
Home » Transmigration in the Book: I Rely on Raising Cubs to Upgrade My System » Chapter 11: Zai Zai want to live stream
Transmigration in the Book: I Rely on Raising Cubs to Upgrade My System Chapter 11: Zai Zai want to live stream
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When they were all gone, Ye Xun Xiaoxiao was left alone.

At half the rate, he recovered and stretched out his little hand to look down.

Mommy... just hugged him?

Are you happy because you can make money?

A strong attachment flashed in his grape eyes, and there was some hidden desire.

In the morning, Uncle Intermediary's car was halfway through, and Mommy suddenly asked him to stop by the roadside, saying that he would go to the supermarket to buy the morning specials.

She rushed down alone, leaving him in the car.

He was almost desperate, thinking he was going to be thrown away by Mummy.

In less than half a minute, she ran to the supermarket door, ran back in a hurry, opened the car door, and took him to the supermarket.

At that moment, he almost threw himself into Ye Susu's arms and wept bitterly.

He was thinking at the time that he shouldn't have a little temper this morning.

He clearly knew that Mommy had no money and worked hard to raise him alone.

If she didn't throw him away, he should be happy.

He also asked so much...want her to hug and treat herself well...

He obviously shouldn't be like this.

However, thinking about it this way, his chest was still stuffy, and his eyes were almost dim and wet again.

Ye Xun lowered his head and tried to hold it.

‘As long as the live broadcast is popular and the fans exceed one million, then an advertisement will earn you six to seven hundred thousand. "

‘Stay on live broadcast, money is not a problem! ’

‘The probability of success is low, but maybe you are the one who succeeded? On that day, I made a million a month and turned over completely! ’

He couldn't help thinking of what Aunt Ye Wantang said to Mommy at the time.

He blinked, spread his short legs, ran to his little schoolbag, and took out the little phone.

Apple 8, Ye Susu eliminated.

There is a camera lens.

The live broadcast number... is the phone number.

Ye Xun turned on the phone and found several apps lying inside that he had never used before.

Maybe, he can make money live broadcast?

Even if the money is small, it doesn't matter. Over time, maybe he can earn his own breakfast money?

That way, Mommy's pressure can be relieved a little bit.

Thinking about it, Ye Xun speeded up his attempts and clicked on the APP one by one.

He doesn't know the words, so he can only guess with a mask. When he sees the selfie camera, he presses the keys one by one to see which audience has fans.

Ye Xun, who was less than five years old, was playing a live broadcast, which the two people in the small restaurant on the first floor never expected.

At this moment, Xia Mengmeng was leaning back against the dining table, Ye Susu stuffed a small yellow croaker that had been fried overnight.


Xia Mengming leaned her neck back, unable to hold Ye Susu's hand speed fast and accurate.

She howled, and the dried fish was stuffed into her open mouth!

"This is dried small fish. Save a little bit, one piece a day, you can eat it for a month."

Ye Susu almost drooled when she saw her eating.

But this is Zai Zai's ration, she bears it.

When Xia Lemon heard that she had eaten it for a month, her heart grew furry, and she wanted to spit out her tongue.

But thinking about Ye Susu's economy, she was reluctant to spit out and waste food and hurt the other party's heart.

Close your eyes on the spot, chew a few times, and swallow.

"how about it?"

Ye Susu smiled.


Xia lemon exports are comfort.

She thought that she couldn't hit her friends as soon as she met, and finally broke up again.

As a result, the two words were spit out from between the buckled teeth, and the residual scent of fish on the tip of the tongue broke out instantly with the breath. It was sweet and fresh, and it instantly filled the entire mouth, rippling back and forth in the lips.

Xia Lemon suddenly shut up.

The little yellow croaker who swallowed before he had time to taste it, the taste did not disappear, but the reverberation, the longer the time, the more intense the taste.

Delicious and moderately salty.

She pursed her lips and swallowed her saliva, feeling like a cat's claw in her heart.

Want to eat one more!

She didn't even chew out the taste just now, and only after eating it again can she taste its real deliciousness!


But Xia Lemongrass reached out and it didn't take long for Ye Suso to come back.

"Can't eat more."

Ye Susu's face turned straight.

"This is a small fried snack. Eating more is not good for your health. When you occasionally gluttonous, you should stop after an addiction."

