Chapter 1: The Son

A young boy stared with excitement at various displays of the many battles Ultraman fought in. Such as the fight with Zetton (Fake Z-ton).

or with Bemular.

Young Izuku: Yui look!

A young girl stood beside him as they stared at the model of Ultraman's battle with Bemular.

Tour Guide: The Giant of Light Museum has recreated the many battles of Ultraman and the SSSP in these dioramas.

The tour guide takes the group to the next exhibit while the two kids continue to explore.

Tour Guide: Next, please look at this. This is a picture of the members of the Scientific Special Search Party, also known as SSSP. I guess I don't really need to explain that though.

Hisashi: Izuku. Do you know which one is your dad?

Young Izuku: I do. (points) That's you.

Hisashi: Hahaha. That's right. (ruffles Izuku's hair) You spotted me easily.

Young Izuku: I mean, you're my dad, after all.

???: Defense Minister Hisashi.

A man approaches the group. Someone who the boy's father recognize in an instant.

???: I haven't seen you since the spring meeting.

Hisashi: Torino, you're here too?

Gran Torino: You bet.

After the two men shook hands, Ide took notice to Young Izuku and his friend.

Gran Torino: Izuku. You've sure grown. (looks up) Do you know which one is me?

Young Izuku: (points) This guy.

The tour group applauded him.

Gran Torino: You spotted me easily. Like your father, you're sharp too, Izuku.

Young Izuku: Hey, dad. Can we look over there?

Hisashi: Sure, but don't run.

Young Izuku/Yui: Okay.

The kids run off to explore more of the museum. 

Gran Torino: You must love him more than anything. 

Hisashi: I didn't have him until I was older, after all. More importantly, what are you doing here again today?

Gran Torino: I happened to be nearby for work. Then when I heard you were at the museum, I thought I would pay you a visit since I haven't seen you in a while.

Museum Employee: Excuse me, I hate to interrupt while you're talking. (presents notebook) Can I have your autograph?

Bodyguard: Sorry, but that's not allowed.

Hisashi: I don't mind.

Museum Employee: Thank you. I really appreciate it.

The kids looked at a model of a space craft which hovered over the main entrance. Hisashi hands the autographed notebook back to the employee.

Museum Employee: Thank you.

Hisashi: No problem.

Gran Torino: Don't you want mine?

The two looked at him before a woman's scream got their attention. They ran over and saw Young Izuku laying on the bottom floor. Thankfully someone caught him before any serious happened.

Tour Guide: Izuku!

The tour group rushed downstairs.

Hisashi: Izuku! Izuku! Hey, Izuku!

Ryukyu: He is fine. Thankfully I was here to catch him in time.

Museum Employee: We didn't know you were here, ma'am.

Ryukyu: I was on my way home when I saw this young lad falling. I'm just glad I got to him on time.

Young Izuku regained consciousness and started to cry.

Gran Torino: Hisashi, get him to a hospital!

Ryukyu: I just caught him.

Gran Torino: Just in case he's injured.

Hisashi: It's all right.

Gran Torino: "All right"? Do you see how far he fell?

Hisashi: He's not hurt anywhere. He's just crying because he's scared.

He walks away while carrying his crying son.

Gran Torino: Hey.

Gran Torino follows with the Ultraman figure in his hand. The tour guide and bodyguards following behind. The Midoriya family got into the car with the museum employee and Izuku's friend saying their goodbyes.

Young Izuku: Bye-bye.

Tour Guide/Museum Employee: Bye-bye.

Young Yui: Bye Izu!

The car drove off soon after. Both Ide and Hisashi exchanged a look on their faces.

~~Scene Change~~

At the Midoriya Residence, Inko entered the living room where Hisashi was.

Hisashi: Has Izuku gone to sleep?

Inko: Yes. I think he was exhausted. He's deep asleep.

Hisashi: I see.

She went into the kitchen, leaving her husband to sigh.

Hisashi: No doubt about it. (holds his face) That boy isn't normal. 

