Chapter 4


Jimmy pov (yayyy)

As Jimmy flew back to his kingdom he couldn't help but feel a bit sad, what did he do to earn that treatment? All he wanted was to make sure Scott was safe he then shook his head no, he and Scott were enemies and nothing could change that. 


One Jimmy landed he decided to go to his sister Lizzie, they had both recently found out they were siblings and had been going to eachother for advice and comfort (mostly Jimmy going to Liz but we don't talk about that)

After swimming for awhile he landed on the beautiful gigantic lily pads his sister had grown "Lizzie?" He calle called out hopefully his sister was in her empire or this would be awkward. Thankfully another shou was heard "Jimmy!" He was tackled in a big hug from behind followed by a lot of laughter

"How's my seabling doing?" The blond then remembered what he was here for an lowered his voice "Can we talk in private?" Lizzie tilted her head out of confusion and concern and replied "Of course"


"HE DID WHAT!?" Jimmy flinched and Lizzie immediately lowered her voice "I'm sorry Jimmy i'm just a bit angry" yeah right Jimmy thought, his sister has always done a bad job at hiding her anger "Do you think he'll come apologise to me?" A scoff was heard from the other followed by a few not so nice words about Scott "Jimmy my seabling I love you (NOT A SHIP DAMN) but I don't think someone as prideful and sassy like him would say sorry to you" "Well it's always worth a try right?" Jimmy asked hopefully he has always had a crush on the elf but now that they were enemies it wasn't going to be easy to get together Lizzie just sighed an said "Alright but if he doesn't apologise by midnight i'm gonna have a TALK with him"


Scott pov (yayayyayayayayay)

Scott couldn't belive he was doing this after talking with Katherine for awhile she somehow convinced him to go apologise to Jimmy, how? Scott didn't know

As he walked towards the little cabin Jimmy owned he suddenly froze he didn't plan this all he thought he was gonna do was apologise but now he realized that it was probably gonna be alot harder than he thought but what was he gonna do? He was already here so might aswell roll with it

*knock knock*

"Scott?" Dear aeor why was he so short his 5'7ft elven ass (hahahhaha short scott) compared to Jimmy's 6'ft was a very big difference "I- I wanted to apologise for being rude and thank you for caring for me I lashed out because I wasn't expecting you" Scott cursed under his breath why did he stutter? And why does the apology sound so pathetic?

Before he could walk away he was pulled into a big hug "It's okay Scott, although i'll have to take some time to accept your apology I really want to be friends with you"

Normally Scott would've pulled away but for some reason he didn't Jimmy just felt so warm and comforting 

"Thank you, and as for the friends.. i'll think about it"

(Bbyugcvguyvcsyduvuygcdrsvygcrsf flower husbands brain rot gonna post my headcanons soon ALSO I PROMISE I'LL MENTION NATURE WIVES NEXT CHAPTER)
