?" Gale asked.

"Let's go," She pulled up the hood to her blue coat, grabbing her weapon and hiding under a cloak like piece of fabric, her, Gale and Finnick walking out the door.

We stayed silent before Tigris spoke up, "Would you like to go through to the back? There's food and chairs through there."

"That would be wonderful, thank you, Tigris," Cressida nodded, and her and Peeta help me up from my chair, helping me towards the back room where there were much comfier chairs. The two placed my weak body down on an armchair with a footrest so I could elevate my leg, Peeta coming to sit on the side of a couch closest to me so he could hold my hand.

"Eat some food, y/n, and then rest," Cressida told me, and passed down a plate of some food that Tigris had put together while she made some drinks for the remaining four of us and herself.


"Y/n, wake up," Peeta nudged me, kissing my forehead as my eyes drowsily opened.

Once my vision cleared slightly I saw a couple of rebel medics standing next to me.

"Hello, miss," One of them says, "Is it alright if we look at your wound?"

I nodded slightly, trying to ignore how light my head felt while they got to work.


The past couple days were a blur, but the rebels succeeded in taking the Capitol. That's all I knew. I didn't know where Finnick, Katniss and Gale where, nor did I know anything about what happened that involved how the rebels won, or any events that took place after Peeta, Cressida, Pollux and I were left at the shop with Tigris.

The rebel medics had taken us all to a nearby base on the outskirts of the Capitol that was in an abandoned hospital to give us all the once over and get us out of the city while the fight took place.

There, they treated any wounds we had, stitched up my leg and used something that the Capitol had that could speed up the healing process. The Capitol had medicine that was more advanced than what I'd seen, but after all, I'd lived in District 12 for almost my whole life.

Coin had then apparently given an order that the Victors were to be given rooms in Snow's mansion to stay in while discussions were held and choices made about how to proceed with this new Panem. She also invited the film crew, or what was left of it, and Gale and I.

When I hobbled in on the crutches I was given to the room, I was shocked at how fancy it was, more so than the Capitol home we had broke into where we had to leave Jasper.

Jasper. I still had no idea if he was safe, if the rebels had got him or if Peacekeepers did.

Peeta helped me sit down on the bed that I immediately sank into.

"This is the most comfortable bed I've ever felt."

He chuckled, and took off my shoes, sitting me back up so he could take off my coat.

"I'm not entirely incapable," I told him.

"I know, I know," He said, hanging my coat up on a coat stand, before taking his off as well, walking over to help me under the covers, being mindful of my wound, which was already healing, thank goodness, and the doctors reckon it will be fully healed in another two days. Thank you advanced Capitol medicine.

Once I had layed down and in a comfortable position, Peeta gave me a kiss on my cheek, "I love you, remember?"

"I remember," I smiled, that smile then falling slightly as he went to walk out the door, "Where are you going?"

"My room is just across the hall."

"Stay with me?"

He smiled slightly, and nodded, taking off his shoes and coming to slide under the covers with me, letting me cuddle into his chest, one of his arms around my shoulders while the other fell naturally upon my waist, just like back in 12, after the games when we grew closer.

"Always," He mumbled in my ear, pressing a kiss to the top of my head.


I sat in the huge library that Snow had, reading one of the many books that filled the shelves when the door burst open and a tense Peeta walked in, immediately coming towards me and sitting down, fists clenched on the wooden table as he stared at a painting on the wall like he was going to murder it.

"Peeta?" I closed the book and placed it on the table, turning myself in my seat to properly face him, "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong is that Coin suggested a symbolic Hunger Games!" He stood up, turning away from me, "Y/n, this is how all of this started in the first place! And... And if Coin is thinking like that then how different can she be from Snow?"

I reached out a hand, taking his in mine while his back was still turned towards me, tugging at it until he sat down, "You're right, Peeta. You're right."

"She made us vote, y/n," He shook his head, "Beetee, Annie, Finnick and I voted no, Enobaria, Joanna, Katniss and Haymitch voted yes. I mean, Enobaria and Joanna? That I can understand, but... But why would Katniss and Haymitch vote for it? They both despise the games."

"I don't know, Peeta, maybe they have a plan or something."

"Maybe..." He mumbled, "I just, I don't know what's going to happen, the vote ended in a tie, so where does that leave us? Will Coin just go ahead with it anyway?"

I stood up, walking around so that I was in front of him crouching down, only the slightest pain from my leg, and taking his hands in mine, "I don't know where that leaves us, but I do have hope that she won't stay in power for long, Peeta."

"You think?" He asked, looking into my eyes, "Because the last thing that Panem needs is another version of Snow."

"Paylor has a decent shot of winning the elections."

"I suppose," He shrugged, "Can you read to me? Like you did back in 12?"

I nodded, and I picked up the book I was reading and led Peeta to a couch in the corner of the room, letting him lay his head in my lap while I read to him.


I had no real reason to stand with the other Victors at the execution, but Peeta insisted on it anyway.

We waited in groups of four, the two groups on either side of where Snow stood, bound to a stone column as he awaited his execution. What confused me the most was that Snow looked very calm about the whole ordeal. Perhaps he had made his peace with it, or he knew something was going to happen.

I stood between Peeta and Haymitch, a smart grey blazer and matching pants almost hidden under my dark grey coat, my gloved hand holding Peeta's.

Katniss approached us, thousands upon thousands of rebels falling into step behind her as she came to stand infront of the 7 Victors, glaring down Snow with a set look on her face.

"Welcome to the new Panem," Coin's voice rang out over the vast area in which citizens of Panem gathered to watch this moment, "Today, on the
Avenue of the Tributes, all of Panem, a free Panem, will watch more than
a mere spectacle. We are gathered to witness a historic moment of justice. Today, the greatest friend to the revolution will fire the shot to end all wars. May her arrow signify the end of tyranny and the beginning of a new era."

I looked at Katniss, tearing my eyes from the woman standing high up on a stage, her hair perfect and her unnerving eyes coming to rest on my friend, "Mockingjay, may your aim be as true as your heart is pure."

Giving her the signal to execute Snow, Katniss obeyed, carefully readying her arrow, before pulling back the string to aim at Snow.

But instead of look scared, he looked smug, which made me wonder if they had talked about something before his execution. My eyes flitted back and forth between Katniss and Snow, waiting for the arrow to be released.

And it did... After being aimed at a different target.

Enjoy guys (not edited, haven't had the time)

Note: Idk if you'd find this interesting but I confused myself on how there would be eight people standing in groups of four, but I worked it out. Beetee, Haymitch, y/n and Peeta on one side and Annie, Finnick, Enobaria and Joanna on the other.
