Chapter 24

You met up with Michael during the game of Poland vs Brazil. Practically everyone was present since Brazil was one of the favorites to win the tournament.

Brazil won as expected, with three sets against one, and on your way to one of the two final matches of the day, Italy vs Canada, Michael asked about your encounter with Wakatoshi.

You told him there was not that much to tell, but as you recounted meeting Oikawa and your lunch where you met Nishinoya everyone within earshot was hanging on your lips.Well, everyone except for Katie and a few of her friends, who decided midway your story to walk ahead of the group.

Within 10 minutes you became a bit of a celebrity in your group, with people asking you left and right if they could come and meet the players as well. You told them that this morning's events were probably a one-off and that you didn't really have a connection with the team or anything.

You saw Michael give you a knowing smile, which reminded you that you still had to give him the details for tomorrow morning.

They begrudgingly accepted your explanation and no more was said about team Japan as you arrived at the court were you would be watching the final game of the day.

Somewhere in the second set, when Italy was in the lead 16 to 8, Michael went to get a drink and you tagged along to take the opportunity to have a private chat with him.

"So, I guess I'll have to make something up for why I'm not going to be watching any games tomorrow?" He chuckled as soon as you were out of earshot of the others.

"That would be nice, I'm sorry for that." You replied, hoping he wouldn't mind too much.

"It's okay, I understand. I'm already really happy you were brave enough to ask them if I could come."

You cleared your throat. "Actually the one who suggested it was Wakatoshi... Ushijima." You added as Michael was more used to hearing him being called Ushijima.

"Wait, what? Really?" He asked surprised. "He knows about me?!"

You chuckled a little nervously. "Yeah, to you he's my 'online volleyball friend' and to him you are my 'friend who plays volleyball'."

Michael got stars in his eyes and you couldn't help but smile. It felt nice that you could be the catalyst for giving someone an amazing experience in their life.

"So, if you can make something up that would be great and then meet me at my hotel in the morning?" You asked and remembered that you still needed to get the time and place from Wakatoshi.

You pulled out your phone and typed a quick message to him. 'Can you give me a time and place for tomorrow?'

"You're actually casually chatting with Ushijima... I still can't really believe it!" Michael said after he took a peek at your phone.

It didn't take long for your phone to signal a reply to your message.

'9 am city gym.' Followed by the gym's address. 'Tell Michael to wear something comfortable.'

You held out your phone to Michael so he could read the messages himself.

"Wait, what?" He looked at the last message, shocked. "He's not planning on making me join in... is he?"

"Who knows?" You grinned.

"Yeah, it's probably nothing, right? And if it is something, I can hit a ball or two, can't I? I mean, not at their level of course, but still... Wait, does that mean I'm going to be getting sets from Oikawa? Oh god, I'm not going to understand a thing of what they're saying." Michael started blabbering and you put a hand on his arm in an attempt to calm him down.

"You're going to be fine, Ushijima is good at English!" You laughed and the two of you made your way back to watch the end of the game in high spirits.


The next morning Michael met you at your hotel at 8.30 am, wearing his tracksuit and you took a bus that passed the city gym.

Both of you said little on the way there, spending your time lost in thought and both being nervous.

As you arrived you noticed that Japan's bus was already parked outside and you figured they were already inside. You looked around to see if you spotted Tendou hanging around, but alas he was no where to be seen. The whole parking lot was empty save for you two.

After taking a deep breath you motioned for Michael to follow you. He seemed even more nervous than you so you took it upon yourself to take the lead. In a worst case scenario you could just go back to your hotel.

Luckily there were signs that pointed to the entrance and getting in was not difficult. The gym was a lot smaller than the one the tournament was being held in and you did not have to go far before you could hear the squeaking of shoes and the sounds of balls hitting the floor.

"I guess that's the place to be." You told Michael and he just nodded.

You had arrived a little later than you wanted, it was closing in on 9.30 am, and right as you were about to open the door that would lead you to the actual court you got a message on your phone.

'Are you going to make it?'

Suddenly a weight seemed to lift off your shoulders and your nerves ebbed away. You pushed open the door and were greeted by the sight of two teams warming up on separate sides of the court. Japan was on the near side and you noticed Wakatoshi standing near you at the benches. He was holding his phone in one hand and used the other to lift his shirt and wipe his face.

It was brief, but you got a look at his body underneath. It was not as if you had expected him to be anything but fit, even when he wore winter clothing it was obvious that he was in great shape, but actually seeing it 'in the flesh' made your face flush.

You shook your head to find your focus again and as you walked in his direction you called out to him. "Yes, I made it."

He looked up, surprised to see you, and headed in your direction. "Hey." He greeted you and then turned to Michael, who had seemed to come alive again after arriving at the court.

Wakatoshi extended his hand. "You must be Michael."

Michael nodded excitedly and shook his hand, after which Wakatoshi introduced himself.

"You can sit on the bench here." Wakatoshi told you as he moved his bag out of the way. Then after taking a swig from his water bottle he joined the rest of his team for practice.

"This is so exciting!" Michael exclaimed and you were glad he was back to his usual self.

"Yeah, it is." You replied as you watched Wakatoshi spike the ball that Oikawa had set up for him and then walk up to the setter to exchange feedback.

Your eyes met his and he nodded, a ghost of a smile on his lips.

You felt your own face flush again and in the back of your mind something told you that you were starting to tread in dangerous waters.



I was blushing so much imagining Wakatoshi wiping his face with his shirt (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄, I can't imagine what I'll be like writing some of the future chapters (๑→ ‿ ←๑)

Also, writing about 'balls' is sometimes really awkward and silly! (*≧▽≦)ノシ))

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it! See you Sunday! (≧∇≦)/
