
It had to be 5AM by now. Maybe 6AM? It was hard to tell by the sunrise; it was around that time of year when the sun was confusing and near unreadable, at least for Erin. His eyes carefully studied the suns location, guessing that maybe it was somewhere between those two digits. Unfortunately his phone was probably somewhere closer to the waterfall which happened to be at least a 1 minute run from where he was sitting, hiding. 

The moments were tense. Every sound of the grass swaying, every chirp of a bird nearby, it'd keep him on edge. After all, something was searching for him. Hunting him down quite literally like prey. This thing was meant to be hunted by Erin and his group however they made one fatal flaw. They decided to dawdle for too long in the valleys.

Their check on the valleys was meant to be a quick sweep; an in-and-out job. Hell, it was 6 of them, all armed with the best gear known to the V.H.C against one measly vampire and yet here he was, hiding, cowering and severely injured. Erin would've made a run for it if he had his gun, Hell he would be hunting the thing if he had as much as a rock in his possession. At least he didn't have to worry about the vampire holding a gun, since all of theirs were laced with holy water and garlic by now.

Erin's eyes darted to the bushes across from him, his sapphire blue eyes desperately scurrying to pick out anything dangerous as he felt something move. For a mere second he felt at peace, nothing seeming out of the ordinary. The second second he hears the bush rustling. The third second a mors grenade rolls out of the bush. In the fourth and fifth he can barely react, his brain dragging in a panicked and tired haze as he pushes his back against the stone wall. No good. 

He couldn't help but let out a shriek as the heart wrenching terror set in. As his brain had finally caught up, he only made it a few meters away from the mors grenade before a hand violently grabbed his neck, the nails piercing his near pearly skin with ease. Face-to-face with what could be the last thing he sees, a vampire. The vampire that killed countless humans before and unbeknownst to him, his friends too, the squad he'd spent over a year working with, getting to know each other, fighting for each other. "I hope you die too." Were the only words he managed to choke out before the near-strangulation stopped his vocal cords completely. Then, a snap rang through the valley. 

Eye's opening sluggishly and arms barely functioning, Erin managed to just-about pull himself up. By now it was dark, the sky full of stars. His entire body felt like it was about to collapse in on itself, his limbs far too heavy to move and an unwelcome, uncomfortable hunger settling in. He could feel the dried blood on his left shoulder as he relaxed against whatever he was leaning against. As Erin's eyes scanned the area cumbersomely he noticed two familiar red eyes staring him down. Too tired to move, to defend himself, he simply lay there and watched it approach.

"Are you awake?" It asked calmly without a hint of malice in its voice as it crouched carefully. Erin became visibly confused, clearly taken aback from the lack of violence in its actions. "I-- yes... Why aren't you killing me?" He asked, voice clearly worn out as if he'd screamed his throat to death. The vampire inched closer to Erin, its short, green hair now visible. Ironically enough it was also wearing that stupid 'Survivor' shirt Erin always poked fun at... nice. "You don't remember?" It questioned as it was sitting across from him, a concerned expression painted on its ghostly white face. 

Erin shook his head lightly however through this action he managed to see the SMG sitting across from him. Taylors MiniSD. His eyes had just barely flicked to notice it but it was obvious to the two that the gun was now in the scene. Their eyes locked for a moment, the realisation settling in quickly. He practically darted for the gun, the green-haired vampire following soon after although it lacked fear or defense in its movements, just concern. 

Erins hand could barely keep ahold of the SMG, his hands burning and sizzling upon being close to the thing let alone holding it. He hissed at the pain, taking him a long moment to stop, his eyes studying his scorched hands and then looking back to the vampire, the green-haired... what was his ability? "I... You're an infect type... aren't you?" Erin questioned, dread setting in as his mind raced to put the pieces together. He couldn't be this, this thing. The one thing he wanted to destroy, the one thing he resented. This disgusting species he-- "Yes. I'm sorry, you were getting away too much, I had to. Y-You don't understand. I would've died if you lived!" The vampire explained, desperation clearly riddling its tone as it spoke. "Either way if you want to live you'll need me. I infected you so I have to teach you the ropes anyways and I'm technically responsible for you now so don't make this difficult for me, please?" It pleaded as its hands clasped together.

The blonde's entire world had essentially been turned upside down, that was clear by the terrified expression on his face. For so long, for over a year he'd been hunting these things, these monsters and now he's one of them. His mind rushed to somehow come up with an excuse. 'This isn't right, Its just the mors grenade, I'm just dreaming' 'Its just a lie to kill me'. He slowly pulled his knees to his chest, eyes staring off into the distance. He could barely hear anything at that point, nothing, just the never-ending buzz of silence in his ears. 

And then a shot rang through the air. As his sapphire eye's dragged upwards, he watched as his only real hope of surviving fell to the ground. A single shot to the head. As the terror and horror set in, his vision turned a glassy-green and as he inspected his hands, the truth hit him like a brick.

This was real and now he was the prey.