I didn't buy much in total.

I ate it all for her, what do I eat?

Moreover, she also firmly remembered what the shoveling officer said before.

Eat too much snacks, not enough.

Xia Mengming opened her mouth.

I just wanted to say that she has no taboos and has not lost weight recently.

But Ye Susu had **** the fresh-keeping bag of the dried fish long ago, and didn't leave her at all.

She could only look at the dried fish that went away, regretting it.

I knew it, I shouldn't have swallowed it so fast just now.

"You bought this?"

Gang Ye Susu said, let her wait and eat a small dried fish first.

But this taste is more fragrant than the dried shrimp she bought back on a certain treasure many times.

"No, I did it myself."

Ye Susu put all the porridge and rice into the pot after putting the dried fish.

Xia Lemon rubbed her ears.


Not dreaming.

I heard you right.

Does her girlfriend really have a talent for kitchen?

The past black history of burning through the bottom of the pot was a momentary ups and downs for the other party to learn the cooking skills.

"Are you going to sell this dried fish?"

Xia Lemon's eyes lit up.

This taste, according to the tongue of her snack master, definitely has a market!

But Ye Susu nodded and shook his head when he heard it.

"I haven't figured out how to make money yet."

"By the way, do you have rice for lunch? The rice is here, can you use a rice cooker?"

Xia Lemongrass is excited, and feels that her friend has this kind of craftsmanship. In the future, she doesn't need to buy dried shrimp online and wait for the goods from time to time.

However, as soon as she ran behind Ye Susu to probe, she was surprised by the rice cooker she pushed over.

At first glance, the water inside definitely increased.

"Sister, this doesn't seem right?"

Ye Susu scratched his head, "Oh, then get rid of some water...pour some more...pour again?"

The original body is a culinary scum, and the simple operation of the rice cooker is usually left to Ye Xun.

She herself was very unskilled, and Ye Susu was affected by the recipe for cooking porridge, and was a little confused about the amount of water added when cooking rice.

Xia Mengming couldn't stand it, so she helped her to pour more water.

After doing it, I was dumbfounded.

The image of the'chef' in her mind suddenly collapsed.

And after a while, she saw Ye Susu open the breakfast book and read the recipe of shrimp custard carefully.

Really read.

Word by word, sonorous and powerful.

After reading it again, Ye Susu took the eggs from the refrigerator and knocked them into the bowl.

Xia Mengmeng: "Hehe... I still order a takeaway. There is a roast chicken next door, I remember it well."

Ye Susu didn't look back, and quickly beat the eggs with chopsticks.

This action is as skillful as it has been done countless times.

Without thinking, she nodded.

"It's okay. I haven't learned how to cook chicken. The greens I make are also very ugly. Let's order more dishes."


One hour later, the takeaway arrived.

Ye Susu's seafood porridge cooked with gas is also ready.

According to the recipe, the ratio of water to rice is controlled at a precise 16:1 ratio. After the rice is soaked in oil in advance, it is put in a pot and simmered on high fire. The pot is not covered, and the water vapor inside is allowed to evaporate after boiling.

In the end, it becomes a perfect porridge that is plump and creamy with popped rice flowers.

She added some canned tuna to the porridge as usual.

One spoonful per person, the spoon for Zubzai is especially full.

As soon as the fish is stirred, the tuna is evenly covered in the porridge. The color in the bowl is alternating, the color is bright and beautiful.

Then, the steamed shrimp custard.

She placed an order online, and the shrimps arrived in half an hour, which happened to be a 20% discount.

After a little washing, it is slightly pickled and steamed with the beaten egg mixture.

"Baby, eat."

She went upstairs and called Ye Xun.

Ye Xun was more hygienic than her, and before going downstairs, he even washed his hands.

Look at her with dark eyes after washing.

Ye Susu blushed, and finally had to wash his hands.

When the two went downstairs, Xia Lemon had already put the roast chicken on the table with the soup baby vegetables.

When the mother and son came, she lifted the lid of the meal.

"Little baby, come here and sit next to Auntie~"

Ye Xun's short legs stiffened, and the cheeks quickly turned pink.

Xia Mengming really wanted to pounce on, but was stopped by Ye Susu.

