Chapter 5

I was walking down an empty corridor, thinking about how done I am with this sibling feud when I run into James.

"Watch it Rose," he sneers.

"Whatever James," I mutter, walking around him. He grabs my elbow and pulls me back. I turn to see his worried hazel eyes looking at me.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

"Huh?" I ask, ever so literate.

"What's wrong, Sophia. You never call me by my name," James says.

"Nothing. Not that you care anyway," I sneer before jerking out of his grasp and walking away.

**Third POV**

"I need to talk to you," James says, approaching Lily and her friends.

"Go away, Potter," Lily says.

"Lily," he insists, catching the red heads attention, "I need to talk to you. Preferably in private." James glances at Marlene, Alice, and Mary.

Lily could see that something was bothering him. "Yeah. Yeah okay. I'll be right back."

The two walk out of hearing range.

"Something's wrong with Sophia. Like, really wrong. She called me by my first name," James tells his long time crush.

"Why does that mean something's wrong?" Liy asks.

"I know she told you what happened. I'm not stupid. And she hasn't called me by my first name in years," James says before sinking into a crouch and placing his head in his hands.

"Isn't that a good thing?" Lily asks, sitting across from him. James sighs and leans back against the wall.

"Not the way she said it. I'm scared," James admits, surprising Lily. "I miss her."

"Then why won't you talk to her?" Lily asks, scooting a little closer.

James picks up a small rock from the floor and twists it around in his hand. "Because I don't know what to say. Because I know she wants nothing to do with me. Because I'm a coward!" James seets, sending the rock flying toward the wall opposite him with a powerful flick of his wrist. Lily sighs and stands up.

"You never know until you try James. That's all I can think of for you," Lily rests her hand on his shoulder before walking away. James nods to himself and walks off.

For the next few days, Lily works on cheering Sophia up and keeping her focus off the situation with her brother. This proved harder than anticipated due to the fact that Mcgonagall paired the twins together for a project. So they sit together everyday in Transfiguration.

James was sitting in the library with a first year he was tutoring in Transfiguration and Sirius was nodding off beside him. Then, Lily bursts iot the room causing a loud boom as the doors slam into the wall. James stands.

"Sophia," Lily pants and Sirius and James take off running, following Lily up to the Astronomy tower.

Sophia stands there, on the edge of the wall, staring down at the ground.

"Sophia!" Sirius shouts. Sophia turns and gives him a confused look.

"Why are you up here?" she asks.

"Sophia, climb down. Carefully," James instructs, glancing at the edge. Sophia's expression turns sour and she turns back to the edge.

"Sophie don't!" Lily yells. They all lunge forward to late. Sophia jumps off the side and James' hand grazes her robe.

AN: Heh. Have fun with this y'all. Love you guys!
