Chapter 4

The next day, Ahsoka was still tense about the situation with Vader. She was sparring with Kanan, and Ezra was watching from a distance.

She had her two white lightsabers in her reverse grip, and Kanan was having trouble dodging her hits, so he didn't have any way to even try and beat Ahsoka.

Kanan turned his lightsaber off and was panting. "Alright," he panted. "Can we stop? I'm... really tired."

Ahsoka nodded and put her lightsabers on her belt. "You're doing good, Kanan."

"Not compared to you," Kanan grumbled.

"Kanan," Ahsoka said. "I had to reteach myself so much because I was in the same situation as you. It's taken me years to get back to the way I was."

Kanan gave a small smile. "Thanks, Ahsoka."

"Ahsoka," Ezra said. "Why do you use your lightsaber like that?"

"I use a reverse grip," Ahsoka explained. "It's just a different style of combat. It's what I've been using since I was a youngling."

Ezra nodded. "Will I learn that?"

"I'm sure Ahsoka can teach you if you want her to," Kanan said.

"I'd be happy to," Ahsoka agreed.

"Cool!" Ezra exclaimed. He jumped over the railing to where Ahsoka and Kanan were. "Kanan, can you fight like that?"

Kanan shrugged. "Kind of. Ahsoka taught me a few things when I was a youngling."

Ezra's eyes widened. "You taught Kanan when he was a youngling?"

Ahsoka nodded, a smile forming on her face. "I did."

"That's crazy!" Ezra said. "And super cool."

"Wait, you and Kanan knew each other as Jedi?" Jax asked.

"Yes," Ahsoka replied. "Most of the Padawans and younglings knew each other. We lived in the same place."

"Ah," Jax said. "Anyway, Sato wants to see you. Sabine, Zeb, and Hera are already in the briefing room."

Ahsoka nodded. "I'll be there."

"And Kanan and Ezra will probably have to come soon, so don't take too long with your sparring session," Jax said with a grin.

"You--" Ezra started, but Kanan held him back.

"We'll be there," Kanan said.

Ahsoka and Jax left the Ghost and Ahsoka gave her son a stern look. "Jax, treat Ezra nicer," she said. "He's been through some things. You two are very similar."

"Alright," Jax said with a shrug as the door opened, and they walked inside.

"I have called you all here to discuss what we are going to do about the command ship since it has been destroyed. The destruction of our command ship has severely limited our ability to fight the Empire in this sector."

Ezra and Kanan had walked in the door from their sparring session. Apparently, it didn't take very long, or they didn't want to hold up the meeting.

"So maybe we don't fight," Ezra said. "Uh, Commander Sato, sir. When things got tough for me on Lothal, I'd go find someplace to hide."

"You are never shy with your opinions, Ezra Bridger," Commander Sato said. Ahsoka smiled. She used to be like that. "But establishing a base is a good idea."

"Problem is none of the potential bases we know of have the tactical advantage we need to protect what's left of our fleet," Hera said.

"Or aid the nearby systems suffering from Imperial oppression," Kanan added.

"We can't help others if we can't help ourselves, Kanan." Hera retorted. She sighed. "If only we had more allies."

"I know someone," Ahsoka spoke up. Am I going to do this? She thought. Why was she doing this? It was a stupid idea! "Who might be able to help us. A great military commander, with a vast knowledge of the Outer Rim. He could assist us in finding a base. And his experienced leadership would make him a powerful ally." she walked around the holographic image of Sato.

"How do we recruit this leader?" Commander Sato asked.

"That's the problem," Ahsoka replied. "I lost track of him a long time ago, and all my transmissions have gone unanswered."

"We can find him," Ezra said, poking his head from behind Commander Sato's transmission figure. "Let us try."

"Well, there is one option I've not yet attempted," Ahsoka said. "Let me go grab something, and I'll meet you in the cockpit of the Ghost."

"Okay," Ezra said. "Come on, guys."

Ahsoka left the briefing room and headed to her living area. There she found the head of a tactical droid, one that had been used during the war. She had been meaning to use it to find Rex for years and hadn't told Jax about it. She had been too scared to see him again. But she felt that she owed it to Jax now. She grabbed it, and Jax stopped her in the doorway.

"Who are you having them go get?" He asked. "And why are you carrying a droids head?"

"It's to help them find my friend," Ahsoka explained. She took a deep breath and looked at her son in the eyes. "Jax, I need you to listen to me, but not be rash about this," Ahsoka said.

"Okay." He replied slowly, crossing his arms.

"I'm having them go and get an old friend of mine, Captain Rex, formerly of the Grand Army of the Republic," Ahsoka said. "I'm not sure how to put this lightly, but he's your father."

"What?" Jax said, his eyes widening. "Really?"

"Yes," Ahsoka said. "But I can't have you go with them."

"What?" Jax asked. "Why?"

"Because he doesn't know you exist," Ahsoka said. "I told you, I tried contacting him, but he wouldn't answer. I don't know how he's changed over the years. He's been through a lot. I don't know how he'll act."

"Okay," Jax replied. "Are you going?"

"No," Ahsoka said. "I have some questions that I need to be to be answered. Stay here while I give them this."

"Okay," Jax said. "Is that why I look like the clones you show me pictures of? Like Echo and Fives?"

"Yes," Ahsoka said with a pained smile. Even after so many years, it was still hard for her to talk about her old friends. Her old family. "Thank you," Ahsoka kissed his forehead. "Love you."

"Love you more," Jax said.

"Love you most," Ahsoka said. It was just something they did whenever they wanted to make sure that the other was okay. And it was something that she and Rex did while they were on Mandalore.

Ahsoka headed towards the Ghost and walked in the cockpit.

"Is that the head of an old tactical droid?" Kanan asked.

"These droids were great at finding things. Calculating." Ahsoka chuckled. "Found my master and I a few times when we didn't want to be found."

"How in all the galaxy is that droid going to find your friend?" Ezra asked.

"Well," Ahsoka replied. "I heard he was last seen in the Seelos system. You can start there."

"You're not coming with us?" Ezra asked, getting out of his seat.

"I have something else to attend to," Ahsoka replied, walking towards the door.

"The Sith Lord," Kanan said. It didn't sound like a guess, more of an answer, or a statement.

"There are questions," Ahsoka said. "Questions that need answering."

"I wish that we could go with you," Ezra said.

"You have your own mission, Ezra," Ahsoka replied. "And Kanan, when you find my friend, you must trust him."

"If he's all the things you say, we can't afford not to," Kanan replied with a small smile.

"Trust him." Ahsoka insisted. She knew that the Jedi would be hesitant in trusting him because of his past with the clones. But she also knew that he would come through.

The door closed, and Ahsoka left the Ghost.

She went back to her room, and Jax was inside meditating.

"Why did you react so... oddly when you sensed the Sith Lord?" He asked without looking up at Ahsoka.

Ahsoka knelt next to him and closed her eyes. "I don't know. For some reason, he seemed familiar."

"Could it be Palpatine?" Jax asked.

"No. Kanan and Ezra already said it wasn't," Ahsoka replied. Palpatine never flew and he would make someone else do his bidding, and Kanan and Ezra didn't face Palpatine on Lothal. And she knew it was Darth Vader. It had to be. But who was under the mask?

"Then who...?" He trailed off.

"I don't know," Ahsoka replied.
