The Surface

Sans laid on the grass asleep.When he woke up he looked at his surroundings.He seemed to be in a unpopulated part of a city.He then stood up and looked at the hole under him leading to judgement hall.He put bones where the hole was and covered it with dirt so nobody would come across it and possibly fall in.

"What to do next..." He wondered.He looked to the side and saw someone who seemed to be a young adult run behind a tree.Upon further inspection he noticed that they were bleeding.Then someone with a bloody knife came by presumably trying to kill them.This reminded Sans of Frisk's bloody knife and them killing everyone.

Sans walked over to the guy with the knife."I'm guessing you're not very KNIFE."He said.The man turned his head to look at Sans.

"Who the-"He stopped when he saw Sans."What.The.Hell.Are.You"

"I'm Sans.Sans the skeleton."Sans responded.The guy looked at sans in disbelief.He couldn't believe he was seeing a talking skeleton.The guy behind the tree had the same expression.Sans continued to talk.

"So I see you have a bloody knife there.Whatever you're about to do I suggest you don't do it.Or you'll regret it.Severely."

"I don't know what the hell you are but I have experience in cracking skulls.So maybe you should crawl back to the underground corpse party you came from."

That last sentenced really pissed sans off.Without saying a word his eye flashed blue and he summoned a gaster blaster.


Sans fired the gaster blaster vaporizing him into dust.He then turned to the guy behind the tree.

"It's safe now."Sans said.He put his hands in his pockets and then walked away with the guy behind the tree still in shock at what happened.As he was walking he noticed a woman running down the same path he just left.She didn't seem to notice him though.She then walked towards him and patched up his leg.

"There was a skeleton!A skeleton summoned some sort of monster head that blasted the guy into dust!"He said in disbelief.

"Is that so?"She replied.

"I know how it sounds but it's true."

"So they're responsible for that skeleTON of dust."

"I'm being serious sis!"

Sans decided to stay behind to overhear this conversation.He chuckled a bit.Their conversation reminded him of when he and Papyrus would have conversations.A single tear rolled down his eye as he proceeded to walk away again.Then when the man and woman were leaving she decided to look back and that's when she saw Sans.She stopped in her tracks.

"Sis why did you sto-"He looked back and also saw Sans.

Sans looked back and then saw them.They were now staring at each other.They didn't break their gaze on each other.They just stood there staring at each other awkwardly.That was until Sans broke the silence.

"Heya.I'm Sans.Sans The Skeleton.Nice to meet ya."He said.

"Hello.The name's Alice.This here is my brother.His name is Jack."

"I know how to introduce myself."Jack said annoyed.

"Well see you around then I guess."Sans said.

"Wait!You don't have a place to stay do you?You can stay with us as a reward for saving me."

Sans contemplated over this decision.These were random people he didn't know.He didn't know what they could do.They could be friends or maybe they were gonna try killing him.Then he thought about the whole human race seeing him in public.They wouldn't be as accepting as these 2.And if they tried anything he could easily overpower them.Sans nodded his head signaling he accepted their offer.They then walked into a apartment building.This was at night so not many people were awake and the ones who were stayed in their apartment doing stuff so Sans being seen by the public wasn't a problem.When they got in the place was kind of run down and a roach crawled by Sans feet.Sans knew these people had a bad life but he didn't ask.

"Sorry this isn't really the greatest place.We have a rough past."Alice said.

"It's better than nothing I guess."Sans replied.

"Alright I think i'm gonna go get some rest now.Its been a long day."Jack said.

Now it was only Sans and Alice sitting on the couch watching TV.Sans picked up the remote and started switching through channels.He decided to stop it when he saw a Spongebob episode.Papyrus watched the show so he decided to leave it on Spongebob in rememberance of him.

"Well is there anything you'd like to have?"Alice asked.

"A ketchup bottle."Sans replied.

"A ketchup bottle?Nothing else at all just a whole ketchup bottle?"


