SwapFell Brothers x Reader

I feel so bad! I don't know who requested this :( But if you are the one who requested this please let me know :')

You have always thought that this underground was really interesting so you always went on your own adventures ,walking around the underground which the two brothers didn't like at all because it was dangerous to walk alone. You must have atleast one of them with you if you were going out and let's just say you never really followed that rule. You would follow Papyrus when he ran his errands though and if you couldn't follow him then you would be with Sans instead. It was... fun. You were pretty naïve though, not knowing how evil the brothers were when they were outside of the house and how high their LV were... Well you didn't know that and the brothers didn't plan on telling you anytime soon. They wanted to protect that innocence and they were sure to accomplish that to. Today was no different well the only different thing was that both of the brothers was following you around, you leading them what you wanted to go. "Why do you have to go so fast?" Sans asked rudely while you skipped around. "Because I'm excited!" you said and your eyes sparkled up a bit while Sans just rolled his pupils and asked himself why he even agreed to do this. Papyrus was just smiling at your innocence and didn't mind you at all. "let her just explore everything, you know she likes it" he said and Sans looked down at the ground a bit. "I know" he said and you all three continued with your journey. "Paps, Sans" you said and the brothers looked at you "What is that?" you asked and pointed at the blue flowers. You have actually never been at this part in Underground, you have only been in Snowdin and the ruins. "It's echo flowers" Papyrus said and walked up to you. "Echo... flowers?" you asked curiously "They repeat what you are saying over and over again" Sans finished and you nodded, looking back at the beautiful blue and glowing flowers. "They are really pretty" you said and grabbed the flowers petals softly, feeling it's softness under your fingertips. Sans was smiling a little bit, not showing it of course. He just really liked this innocent and curious nature of yours, it just made him feel all happy inside and he really didn't know why but he always told himself that he didn't need a reason. You both continued your journey and were now in Hotland. You were all walking until you saw a post which you immediately got curious in so you walked up to it. "Guess you found one of my posts, huh?" he asked and you looked back at the source of the voice. Papyrus walked up to you and you nodded happily. "You really are curious about everything, you are like a puppy or something" he said and you smiled even more when you felt his hand pet your head softly. Papyrus also liked your innocence because it was pretty in his eyes, it was naïve but it still was so pretty. "We should probably go home now" Sans said. All three of you walked home while talking about random stuff until you saw the familiar house in the distant. You all went inside and sat on the sofa while watching tv, you were in between the brothers while Papyrus was on your left and Sans on the right. Soon you heard both of them doze off and snore a little bit while they were leaning onto you. They sure were brothers because both of them were snoring exactly the same. You giggled at the thought and looked at both of them with smiles, hugging them closer to you. "Thank you for making me feel happy, even though I know you both aren't". You whispered a little sadly before you also fell asleep.

"Your welcome, Y/N"

Hope this was good :3

