Chapter Twenty-Five

The room was suddenly quite and none of them uttered a word. Walija knew that she was supposed to say something but then, she was speechless. For some odd reason, she became numb and seemed to have lost her voice in the process. Just then, her phone started ringing and she couldn't thank the caller enough for saving her. Seeing the name that appeared on the screen made her smile internally.

Noor is actually a lifesaver.

"Assalamu Alaikum" she said softly after finding her voice. "Much better, Alhamdulillah... No silly" and she chuckled. ''I'm at Mami's, alright bye"

After she was done with the phone call, she turned to Fawwad who was curiously looking at her and she knew what that look was for.

"Uhm... It's Noor, she called to ask of my health"

"That's kind of her"

"Yeah" and from there, she lost her voice again.

The room was awkwardly silent again and after some few minutes, Fawwad realized that she wasn't going to say anything, so he decided to let her rest. He knew that it was a lot to take in all at once.

"Let me leave you to rest" and without waiting for any response from her, he stood up and walked to the door. Just when he was about to go out, he turned and said "Good night" and he just left.

She was really shocked by his behaviour that night. First, he asked for forgiveness. Even though he had asked for her forgiveness when he slapped her twice but that night, it was different. She could see the sincerity and contriteness in his eyes.

Second, he said 'goodnight' to her which is something he had never said to her ever since they got married.

She was still in awe and trying to understand what just happened when she heard the adzaan to Isha prayer.

She walked to the bathroom and after some minutes, she was out and has performed ablution. She sprayed the praying mat and slid into her long hijab. She prayed and prolonged her last sujood pouring out her heart to the Almighty. She prayed for the best out of it.

When she finished praying, it was already a quarter to nine. She knew Mami will call her any moment for dinner, so she got down to the sitting room herself. When she got down, no one was in the sitting room, so she decided to check the kitchen because Mami usually makes the food while the maid just helps her.

According to Mami; 'A wife is never too busy to cook for her husband' and that should explain the reason why she was always found in the kitchen preparing food for her husband. And she guessed right as she found Mami in the kitchen.

"Good evening Mami" she greeted.

"Evening my dear, how are you?"

" there anything I could help with?" She asked.

"Don't stress yourself here Walija. Remember you're here to rest for a few days and I want you to do just that while your arm heals properly. And besides we're done, just rounding up" Mami warmly answered her daughter-in-law while she was pouring the fresh orange and lemon juice into a glass pitcher.

Fresh orange and lemon juice was Abby's favourite beverage and it was easy to notice because it was made every day in the mansion.

Walija just sat on the stool near the kitchen island as they finished rounding up the dishes. She was only allowed to put the ice cubes into the juice which she insisted on because she felt awkward watching her mother-in-law work while she just sat doing nothing. After everything was done, she and Mami left, leaving the maid to set up the table.

They found Maya watching cartoon network when they entered the sitting room. She just greeted them and concentrated more on the TV. After some few minutes, Abby walked down probably from his home office and joined them.

They were all seated and waiting for the dinning to be set when they heard a salam at the door. When Walija looked up to see the late night visitor, she saw her husband standing at the foyer. When their eyes locked, she quickly averted her gaze.

After what happened between them, she just doesn't want to see him for some odd reason and the last person she was expecting to show up at dinner, was him. She was pretty sure she heard him saying goodnight, but then, what the heck has brought him back. It was when he was finally seated, the maid announced the dinner was set ready.

"Maya...go and call Hafsat" Mami instructed her. "I wonder what she's still doing in her room when she clearly knew that it was time for dinner" she scolded. Maya laughed before she ran upstairs to call her. Maya just enjoys it whenever Hafsat was scolded.

They all moved to the dining table where Abby sat on the master's seat. Mami sat beside him while Fawwad took the seat beside Mami. Walija was still standing not knowing where to seat when Hafsat and Maya joined them. Hafsat sat beside Abby while Maya sat beside her ya Fawwad.

Oh great! now I have to sit opposite him

"Why are you still standing dear" Mami asked and that's when she realised she was the only one standing. She felt a little embarrassed before she dragged the chair opposite Fawwad. She internally groaned before she sat down facing him.

