Loser Like Me 14

Jonah Dropped you off infront of your apartment. You went to your Living room and you got a Text from Nick

While you are waiting for Sophie and Zilah You just watched Netflix for a while.
*45 Minutes later*
You heard the door open and you looked back and saw Sophie and Zilah.
You: Hey guys!
Sophie: Hey.
Zilah: I really cannot believe that Zach asked me out.
You: I'm so happy for you. I just wish I have that with someone you know?
Sophie: What about Jonah?
You: He doesn't like me ok?
Zilah: Yeah right😒. He wanted to kiss you!!
You: But he said that He just wanted to be friends and nothing more....
Sophie: He's Lying Y/n!!
You: what?
Zilah: Oh C'mon!! He still likes you that's why he wanted to kiss you!!!!
You: You really think that?
Sophie: Yeah. We all think that
Zilah: Crap!!!
You: what?
Zilah: I have nothing to wear this Saturday
Sophie: What are you guys gonna do this Saturday?
Zilah: I still don't know
You: well I think you should wear something Casual. You Can think plus you have great taste at fashion
Zilah: Aww Thanks Y/n!
Sophie: Wee your going out on Saturday and Y/n and I have nothing to do. Y/n maybe we should go to the mall or something on Saturday
You: You don't have plans on Saturday?
Sophie: No. Why?
You: Nothing I just thought that you maybe wanna hang out with your BOYFRIEND.
Sophie blushes
Sophie: No plus we are not Official so We're just Friends Dating
Zilah: Well not yet!!!
Sophie: What?
Zilah: Nothing
You: Lets just eat somewhere for dinner
Sophie: In n out!!
Zilah: Yes!!!!
You: Wait I don't have my car
Sophie: We'll just use my car it's in the garage.
Zilah: How come you don't drive it
Sophie: I don't have my license yet
Zilah: That leads to Y/n
You: Fine Lets go!
You gus got in the car and drived to in n out. You got there and Parked the Car. When you walked in you saw that there's so many people. You wait for someone to finish their food. But then you heard a familiar voice who called Zilah
???: Zilah!!!
You and the girls turned around. You saw Zach and the boys. Zach walked up to Zilah.
Zach: Hey Beautiful!
Zilah Blushes
You: Ok Lovebirds I don't mean to disturb but we don't have any where to sit
Zach: If you guys want you can sit with us
Sophie: But It's gonna be so hard to eat.
You: Yeah you guys don't have much space there.
Zach: Yeah but I think Corbyn and Jack will go to the movies with their Girl.
Sophie: I think that's ok right?
You: Yeah sure
You and the girls plus Zach walked up to their table
Zach: Do you guys mind if they join?
Daniel: Not at all.
Here is the arrangement of seating:
Daniel Zach Zilah
Sophie Jonah You
Jack and Corbyn just got out of the restaurant because they have to meet Their Girlfriend to have a double date. You and the others Ordered. The Waiter Came and took y'all guys orders he started to stare at you while the others are saying their order, you got a little annoyed by it but you didn't do anything about it. He (waiter) took off to go to the cashier.
Zach: Brooooo did you saw that?
Daniel: Yeah!!!
Jonah: We're not blind Zach
He said with annoyed voice
Sophie: Why are you so Annoyed Jonah?
Jonah: Nothing ok?
You: That was a little bit Uncomfortable...
Zach: you should get his number
Daniel: what? I think he's into you
You: He's not really my type
Sophie: Really? I mean he's cute
You: He's not as cute like ——
You stopped there and The others were looking at you confused
Zach: Like who?
Zilah: She has a crush on someone!!!!
You looked at their faces and you saw Jonah sitting beside looked a little sad.
Sophie: ohhh like who please tell us!!!
You: Like me duh!!!
Jonah's face lit up a little
The waiter Came back with our food and He wink at me. Jonah saw and put his arms around you. You looked confused. But then you realised what he was doing. You took his hands and interlock with it. You saw the waiter's eyes widened. Then you whispered to Jonah 'Thank you' with a peck on the cheeks. Jonah Smiled. The waiter took off and you and Jonah burst out laughing. The others looked at the both of you confused.
Sophie: Why are you guys laughing?
Zilah: I think I know
Daniel: They let the waiter know that they are "DATING".
Zach: No way. He bought it?
You nod still laughing
Zach: I'm impressed
Zilah: Same
Sophie: How you guys are still holding hands?
Jonah: Ohh sorry about that
You: No it's ok. Thank you by the way
Jonah: Super Jonah to the rescue
You chuckled
Daniel: Lets eat

You guys eat and paid for yourselves and went hime you said good bye to the boys. On the way to the apartment you can't stop smiling about earlier.
Zilah: Someone is in a good mood
Sophie: Hey Y/n you alright?
You: what? Yeah I'm fine
Zilah: Who's your crush?
Sophie: Yeah who is it?
You: Ok I trust you guys but don't let anyone know especially the boys
Zilah: Is it one of them?
You nod
Sophie: Is it Jonah?
You didn't do anything
Zilah: It him!!!
Sophie: why?
You: He's just kind and all you know?
Zilah: Yeah but what about Your Ex Jonah? And bully Jonah?
You: Well he said that he regret cheating on me and Zach said that he's just bullying because he still love me...
Sophie: He still loves you?
You: I don't know ok?
Zilah: Well he still loves you
You: Why?
Zilah: Y/n are you blind?
You: No
Sophie: Earlier!! He put his hands around you to make the Waiter Jealous!
You: You think he still loves me?
You: ok. Let's just see if he'll ask me out or make a move
Zilah: Don't worry he will
You: Promise me that you won't tell anyone or make a big deal when We're around them ok?
Sophie: Ok...
You reached the apartment and went to your room and got ready for bed.