"Alright then."

She came back with a ketchup bottle and handed it to sans.He opened it and started drinking it.When he finished it he tossed it into the trash can and Alice sat on the couch next to him.She began to speak opening a bottle of pepsi.

"So you're from the underground aren't you?"She said drinking the pepsi.

Sans had a surprised look on his face.This random person he didn't know knew about his home when they had never been there before.

"How do you-"

"We learned about it in school."


"You don't have school in the underground?"

"Nope.Elaborate please."

"Well at school we learn about stuff.Like numbers and words and stuff like that.We learn about ourselves and stuff too.Then we also have history class.History is where we learn about our past and well the humans vs monsters fight was pretty significant.I never really agreed with the humans on that one though.We kind of messed up alot in the past."

"Yeah and you people could still use some improvement now"

"We sure could."

Alice set her drink down on the table.Then they watched some spongebob and chatted until it was late.They both fell asleep on the couch.Then morning came.Jack's joyous shouts filled the apartment waking up Sans and Alice.

"Today's the day!"Jack said.Alice looked at Jack confused.Then she had a look of realization.

"What's going on?"Sans asked.

"Well you see Jack saw a job interview at a lab with good pay and we could use the money."Alice explained.

"Yeah what she said!We could live in a nice house and stuff and we wouldn't be struggling!"Jack said."Alright i'm going to my interview now sis."

"Ok good luck.I'd tell you a chemistry joke but you wouldn't have a good reaction."Alice replied.

"Are you serious Alice?"Jack said annoyed.

"I guess you didn't find that humerus."Sans said.

Jack slammed the door behind him and left.Sans and Alice looked at the door then at each other and laughed.Then Sans thought about Alice and Jack.Him and Papyrus.Jack going to a interview at a lab.Gaster.A single tear trickled down his cheek.Alice noticed.

"Are you ok?"She asked.

"You 2 remind me of me and my brother and my father worked at a lab and well I guess I might as well tell you my backstory now.It all started when my dad Gaster took me to the lab he worked at.He was close to finishing a project on determination but something went wrong.He was determined to finish it though and ignored it.I tried to stop him but I couldn't.When he realized what he had done it was too late though.I was about to fall into this black hole but he pushed me out of the way.He fell and I never saw him again.I was never quite the same after that and my brother Papyrus was too young to remember this incident and I never spoke of it ever.A few months later a human falls and well...they have determination.They can reset the world and come back from death and stuff like that."

"Wait what?Reset the world?"

"Yep.They decided to kill everyone.All my friends and my brother Papyrus.I promised to Gaster I wouldn't let anything happen to him......"Sans started to sob.

"It's ok this human is gone now so don't worry about them."

"You don't understand.They killed us 99 times.All of us.I remember it all.ALL OF IT!Well I managed to escape them this time but it's only a matter of time before they get here."

"I don't know what to say...i'm sorry you went through that.Well i'll help you deal with them or die trying."


"Yeah.I'm going to try and help you somehow."

"But they're really powerful."

"Well I don't care.I'm not afraid."Alice's soul burned orange.She was filled with bravery.Sans looked at her in awe before she powered down.

"Ok.I guess you can help then."Sans said.

Jack was standing outside of the lab.This was a difficult place to get hired at and only the best of the best could get hired.Jack's soul burned purple.He was filled with perseverance.He walked into the building and began his interview.To make a long story short he was hired.His face lit up when he found out.

"Thank you sir you won't regret this!"Jack said.

"I know I won't i'm sure you'll get far in this place."The man said.Jack left the building with glee.

Jack bursted into the house."I got hired!"He said.

"Congrats bro."Alice said.Tomorrow came and Jack went to work and Alice went to work a mcdonalds shift.Sans was the only one left now.He decided to take a nap and make some sort of plan tomorrow to deal with Chara or Frisk or whatever they were.
