Ashina-kun?? (Ashina Tomai, no rank been set)

Tomai's POV

i'm Ashina Tomai, i'm used to be member of borders since 9 y.o but due to an accident i've lost my little brother... i really stupid that i left him in the room alone... is all my fault... i left border and escaped to mikado's outer skirt town leaving him alone, afraid... i now worked as a baker i like baking and sometimes bake things for my twin little brother

One day, a large scale invation appeared after 4 and a half years... which means that if my little brother are anywhere near in there that will be a big trouble...

Suddenly a portal appeared at mikado out skirt town

I quickly get into my house a.k.a the bakery and took my last used trigger "TRIGGER ON!!" i shouted but it's useless.. it's broken and i haven't fix it yet.. but luckly a border agent arived and took it down... i widden my eye i can't belive what i'm seeing... is that...

My... brother??

Komai's POV

Good thanks i arrived just in time to take down the neighbour but an rabbit appeared "NANI?!!" I shouted as one rabbit come out from bander and started to walk around ignoring me and grab another people, turning them into a cube.....

Tomai's POV

I looked at that rabbit and start analysis it, that's right my side effect is analysis eye, to be considered from border as A class side effect. I looked at my little twin brother and walked in the store

Komai's POV

I used both of my hand gun ot distract rabbit as i calls HQ "this is Ashina Komai from A-rank no.1 'Tachikawa unit', repoting that one unidentified neighbor appeared to have ability to turn people into cubes... I need a back-up unit and a permision of using black trigger" i said as i used grasshoper, pinball and spider. Kido-san just aggreed to let me used the black trigger and i switched it as soon as possible and destroy it in split second using certain seals i learned from yuma, just like Kido-san said, double the power of ability people had. But....

Tomai's POV

I throwed a piece of paper ball to my little brother a.k.a komai. I writed thing that rabbit can and can't do and so are the weakness and komai destroyed one right away just in a nick of time and restore back the cube that got turned earlier...

As the Kakizaki squad are here komai had cleaned up the mess. "Yo Ashina-kun... Whats this about ehh?" The leader Kakizaki then spoke to me but Komai interupted "Kakizaki-kun? Who are you talking to?" He said as he jump/? His way to our side "arra?? I tough this person was you..." Kakizaki said as he pointed me and Komai looked at me not realising i'm his long old brother. "Him me?? You kidding Kakizaki! There's no way i'm him!!" And again my foolish little brother ignored me until Kakizaki spokes again "but he just look like you..."

I look at my little brother Komai who had widen his eye...

Komai's POV

I widen my eye while looking at my brother who grins a bit as Kakizaki squad said that we both looked same "l-let's go... I don't want to distrupt them..." I sad as i lower my head and jump back to the HQ while Kakizaki squad take care of the outer skirt town

'Is he my big brother??'

-to be continued
