Chapter 14

"Jeez Aido, Akatsuki, you both sure do keep a lot of crap here," I said as I struggled with a large trash bag full of the garbage that was in their room. It was of the strangest stuff too, it made me wonder why anyone would ever keep items such as these. The bag I was carrying was extremely heavy and I had to constantly re-adjust my grip. Akatsuki looked a bit guilty as he sat it bed. He insisted on helping me carry the garbage out, but I declined and forced him to rest. Aid was fast asleep cuddling with his pillow which I thought was adorable and even giggled slightly at him. I got into the hallway, trudging the trash bag behind me when I heard foot steps coming closer. When I looked up, I saw Ruka walking towards me. She was looking a lot better and I smiled happy that she wasn't sick any longer.

"Ruka! Are you feeling better?" I smiled at her as I still tried to pull the trash bag. She didn't even say a word until she got closer to me. It was as if she procrastinated acknowledging me. 

"Yes, no thanks to you," she said without a glance and as she passed me, she made me trip, falling over and ripping the bag open which left all of its contents sprawled across the floor. On my hands and now bruised knees, I watched as she walked away from me as if nothing had happened. Sighing, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up and behind me and saw Kaname with his hand outstretched to me.

"Can I help you up (y/n)?" He gave a small smile which made me lightly blush as I accepted his offer and stood up with his help.

Not knowing what to say, I asked the first thing that came to my head, "How was class?"

I could've sworn he chuckled a bit. "Delightful, thank you for asking. You look as if you are in a predicament, can I help you in any way?"

My thoughts wondered over to Senri and Rima whom I haven't checked up on in a while since i was preoccupied. "Um yes actually, if you don't mind that is... could you go check up on Rima and Senri and make sure they are still doing alright?" I asked smiling awkwardly hoping I wasn't asking for too much.

"Of course, I'll be just a moment. If you need anything else, feel free to ask." He smiled gently at me before he turned and walked away and I was left trying to pick up the pieces of the garbage.

"W-wha what? WHERES MY COLLECTION?" My eyes widened as I looked inside Akatsuki's and Aido's room and see the blonde boy acting like the world was coming to an end. "MY TREASURES!" Aido quickly ran in my direction and crouched on the ground with glass shards and a bent for in his hands.

"Ummmmmmm what?" I look at him extremely confused. "Akatsuki told me that this is trash? And no offense, but it looks that way to me." 


"Um, Lord... Kaname?..." I asked confused on why he would call him lord. Was he a higher status in the vampire world or something? While Aido was trying to gather as much of the trash in his arms, Akatsuki just sighed as he stood in the door way watching what a mess Aido is right now.

"And this is why I wanted this to be cleaned up before he could put up a fight," groaned Akatsuki and I looked at them awkwardly not knowing what to do or say.


"Aido..." Said Kaname with a smile. He had just appeared out of no where and there was something about this smile that made me fell uneasy. My assumptions were correct because both Aido and Akatsuki looked terrified for their lives.

"Y-yes... Kaname?" said Aido timidly.

"It seems you have forgotten our dorm policy and that you need to be reminded again. Would you mind that I speak to you for a moment?" Though Kaname had on a smile it somehow made chills go down my spine. I never knew this side of kaname. He always'd seemed so sweet and kind, but this right here was down right terrifying. I was terrified not only for myself, but mostly for them. For Aido in particular. 

"Eh no its alright I just remembered them." Said Aido definitely terrified as he hid behind me for protection as if I could save him from Kaname. They were obviously scared of him for a reason. The next thing I knew a painting next to me ripped then fell off the wall broken in half. I jumped back away from the wall and the painting. 

"I can add this to my collection too!" said a very excited childish Aido who was holding the broken painting lovingly. So thats what his collection is? Broken stuff? When I looked back at Kaname, his face no longer had any trace of a smile. It was a terrifying, annoyed and pissed off expression.In reaction to this, Akatsuki looked like he wanted to bolt and get far away from Kaname. Aido on the other hand looked as if he was about to pee his pants and I think that if I was in his situation, I would've. Akatsuki looked over to me motioning with his head and eyes that I should follow him. I quickly regained the strength to walk again and followed Akatsuki and though I felt bad, we left Aido to his own defenses. 

While Akatsuki and I bolted, we heard a scream from Aido erupt behind us and I looked at Akatsuki in a nervous state.

"Ummm will he be alright?" I ask quietly afraid that Kaname would hear me.

Akatsuki rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly "Um yea just don't upset Kaname in any way shape or form."
