Dasoku x Reader/OC : Live with him (1)

A/N: I think its x OC. But, you can change the producer name and change that to your name. I just need a name to write this and maybe some other. AND SORRY IF MY ENGLISH IS BAD :(

Youre the famous Suzuran-P. Now, You live with Dasoku, this isnt the best choice but you have no other choices. Dasoku is lazy, but that is the way he granted fan's attention, and youre the one who is do his housework.

Even youre a producer, you never sing by yourself. Youre too shy to show it. The last time you sang and upload it to Nico Website, is when Dasoku covered Cantarella by Kurousa-P as Hatsune Miku, even in that song you only sang the chorus.

You're now writing on your Diary Book, and you stop when Dasoku enter your room "Oi, Suzuran" Dasoku called you, "Yes?" "Let's cover Cendrillon" Dasoku answered. You think about it a bit. Cendrillon.. Hmm.. It's your favorite song though. "Okay then" you answered. Dasoku smiled and close the door.

You admitted it, youre in love with a guy 20 years older than you and youre still a highschooler. When youre around Dasoku you kinda feel safe and being loved.

You go to kitchen wondering what to eat. It's almost dinner and you don't have any idea what to cook. "Wondering what to eat huh" said Dasoku from your behind and grabbed your shoulder "Yeah.." you answered quietly. "Anything is fine if its your cooking" Dasoku said and go to the restroom. You think what should eat, and the only thing remain in Dasoku's fridge are Ramen noodle & some beer. You get an idea. And take those to out.

You prepare the dish on the dining table, the menu is Beer Ramen for Dasoku and a regular ramen for you bcs youre still 17 and too young for drink.

Dasoku walks out from his bedroom with a towel on his wet hair. He looks so hot with his wet hair. "Dinner is ready" you said with a smile on your face. He walks to you and pinch a bit of your cheek and sit on the table, you also sit on your sit. "Then what is the menu?" Dasoku asked with towel on his shoulders "I make a Beer Ramen for you, I hope you like it" you said innocently. He smiled, said itadakimasu and eats it.

"Well, its delicious, try it yourself" Dasoku said and eats the ramen "I'm sorry but I don't drink" you answered. He apologize and you two eat in peace. You finished your dish earlier than Dasoku. You intended to wash the plate but Dasoku stopped you. "You go take a bath, I'll wash it" Dasoku said grabs your hand. You nodded and go to the bathroom.

Youre done with you bath and get out from the bathroom. You gonna go to your bed but Dasoku called you. Instead go to your bedroom, you go to to the living room. Dasoku already prepared the mics, your laptop and his guitar. "What are you doing Dasoku-san?" You asked "Come on we're gonna covering Cendrillon acoustic version" he answered and pick the guitar, you know he is gonna tell you to play the guitar, bcs youre skill is far far away higher than his. You give up and start covering Cendrillon acoustic ver.

The music is kinda melow, bcs its acoustic. Too make it quick, youre done. And Dasoku kissed your forehead make you blush. And he turn off the mic. He uploads it to Nico web without using your name. You go to your bedroom and go to sleep.


It's 1.34 in the morning, and you cannot sleep bcs big thunder storm and you have a nightmare. You decide to go to Dasoku's bedroom. You poked him a bit "Dasoku-san.." you said sleepily. "Em?" He asked still a quarter concious "Can I sleep with you? I have a night mare" you asked and yawn. Dasoku opened one of his eye, and push the blanket so you can come in. You lay on his side, and then he pull the blanket to cover both of you, he hugs you and back to sleep. You blush a bit, then close your eyes. Youre asleep within less than a minute.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It's 7.35 in the morning, you wake up bcs Moka's voice. You cannot sleep again, so you decided to wake up. Before it, you collect some guts and carressed Dasoku's soft cheek. Youre shaking but still youre on his embrace.

You get up and make breakfast meals. You make fried rice for 2 portions. Suddenly, you felt warm hands on your waist "Dasoku-san let me go. I'm cooking here" you said with a 'morning smile'. "Let me stay like this for awhile" he said sleepily. You just smile again and continue your cooking.

Accidentally, you cut your forefinger, makes it bleed a little. Dasoku realize your pain and sucks your finger. Its tickle. You laugh bcs its tickles very much. And Dasoku let out your forefinger leaving saliva between your finger and his mouth. You got embrassed and blushed. "Thats alright" is what Dasoku said and kissed your forehead. After that, You continue your cooking.

You two have breakfast like always. "Can you accompany me to Root Five karaoke after breakfast?" Dasoku asked. You nodded as an answer.

After ate breakfast you go take a bath and change your clothes into your dress. "Suzuran, are you ready?" Dasoku knocked your room's door. You get out from the room with a cute dress and matches bag & shoes. "Youre very cute" Dasoku said with a smile. Dasoku wears a white shirt, his black jacket and black pants with his favorite shoes. He offers you a hand, and you accept it. You two walk to the Karaoke.

You arrived at the Karaoke. And Dasoku telled you to stay out for awhile, then Dasoku entered the room. The rest of the Root Five are there. "DASOKU-PAPA!!!" Koma'n shouted, you chuckled a bit after hearring Koma'n. "Dasoku-san you promised to bring the girl" Pokota said and take a sip of his tea. "Oh yeah, come on in.." Dasoku said to you. You nervously entered the room.