"Eat quickly, it will be cold later. Cub sit next to me."

Zai feels worried, she hasn't thought of a way yet.

Xia Lemon held the spoon and smiled friendly at the little guy.

She could also see that the child was shy and fearful.

"Well, the rice will be ready for a while. I will try your porridge first."

As she said, she stirred the porridge and rice with a spoon, and nodded when she saw that the grains were boiled until the outer skin was blooming and the grains were soft and waxy.

"This looks good, but the porridge tastes..." Can you make a flower?

She was a little skeptical.

But if it was negative, she thought of the little yellow croaker and swallowed it back.

He tentatively scooped up a spoonful of porridge, put it in his mouth, and decided to try it first.

But before anyone had eaten the porridge and rice, a rush of heat rushed to her lips, mixed with the fragrant rice, causing a rumbling in her belly, which actually aroused her appetite first.

Xia Lemon raised her eyebrows, as a foodie, suddenly became serious.

She drank her saliva on the spot before carefully stuffing the spoon into her mouth.

She was afraid of being hot, but when she put it in her mouth, the porridge and rice were only warm.

Sisi Mixiang, like Qingwu's tulle, stroked her tongue.

After a while, the fish was fragrant and fresh, and from this layer of tulle, it rolled out, and suddenly the saliva between the teeth was secreted violently.

The entrance of the porridge and rice was soft, hot and waxy. As soon as the lips were pressed, the rice almost melted with the heat, slowly rolling down her throat, sliding into her hungry stomach all the way, warming the entire esophagus.

"how about it?"

Ye Susu took a cherished sip of this fish porridge by himself, and then asked.

But no one continued to answer her.

Xia Lemon didn't have time to nod, and could not wait to scoop another spoonful of porridge into his mouth.

She shut her mouth and chewed, felt the sweetness of the porridge and rice, and talked, she didn't have this time.

But Ye Xun sat opposite Xia Lemon, and Grape Black looked at him for a while, and he was relieved.

I thought to myself, it turned out that he was not alone. He drank Mummy's porridge until he couldn't even speak.

If it hadn't been for his stomach to fill up too quickly, he would have eaten twice the usual amount yesterday.

"This custard..."

Ye Susu also wants them to try new dishes.

Before the result was finished, Xia Lemon had already started.

The shrimp and egg served on one end, which attracted her attention.

As the lid was opened, the smooth golden custard still trembled, like a piece of high-grade jelly, shaking endlessly, but not broken.

The water egg ratio is just right.

Xia Lemon felt that a small bowl of porridge was not enough.

Seeing this custard, I couldn't hold back.

Faster than the speed of the little guy Ye Xun, a spoonful leaned over.

The bottom of the pocket was scooped to the thumb-sized crystal shrimp, wrapped in a dangling egg.

She opened her mouth and ate in one bite.

For a long time, covering his mouth, he said a few times.

Almost breathless.

"Oh, Susu, can I come to your house for dinner in the future? Oh, I will pay..."

She said as she ate, she never stopped.

Ye Xun's little guy suddenly flushed red, and grape black eyes lit up with excitement.

He knew, custard, mommy can!

The author has something to say: Male lead: I am not hungry, I am really not hungry...

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Home » Transmigration in the Book: I Rely on Raising Cubs to Upgrade My System » Chapter 12: Cub's first live broadcast
Transmigration in the Book: I Rely on Raising Cubs to Upgrade My System Chapter 12: Cub's first live broadcast
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Xia Lemon couldn't stop eating, but finally, after meeting the little guy on the table, she blushed and took back the spoon that was extended toward the shrimp custard.

The little guy Ye Xun also ate deliciously.

After the rice was cooked, he stepped on his short legs, took his bowl, and got off the table.

Originally wanted to reach out to Ye Susu's bowl, but after thinking about it, he tilted his head and walked to Xia Mengming's seat. He stretched out a small hand and pointed to the empty bowl where she had finished drinking porridge.

Xia Lemongrass was stunned, and she panicked for his actions.

She hasn't eaten enough yet, is she going to collect the bowls?

I don't want to give it!

"He wants to serve you food."

After thinking a little bit, Ye Susu smiled as a translator.

Ye Xun Xiaozai usually does housework.

Before at home, he did not give his original body Ye Susu a meal. After all, he even cooked.


