
She plopped on her bed, her body sinking deep into the soft mattress. She ignored the rough fabric of her dress, grazing her legs with a weight landed and instead occupied herself by staring at her oh-so-interesting ceiling.

There was something about the way the clouds moved over her that calmed her.Being a Princess had many advantages, having a see through ceiling was one of them.

The sun had almost set, so her eyes went affected by the light it cast. Instead, watching the birds make their way to the nest brought peace to her.She watched as flocks after flocks, words of different kinds returned home.

Home; something that was foreign to her. Living in a castle for princesses, studying wasn't home, nor was her mother safe house, nor was her uncle and aunts house. Sure, they were family and they loved her, but the house never felt like a home.

She had reading several books that were was where you could be yourself, where you could be dependent.But she never been taught or allowed to be dependent. That was her mother's moto-independent or dead, you choose?

From the short time she had spent at her aunt Leah's house, she had vaguely understood what a home was.

There she was, running from monsters, injured from head to toe, with no choice but to let someone look after her. Her aunt had been of a great health pattern and that was the closest experience she had had to home. She closed her eyes, letting her imagination run wild. She wondered what her family would look like in her future.

She could see three kids running around a house normal for a mere mortal and her husband cooking dinner. She could hear them giggle and laugh and she could imagine herself playuflly scolding them.

Yes, playfully. She would never raise her voice at them. Her momentary bliss was replaced by fear. What if I become like my mother? She wondered.

Dread filled her mind and she forced herself to eliminate the thought out of her mind. No, she'd never let her children go through what she did. And with that thought, she returned to her fantasy.

Another wild picture go stuck inside her head; her at a park with her fictional husband and children. What kind of mother would I make? She asked herself. As she paused to think of an answer, she remembered she's never have a normal future. She'd always have the weight of more than one kingdom on her shoulders; and that was if she lived that long, which she most likely wouldn't. 
