Cricky × Smut


:Ricky's p.o.v.:

I arched my back as I flicked my wrist, holding in moans that were threatening to escape. All I ever thought about was Chris. He was perfect. Cheekbones, eyebrows, hair, everything. My breathing hitched as I felt the knot in my stomach begin to get tighter. "Fuck.... C-Chris.... Uhgn..." Small whimpers escape my throat as I came closer to going over the edge.

My eyes were tightly shut and my head was thrown back as I laid in the bunk of our empty tour bus; except me of course. "Chris!" I moaned out as my body shook, coming closer and closer to my orgasm. "Yes, Ricky?" My eyes shot open as a soft, yet husky voice was heard beside me.

Chris. I looked over, all the color drained from my face as I covered myself with my blanket. I swallowed hard, preparing myself for some scolding. "I-I.. Y-you see, I- uh k-know this uh g-girl na- uh named Chris..." I mentally face palmed myself for seeming so stupid.

"Oh, you do?" A smirk was smeared across his face as he climbed into my bunk and straddled my legs. "So you're straight?" He smirked bigger than before. I, once again, swallowed hard, nodding in the process. "So... You wouldn't like it if I did this?" Chris leaned forward, pressing his lips to mine.

I immediately kissed back, but he pulled away as soon as he connected our lips. "Or this?" He nipped along my jaw and down to my neck, sucking and kissing around, searching for my sweet spot. My breathing hitched as he found it but he, once again, pulled away. "Or this?" His voice was deep, lust clinging to his pupils as his hand traveled under the blanket, pumping me, and keeping eye contact the whole time.

I bucked my hips, letting out a high pitched moan.

He took his hand away, causing me to whimper at the loss of his touch. He went to climb out. "T-Touch me.." I whimpered, probably looking and sounding like the biggest slut in the world. "But you're straight!" He mocked disbelief.

"No. No I'm not. I'm so fucking gay. Especially for you. I'm so fucking gay that I dream about unicorns and fucking rainbows, now touch me." The oh-so-familiar smirk spread across his face as he climb back over me, tossing the blanket away. ((A/N: I forgot to mention that they're both shirtless and Ricky is naked, soooo))

"How bad do you want me Ricky?" His voice was clouded with lust as he sat up so he was straddling me, slowly and teasing lowered his sweatpants, showing that he didn't have underwear on.

"Badly.." I whimpered, focused on how his sweatpants were getting closer to exposing his erect member. "Look at me." He snapped, stopping his motions. My eyes darted back up at his. "Beg." He simply stated, pulling his sweatpants all the way down and kicking them off of his ankles.

My eyes quickly glanced at his length. He must've been around nine inches.

"I want you to fuck me so hard that every time I sit down I remember this moment." I whined, just wanting him inside of me. He smirked, pleased with my begging. He coated two of his fingers with saliva before shoving one inside of me and curling it, pumping it quickly. My back arched and the sound of my moans filled the bus.

After thirty seconds, he added his second, pumping and curling it as well. As soon as he felt like I was prepped enough, he took his fingers out, spit in his hand, stroked himself, and then positioned his length at my entrance.

I whimpered in frustration as he slipped the tip of his dick in my ass. "Chris, I'm not a fucking virgin just fu- unhhgggg!" I moaned out as he shoved himself in, filing me up completely. His face fell in the crook of my neck as he pulled out, and slamming back into me.

A high pitched moan escaped my lungs as I wrapped my legs around his waist, letting him hit me at a better angle. The sounds of grunts from Chris, moans and squeaks from me, and skin slapping was the only things that could be heard in the bus.

"CHRIS!!!" I moaned, almost screaming as he picked up speed, making me hit my head against the wall (but I didn't care), and pumped my length. He nipped at the skin that was near my mouth. My body violently shook as my nails clawed down his back, causing red marks to appear.

"YESYES UHG CHRIS!" I threw my head back and arched my back as he thrusts at a different angle, hitting my prostate with every thrust he made. "So.. tight..." Chris managed to get out as my walls began to clench around him. As my body shook, screams of pleasure erupted from inside of me. My muscles clenched around Chris' length, signaling him that I had hit my orgasm. I shot my load on our chests, causing his thrusts to get sloppy and his dick twitch.

And that's all it took for him to release inside of me, groaning and riding out his orgasm. He fell on me, our seamen and sweat covered bodies tangled together. The bus smelled of sex as our hair clung on to our face due to sweat.

"You're a noisy one, huh?" I felt Chris smirk against my neck as he caught his breathe. My cheeks heated up as I nodded slightly.