The food was served by Hafsat and everyone was eating. The place was silent and even the talkative of the house was surprisingly quiet. The only sound that could be heard, was the faint sound of their cutleries. Mami noticed that her daughter-in-law wasn't eating but rather playing with the cutleries.

"What's wrong dear? Don't you like the food?" there was a concern in her voice.

"Uhm... No Mami ... I just don't feel like eating"

Just then, Fawwad looked up and raised a brow at her, giving her the are-you-sure look.

Seriously Fawwad?

She quickly looked down and it wasn't fast enough for Mami to notice what just happened between the husband and wife. She just laughed and shook her head.

"Have you brought the files?" Abby finally spoke.

"Yes Abby, I'll get them after dinner. I left them in the car"

So that's the reason he was back

After dinner, she and Hafsat moved to her room. They said their goodnight before they left and she made sure she avoided looking into Fawwad's direction.


"I'm feeling much better silly. Stop looking at me like that" Walija said to Noor who was sending her weird looks since she arrived.

Noor came over to see her friend the following day as she had promised her. They were seated on the bed with their legs crossed on the large bed.

"Yeah I know, but heck I was sick worried when I heard about the incident" Noor looked worried.

"Well, actually it wasn't that serious you know"

"Are you kidding me?" and she lightly smacked her lap "you almost died...and...and look at your arm" she said with pitiful voice.

"Ouch! That hurts babe" she feigned hurt while she rubs her lap.

"I was seriously worried when I heard about it"

"How did you even know?" Walija looked confused because she can't actually remember telling her that herself.

"You're seriously not gonna ask me that" she rolled her eyes. When she didn't get any response, she knew that she has to tell her.

Walija isn't the one to let go easily so, she let out a defeated sigh and continued "well, of course, I got to know cause someone has totally forgotten that she's the daughter-in-law to the one and only famous business tycoon in the country" she finished in a duh tone.

"Is it that obvious?"

"Yes, dummy" she laughed.

" Damn it! Stupid gossipmongers"

"Hey, don't damn them. It's their means of food"

"How can someone gossip and call it a means of surviving?" she glared at her.

"Don't blame them and let's not talk about that now. What matters more is that you're safe"

"Yeah whatever" she shrugged.

And that's how they continued talking about everything and nothing. Noor also got to tell her that they were finally moving back to Abuja completely.

"Oh my Allah! You're not serious" Walija squealed.

"Well, as you can see...I am" she pointed her face with her index finger and looked serious which made Walija laughed cause she sucked at it. Noor has always been a playful type.

"I'm serious, Abu said that it's high time he retires and stays in his country. In his words; he wants his family to settle for good"

"That's really nice you know" and she hugged her "I wonder when Abba will also do the same" and they both laughed.

"Abu has been bugging ya Ibrahim, to bring home a wife as if wives are sold in the market" Noor looked concerned totally changing their topic of discussion.

"Well, Abu wants to see his grandchildren since his daughter doesn't want to get marr-" Noor cut her off by lightly smacking her mouth.

"Ouch! That hurts"

"Are they even tired of seeing me already?" She feigned hurt by placing a hand on her chest dramatically which earned her a chuckle from her friend.

"You know that you must get married someday or do u want Nihal to get married before you?"

Nihal is Noor's 11-year-old sister and their last born while Ibrahim is their first born.

"Heck no! It's just that after ya Ibrahim, I know that I'll be next and I'm totally not ready for it. At some point, I used to think that's the reason he retired so that he can marry all of us off"

"Abu knows what's best for his children, just keep praying and insha Allah everything will work out just fine. And besides my friend is drop-dead gorgeous so finding a suitor won't be hard"

"Can you just be serious?"

"It's the fact my dear. Just pray for a God fearing man and you're good to go. Just look at me for example, everything just happened without me noticing it...and I'm totally okay"

"Thanks" she smiled.

"What are friends for?" She also smiled back.


After Asr prayer, Noor was set to leave. She went to say Goodbye to Mami before Walija walked her out to the parking lot.

On her way back into the mansion, she saw Fawwad coming out of the house and was walking towards her.

Was he here all day?

When they were close enough, they both stood. She quickly lowered her gaze and gulped before she made to move but he was fast enough to hold her hand making stay back in her position.


No long talks today...I'm already tired from writing😕😂😂

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