Unlucky [part 1]


Sehun sat at the second table near the corner of the bubble tea shop where he sipped his choco flavored drink. He was bored at home so decided on going out for a bit.

He didn't expect of anything happening out of the ordinary until he heard the chimes on the door of the shop. His eyes sprung on the image of what seemed to be an angel.

He blinked twice before realizing time began slowing down. His heart skipped a beat. He was feeling the sensation of butterflies roaming happily in his stomach. He couldn't describe the feeling, there's was an aching in his chest but somehow, it felt right.

The guy was beautiful, he thought. He had the same blonde hair as him, his skin pale but stunning, his built looked fragile yet he seemed strong.

And from that, he knew it was love at first sight.

Sehun realized the young male seemed to be looking for something, searching the room of something or maybe... someone.

He jolted when the guy turned to face his direction, intently staring into each other. Sehun noticed how pure and innocent those eyes were.

Sehun was more shock to see the male walking towards him with a smile flashed from it's face. Sehun doubted, he didn't know the guy but Sehun was eager enough to accept him when he comes.

He smiled as the boy walked straightly towards him, awaiting his presence to be in front of Sehun. But he was greatly disappointed. He felt stupid he ever thought of something so rediculous.

The boy passed him.

He went straight towards the table behind Sehun's, ignoring the presence of the overly excited male.

Sehun, pissed, took the courage to see who the boy intented to meet that he had to come up with such a silly conclusion. Yet another surprise was bestowed upon him.

The blonde-haired male came to meet up with another man. They look close, too close to be exact. And, they look to be together, they look to be a match, they look to be lovers.

Sehun couldn't even tell how unlucky he was to have his first love, yes first, to already be taken. And to make it worst, he knows the guy his claimed first love is with. It was his best friend, Xiumin.


(01:03 am / 03-31-14)

Yo! Okay!

Helloooooo! Another story? Yes-_________-"

I don't really know if I want to update this :3 I can't think of any continuation, scenes of what happens next xD

*shrugs* I dunno :3

I dunno if the title suits it either-3-"

So I guess I'll be taking up suggestions? :) well if you have any, PLEASE SHARE IT! haha I'd appreciate it, promise :)

Well I hope you liked it :)

Sorry for missing word/s and typos!

Vote and comment if y'all want

And please read my other works :3

A thank you in advance! :D

Dash et~

-Denyelabaek :3