"Ehh this girl?" Michan asked and Dasoku nodded. Koma'n run to you, "Young lady, whats your name & how old are you?" Koma'n asked "I'm known as Suzuran, I'm 17 years old" you answered with a smile. The members are shocked "Da-dasoku-san you live with a girl 20 years younger than you.. And its Suzuran-P" Kettaro said. "Sit here" Pokota said and petted the sit besides him, you sit there. "Hey little girl, keep this, if you have a fight with Dasoku-san you can go to my house" Michan said and gives you a piece of paper "Yes, thank you very much" you answered and take the paper.

You have fun chatting with the Root Five members. "Then, I want to hear you sing" Pokota said and gives you a mic "Sing Cendrillon with me" Pokota continues, you nodded & give him a sweet smile. "No way" Dasoku said with a pissed look. "Then sing with her Dasoku-san" Pokota said and tossed the mic to Dasoku. And you started to sing.

And you finished. "Then its the voice of Suzuran" Kettaro said with a big smile of his. You sure have fun chatting with them, but there is time for you to go home. "Excuse me everyone, but me & Suzuran need to go now" Dasoku said as he start to stand, you followed him. "Then everyone, excuse us" you said, bowed and waved to them.

You and Dasoku walk to an outdoor park. "It's almost dinner time, what do you want to eat? I'll treat you this time"he said and holds your hand. "(Your favorite food), if its okay" you said with shame, Dasoku chuckled and drags you a bit "I know you will say that. Come on" he said and led you to an elite restaurant. There is 2 parts of the restaurant, the indoor & outdoor and there is live music jazz.

"May I help you, sir?" Asked a waiter. "Yeah, we already booked a table for two under Dasoku name" Dasoku said to the waiter. The waiter nodded and lead the 2 of you to an outdoor table. "Wow, the view is beautiful" you said and sit on the chair. The waiter gives you two menu books and gone. "Then Dasoku-san do you have a girlfriend?" You asked, you've being curious about the answer, Dasoku only chuckled. "Then, what about you? Do you have a boyfriend?" Dasoku asked you with his sweetest smile "Nope" you aswered bluntly. "But, I kinda want to have one, who can understand me like Dasoku-san did" you said while start to caress his cheek "Somehow, when I'm with you, I feel happy" you continued. Dasoku grabs your hand that is on his cheek. "Thanks" He said. And a waiter come with your orders.

You've finished eating, and Dasoku already paid the bill. Dasoku walks with you to the side of a river with a great view of Tokyo. "It's beautiful isnt it?" Dasoku asked you and hugs your neck from behind "Its almost the time" he whispered to you, his hot breath reaches your ear. And then you see plenty of fireworks. "Its beautiful.." you said "Turn around" Dasoku said, you obey him and turn around. You can feel your cheeks start to being red. You close your eyes and feel that Dasoku hands are on your waist and your chin.

Suddenly, you feel something crashing your lips. You opened your eyes a bit and see Dasoku's face very close. You just close your eyes again and enjoy it.

Your instinct tell your arms to crawl to his neck and play a bit with his hair. He pulled you closer. He licked your lips for an entrace and you allowed him to your mouth. But, you run out of breath so, you pulled out your lips and rest your forehead on his shoulder. He hugged you dearly.

The fireworks show is done.

"Da-daisuki dayo" you said nervously, "Yeah.. Me too" he answered and push you a bit. "May I hold your hand?" Dasoku asked politely, you smiled and grabbed his hand, Dasoku smiled and walk with you to home.

After you got home, you immediately change your clothes and go to sleep. Dasoku checks you in your bedroom and see you sleeping peacely. He sits on your bed and kiss your forehead. "Good night, have a great dreams, my lady" he whispered and go out from your room.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

You get up at 7.00 in the morning, not bcs the alarm but you had a dream, the dream only contains you and Dasoku, doing Ecchi things, start from a kiss until you sleep together.

You think you cannot let that dream control you. You get out from your room and see Moka & Fal still sleeping. You decided to not disturb them and take your way to the kitchen and cook breakfast. You eat your meal and take a bath and change your clothes to school uniform.

You want to set off, but you must tell the still sleeping Dasoku-san first. You get in to his room and see him still sleeping. You step closer to his side and poked him a bit. "Dasoku-san.." you whisper, and he opened his eye. "Ohh its Suzuran.." he said "Yeah.. I'm off to school, see you later" you whisper and kissed his cheek, he stroke your hair and you off to go.

At the school there is nothing special, you keep socializing with your friends and none of them know that youre a popular person in internet even though your friends call you Suzuran, like your producer name. "Hey guys, I just found a Vocaloid song Producer, it's Suzuran-P" one of your friend said to you and the other friends "And her song are a bit like your life, Suzuran" she continues, you just smile and denied it "Suzuran is a flower name, many people use that name" you said and change the topic.

Now, youre on the way home, when you found Dasoku in his formal attire is walking with a pretty woman in the street. They look very happy, it makes your heart break. You go to a nearby park and sit on the bench. A cat approached you, you smiled to the cat. The cat sleeps beside your foot. "You have the some colour with Moka" you said and someone appear in your mind, its Dasoku. You start to cry.

"Suzuran?" Someone asked you, you opened your teary eyes and see Dasoku. "Oh yeah its you.. What arr you doing here? And why are you crying?" He asked grabs your both hands, you turn your head avoiding his face. "I'm here.. Why are you crying..??" He asked you once again. You stand up and face him "Who is the woman with you earlier?" You asked between you unstable breath. Dasoku didnt answer, he just sighed. "Please answer me.." you continue. "I'm the worst isnt I? I let my girlfriend saw me with my ex-Fiancee" he said. You slapped him very hard on the cheek. "YOURE THE WORST!!" you shouted and run away.

He follows you until a intersection. You don't know what light is right now, but you can hear a long truck horn.

