Chapter Thirteen: Aftermath

Every Creepypasta reader insert i read ever:

*gets kidnapped**brought to slenderman's mansion**tells reader she'll be living there from now on**reader doesn't give two shi she got kidnapped and lived with them psychopath killers like it was the most normal thing in the whole damn world**find love partner**trouble**happy ending yay*

XD sorry, I just really had to let it out.

Not hatin, I just find it really really hilarious. Like seriously, the reader is like: "i got kidnapped. oh whatever, i'll just live in this mansion with these killers, happy yay!"

Anyway, in the future, I will be adding decision chapters. Stay tuned :*


Abigail Callaghan.


Hiro Hamada.


You jolted up with beads of cold sweat trailing down your pale cheeks, your breathing became ragged and short as awful memories of the night of the fire rushed in quicker than a blink, unintentionally feeding your own mind with nothing but negative thoughts.

You felt overwhelmed as you scanned the room, clutching tightly the blanket draped on your shivering and weakening frame. It didn't take you another second to learn that you're currently inside a hospital room. You caught a glimpse of a withering white flower on a vase located on the nearby lamp table, a petal graciously plucking itself away and landing on the tiled floor.

How long was I out? Days? Weeks? And what is it with people putting flowers? I'm not dead yet.


You whipped your head to the source of the sound that startled you. Uncle Patrick sat on a cushioned seat a few meters away from your bed, his calloused hands clamped together. Deep bags formed visibly under his almost lifeless green orbs, his once nicely swept tousled brown hair is now shaggy and greasy, as well as his crumpling clothes. It was as though he neglected the need to keep good hygiene to keep a keen eye on you.

"How long was I out?" You asked with no greetings or whatsoever.

Patrick frowns. "Hello to you too, (Y/N). And I was hoping you'd change your attitude after waking up."

"Answer me, damn it." You hissed, hands curling.

"It won't hurt you to be nice to me at least once. That's all I'm asking for."

"Really? How about telling that to my Dad." You spat out with a venomous tone.

Silence anchored itself in the air, creating an eerie demeanor in the enclosed room. Patrick lowers his head, his graying brown hair covering his devastated expression. The silence didn't dissipate a bit as you continued ignoring your uncle, merely staring at the ajar window fixated beside your bed. Some unwanted strands of your hair brushed away as the cold morning breeze greeted you lightly.

"I'll buy some food," Patrick says as he stands up from his seat, pushing it backwards in the process, "You want something in particular?"

"Nothing, just leave me alone." You scoffed out, arms folded.

The door clicked quietly, notifying you that you're finally left alone, which you were very much thankful about. Thought after thought, all piling up in your head all at once, and it was giving you a very serious headache. You grunted, massaging your temples as you struggled to push away the pain pounding harshly against your skull.

Hiro! Your eyes shot open, worry glistening, Where's Hiro?

You threw off your cover from your body and bolted out, screaming Hiro's name over and over, your heart racing as concern filled. Negative scenarios rushes through your mind like a tidal wave, drenching you with nothing but worry. People around you gazed at your screaming frame, shaking theirs heads, thinking you were a mental patient.

"Whoever this Hiro person must be really important to her." One whispers.

"Yeah, he or she must be the reason why she's acting so. . . mental." One replies back.

All the concern left your body like a lost soul, restraining yourself from turning around and shoving your fits on the two chit chatters. Just keep calm, (Y/N). Deal with them later, you need to find Hiro!

You remembered when he ran into the fire, doing the same mistake his brother did. Closing your eyes with a deep sigh, you ran over to a nearby nurse jotting down notes on her notepad.

"Um, excuse me," You said, "Sorry for the interruption but do you know where Hiro Hamada's room is? I'm a friends of his."

Wait, I don't even know if he's here! What if he isn't?! Okay, calm down, (Y/N). Don't jinx anything.

The nurse checked your figure. "Shouldn't you be resting in your room, ma'am?"

"I don't care! I need to see my friend! Just please, tell me where he is!"