An hour passed and Hisashi continuously scrolls through the tablet. Looking at all the photos taken by the SSSP. He grew frustrated and lay hid head back.

Hisashi: Why? 

He gets up and makes a call to the retired Pro Hero. 

Hisashi: Sorry to call you this late. Can I see you now?

~~Scene Change~~

Gran Torino: Why are we meeting here again?  You're not comfortable at your old workplace.

Hisahsi: I'm fine.

Gran Torino: So, what is it you want to talk to me about?

Hisashi: Actually... I have no memory.

Gran Torino: You have no memory?

Hisashi: Yes. 

Gran Torino: Memory of what?

Hisashi: How can I put this? I... have no memory of seeing Ultraman.

He gazes at the statue of the Giant of Light.

Gran Torino: You mean, you don't know what Ultraman did?

Hisashi: That's right.

Gran Torino: That's crazy. I mean, back then you were with me in the SSSP.

Hisashi: Yes, I know that.

He leans againt the railing.

Gran Torino: In the final battle, when Zetton showed up, you hit your head pretty hard.

Hisashi: That's not what I mean!

He smashs the railing. A few pieces falling onto the floor. He was taken back by this.

Hisashi: Look at this.

Gran Torino: That's pretty amazing. But, why did you wait until now to tell me such an important thing?

Hisashi: I can't hide it anymore.

Gran Torino: You mean Izuku?

Hisashi: Yes. You saw it too. That boy isn't normal. He may be even greater than me.

Gran Torino: Actually, there's something that I want you to see. Come with me.

He walks away.

Hisashi: Where are we going?

Gran Torino: Just follow me.

The two entered the elevator and descended down.

Hisashi: This is nothing more than a museum, right?

Gran Torino: No, it's not.

The elevator arrived at a monitor room underneath the museum.

Gran Torino: This place is operational. The museum is just for show.

Hisashi: What the heck is this? What's going on?

Gran Torino: Hold on. I'm getting to that. The Japan office of the SSSP is still going strong.

The two went into a room above the monitors. Hisashi sitting on the couch, still confused.

Gran Torino: Have you calmed down a little?

Hisashi: Of course, I'm not calm down. I have no idea what's going on.

Gran Torino: (hands him a cup) Well, I can understand why you're surprised.

The two drinked.

Gran Torino: But there's a reason why I've kept it hidden. 

Hisashi: What reason would that be?

Gran Torino placed his cup down on the table.

Gran Torino: Actually, right now, Earth is facing a new danger. And it's not the villains in our world today. (opens laptop) Look at this.

The video plays a security feed of a plane taking off from the airport.

Hisashi: Is this the incident from six months ago?

Gran Torino: That's right.

The plane in the video explodes.

Gran Torino: At first we were told it was a terrorist act or a villain. But then it was cleared up by saying it was improper maintenance. Look closely at this.

He zooms in at the explosion. The blurry image of a silhouette appeared.

Hisashi: Who is that?

Gran Torino: This accident was caused by this guy. 

The image cleared up, showing the full perspective of the culprit responsible.

Hisashi: Ultraman?

Hisashi started having headaches with flashing images from his younger days.

Gran Torino: Did you remember something?

Hisashi: (pants heavily) I... was Ultraman.

Gran Torino: I knew that. Everyone in the SSSP realized it.

Hisashi: What? Then why didn't you say anything?

Gran Torino: What if the world found out? You and Izuku would treated like guinea pigs. 

Hisashi sits back down.

Gran Torino: You and your son... have inherited the genes of Ultraman.

Hisashi: The genes of Ultraman?

Gran Torino: We did it to protect the both of you. I'm sorry.

Hisashi: You mean the SSSP has kept operating for our sake?

Gran Torino: That's right. But now it's time for it to perform its original function. 

Hisashi: Because of him?

Gran Torino: This time, he is not friendly to humanity. I know I've hidden this from you. But will you cooperate with me now?
