First Percy Jackson Interview!!🔱

Y/n means your name
Y/c/n means your character name
Y/o means your order

Fast forward a couple months. You are still filming but today was your first Percy Jackson interview! You were so excited!

Taylor was like a big sister to you ever since she took you under her wing. She produced all your albums and she helped you with songs. You two were very close.

"Y/n! Walker is here!" Your mom yelled upstairs
"K! I'll be down in a second" You yell as you put on your shoes

I picked something blue because it's your first Percy Jackson interview 😁

Your back was to the door as you were tying your shoes when you feel arms around your waist and are picked up off the ground.

You turn your head to see walker blonde curls

"Walker!" You yell

"We are going to be late. I guess I have to drag you out myself" He said with a laugh
"Wait! I need my phone!" You demanded fake hitting his arms
He walker you over to your nightstand so you could grab your phone. Then he carried you down the stairs and to the car.

He puts you in and sits next to you. As you fake punch him and he rolls his eyes.

"Good job Walker. We can actually be on time for something for once." Your mom said laughing

Your mom drops you off as you go inside with Walker. Still acting annoyed that he dragged you out of your house.
"Y/n! You're here already?!" Aryan said looking shocked

"He kidnapped me! You said pointing to Walker

"Had to be done" He said laughing with his hands up in innocence

The interview started and you sat on the right of Walker.

"What is it like working with Walker and Aryan?" the interviewer asked

"Well, it's pretty great we have become very close the last several months. But sometimes Walker gets on my nerves"

"Why does he get on your nerves?" The interviewer said with a laugh

"For example" you started

"Oh my gosh" Walker rolled his eyes

"This morning Walker dragged me out of my room and threw my in the Car! I didn't even finish tying my shoes!"

"You are never on time so I took matters into my own hands!" Walker defended himself

"See annoying!" You said pointing to Walker

The interview finished and you, Walker, Aryan got up to leave.

"Hey. You guy hungry?" Walker asked
"Always" you reply with a laugh
"K. How about Wendys?"
"Sounds AMAZING!"
You all get in an Uber and go to the nearest Wendy's. Walker gets nuggets, Aryan get a chicken sandwhich and you get y/o. You all get large chocolate frostys and go sit down.

Everyone finished eating and you played amoung us.

"Walker!" You and Aryan say in unison

"We were protecting each other!" You yell and Walker while jokingly shoving him over

"It made it very easy to kill you both" He said laughing

A/n: Sorry!! It's a little short. I hope you like it!😁