The nurses glances up from her pad and tapped her chin using her pen, lips pursed and a brow raised up. "Ah, yes. He is in room 324. Just around that corner." She points.

Muttering a thanks the nurse probably didn't hear, you rushed to the said room number, taking a deep breathe once standing in front of the door. Your sweaty palm softly encased the door knob but hesitation consumed you the second you touched the cold object. Horrible and deadly thoughts crossed your mind, locking your brain to one topic only. Death.

Is he dead? What if he only have months to live? Oh my gee. . .

You swung open the door quietly, peeping your head through the space you created. You smiled oh so slightly, seeing that Hiro was there, breathing yet unconscious. His lips are parted, his breathing calculated and just right. You silently closed the door with a click, leaning against it as you examined Hiro's figure from afar. He had bandages all over his reddening burns, bruises, flesh wounds and injuries.

You grinded your teeth in fury. "You're such an idiot. You should know better than carelessly entering a flaming building." You growled lowly, hands balling into fists.

You sat on the seat settled right next to the hospital bed where Hiro laid, unknowingly leaning near his face to get a better look at his pale face. He looked peaceful and innocent as he slumbers, a faint red painting at the corner of his dry brims. Must be a burn. You thought as you raised your finger and poked the spot, causing the Hamada prodigy to jump against your touch and jolt up, scurrying to one corner.

"What the-- " Hiro says as he squinted his eyes at you, as thought trying to understand whether you were real or just an illusion.

"You scared me!" You didn't waste any time and propped yourself on the bed, crawling to where Hiro was and wrapped your arms around him like your dear life depended on it. Tears welled up in your eyes as you let out a strangled sniffle, your hands shaking as you clutched him close to you, reminding you he was just there.

"Uh, sorry for scaring you, um, (Y/N)?" His statement sounded more like a question.

Hiro froze in his spot all of a sudden, scared to move. Maybe confused to move. "Um, about the fire, what happened?" He asks.

You pulled away, face downcast. "I don't know, I blacked out," You admitted.

Hiro frowns. "You. . . blacked out?"

You nodded. "I just said that, right?"

All of a sudden, Hiro pins you down on his mattress, straddling you as he looked over your flustered, shocked and confused form, cheeks red in embarrassment. His eyes quietly observed your whole body, you felt naked and insecure under his gaze. It was like he was stripping you off your clothes. Pushing away those thoughts, you forced yourself to move and press your hands to his chest, which wasa bad idea for you found yourself gaping at how bad your position with him was.

The door flung open all of a sudden, revealing a shocked nurse by the door frame. She swept her attention at you and Hiro before closing the door quite slowly, eyes never leaving the sight before her.

Stammering most of the words, you said, "Don't look at me like that, you pervert."

Hiro scoots away from you, still holding the frown. "You didn't get hurt, did you?" He questions.

"Well, my head hit the ground but it's not that serious."

"It is."

"Who says?"

"Says me, now stay still," With that said, Hiro yanked you close to him and examined your head, looking for any sign of bruise or wound.

You awkwardly moved away from him, a look of suspicion crossing your face, "What kind of medicine did they give you?"

Hiro attempts to roll his eyes at your insulting and mildly amusing comment, yet despite his efforts, he could only sigh at you then smoothens your hair affectionately.

"I'm sorry."

Yo were flabbergasted, to say at least. "What's there to apologize for? If it's about running into the house, it's oka--"

"I need to tell you something, (Y/N). This may destroy our friendship but I think you need to know."

You stared at him with a confused eyebrow lifted. "What?"

Hiro raises his head and looked straight into your eyes. "Look," He takes a deep and shaky breathe, "What I'm going to tell you now might show you.

"Cut the tension, Hamada. Just tell me already," You asked, unable to contain your curiosity. You searched anything on his facial expression, if he was messing with or something. But none, he was being sincere.

"I have amnesia." He admits, his gaze falling down to his lap.

Your whole world nearly stopped.



Plot twist?

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