Avocado To Guacamole

<Kokichi POV> (Current Deaths: 1)

[timeskip brought to you by chicken nuggets lol]

I stared at Rantaro's corpse. He had died in the library, and it seems his head was beat in. I wasn't staring as much at his corpse, no, rather I was locked onto the blood surrounding him. I was a bit bloodthirsty, but there's no way I could get his blood right now. Everyone is watching, that would be stupid. The blood of the dead doesn't even taste as good as the living. Why can't I take my eyes off his blood? Pull yourself together, Kokichi. This behavior is suspicious. I manage to divert my attention by deciding simply move away from the body. And by that I meant going to an entirely different floor instead of the basement. It was suggested that we all investigated with a partner, but of course I don't like to follow rules so I worked alone. Kaede and Shuichi were working together, they seemed to be pretty buddy-buddy with each other. Just then, the infamous duo approached and I decided to speak up first.

"Oh! Investigating together, are we? You two sure have gotten awfully chummy!", I said this with clear tease intent but Kaede blew straight past that to ask me a seemingly obvious question. "Are you here alone, Kokichi?", to which I responded, "Hm? Yeah, why?". Kaede wasted no time to remind me we agreed to work together. I felt like giving a response to exclude me from that fact, so I told her, "Ooohh, did we? Well, just because we agreed doesn't mean we *have* to do it, right?". Kaede seemed quite disappointed in me when she next said, "Why would you do something that would make everyone suspicious of you?". I chose to remind her of an important fact about me when I said, "Cuz I'm an evil supreme leader, remember? I'm supposed to be suspicious!". Finally, Shuichi spoke up in order to get to the point and end this bickering between me and Kaede. "...Anyway, there's something I wanted to ask you. What were you doing at the time Rantaro was killed?", he said.

I allowed myself to be happily sarcastic as I responded with, "Oooooh, an interrogation from the Ultimate Detective himself? What a rare opportunity. Then I'll gladly answer! To tell you the truth... I was in the library, smashing in Rantaro's head!" Kaede was quick to scold me of my reply, stating exactly, "Hey! Quit screwing around and take this seriously!". I ignored her command by instead saying, "Why? Do I really need to tell you guys what I was doing?" Shuichi seemed to be surprised as he simply said, "...What?" I continued, "If I gave you honest answers now, I'd just make everything boring, riiight? I'd rather just tell you at the class trial! That would be way more fun! The trial's gonna be boring anyways since we'll have photo evidence!". Kaede did not seem to understand the logic I provided as she asked, "Wh-What are you saying?" I then told her, "I'm just saying...this is a game. Let's have some fun with it!"

Shuichi felt the need to remind me that, "...This isn't a game. Rantaro was murdered. All our lives are at stake!" I then reminded him of something myself when I said, "Exactly! It's a game of life or death!" Shuichi didn't even respond, so I kept talking. "Nee-heehee...I'm so excited. I want the class trial to start already." Instead of keeping the conversation going, Kaede and Shuichi simply walked off on me. How rude. Don't they know liars have feelings too? Not that I show them honestly, but hey, at least I still have them, y'know? Even if nobody seems to notice that...

<Shuichi POV>

Me and Kaede were teamed up to investigate together for the death of Rantaro Amami. We talked to everyone, gathered clues and before we knew it, it was already time to begin the class trial. This trial decides who will die. The culprit, or everyone else who was innocent such as Kaede or myself. We stood before a strangely buff statue of Monokuma. It was slightly intimidating to me, I'm not sure why. That's when the large statue started to move. It was holding a large goblet crushed it in it's giant stone hands- er, paws and sunk into the water of the fountain it stood within. The disappearance of the statue caused a bridge and elevator to appear from the water. Kaede began one of her motivational speeches. I was slightly zoned out, but Kaede snapped me back to reality once she spoke up once we were already in the loud descending elevator.

"Um, Shuichi... About that talk from before..." I said in response to her words a simple, "What?" She continued. "I think everyone is afraid of learning the truth. But the people who are willing to find the truth are the ones who can decide their fate. If you never know the lies form the truth, then you can't choose a path. You won't even know you're on a path. So...fight for the truth... Even if it is frightening. I know you can do this." I remained silent as she went on. "If you're scared, borrow the strength of others who will be there to help you. Think of everyone you're helping, and let that be your strength. I used to be like you..." Kaede went on, describing examples of her persevering in her own life. I wasn't quite sure where this motivation came from, but I definitely needed it. Kaede's words gave me what I needed to find the culprit who killed Rantaro.

I knew that I couldn't just give up. Everyone's lives are on the live, including my own. I need to prove myself as a detective and make Kaede proud. I mean, if I gave a speech like that to someone, I would probably be proud if someone actually took my advice to heart, as I'm doing right now to Kaede. I can't let her down. I can do this.

(A/N: trying to get at least 1,000 words a chapter since this is my first book. This one was painful. Might not post as fast because school and birthday + Christmas coming up, but I'll try if I can scoop up enough motivation in my brain lol) P.S. No shame for the title xD