Xia Lemon fell in a second.

When she lowered her head, she saw the little guy's white and tender hands like lotus roots, and the baby's plump, chubby face...how could she be so sensible!

"Thank you, baby."

She hurriedly gave him her empty bowl, lest he continue to tiptoe with difficulty.

Ye Xun's cheeks were also slightly red.

After taking the small bowl, he quickly turned around shyly and ran into the kitchen.

After a while, with a small bowl in one hand, he tried to maintain his balance and staggered back.

Before he reached his seat, he was embraced by Xia Lemongrass, bending over.

"Awsl, baby is too warm..."

Ye Xun suddenly became red at the back of his ears, and his little hands were completely frozen.

She stretched her arms stiffly and helplessly.

"Okay, come over for dinner."

Ye Susu rescued him immediately.

Xia Lemon regrets letting go.

But after taking the job, she was happy again, the bibimbap was super delicious~

"To be honest, your porridge and custard are better than the senior craftsman I opened the shop..."

Ye Susu squinted and took a sip from the water glass.

Although she can rely on raising cubs for cooking, she has always been a cat at home, or just wandering and fighting, and has never tried to make money on her own.

She is really not good at this question.

The income from selling salted fish, after returning the money to Ye Wan, only 10,000 left.

Next, you have to pay the rent and be responsible for eating and drinking. They can only last for three months. No, it is said that human cubs have to pay tuition when they go to school.

Maybe I can't stand it for three months...

Ye Susu frowned, "It would be great if I could win Zhang's mortal lottery."

Xia Lemon sighed as she listened.

He glanced at the little fellow Ye Xun, who had finished eating next to him and put his bowl in the kitchen obediently, and lowered his voice.

"Susu, to be honest, besides work, there are... personal feelings, what are you going to do, will you still look for father Ye Xun? If you can find him to help raise the children, even if he only pays a portion of the money, your life will be pressured. Can be much smaller."

Ye Susu shook his head when he heard it, "Not looking."

Come and grab a mission with her? No doors!

If he takes the **** away, how can she complete her cultivation task?

Xia Mengming's breathing was stagnant, and she looked up and saw Xiao Ye Xun coming out, and squeezed a smile, "Baby, go play on it, I will talk to your mother, okay?"

Ye Xun looked at her, then at Ye Susu, nodding silently.

When he walked up to the second floor with his short legs, no one noticed the tall and straight figure that flashed past the corner of the second floor.

And Xia Lemongrass grabbed Ye Susu’s arm nervously, “Are you still thinking about the boss of the live broadcast company, the Fourth Young Master Li? If you cancel the contract now and don’t do live broadcast, there will be no interaction with him. And, you Do you know the big boss of our Evergrande Center? It is said that he is the second uncle of the Fourth Young Master of Li, and the future helm of the Li family. I once heard his assistant say that the Li family is rigorous and the marriage partners are all right."

"They don’t want the entertainment industry, they don’t have low academic qualifications, and they don’t follow the company's subordinates. The whole company knows it."

Ye Susu patted her hand, "An la, I am not interested in him."

The original female partner has always wanted to marry into a wealthy family. For the male lead of this novel, Li Yinchen, the boss of the live broadcast company, she wanted to be wrong.

But the male protagonist fell in love with the new anchor Su Luzhu who was excavated by Ye Wan and rescued her from Ye Wan's claws.

Everyone thought that Su Luzhu was Cinderella, and Ye Susu was also jealous, but she finally worked with Ye Wan in every way. After being tortured by Li Yinchen until she retreated, she discovered that Su Luzhu was originally a acquaintance of the Li family. The Su family, who is also in the upper class, is a low-key daughter.

Under this stimulus, she found that Cinderella was a fairy tale, and her disfigured original body could no longer bear it. She broke down and threw Ye Xun away and died.

Ye Susu recalled with a look of disgust.

It's just a mortal male, as for?

Xia Mengming nodded, "If you can figure it out, that would be the best. I will help you pay attention to any reliable and stable jobs. Don't limit yourself to live broadcasting and cooking. The girl at the front desk of our company has a salary of five or six thousand. It."

With that, she couldn't help but took a sip of custard, and quickly found a tall back photo taken in the elevator against the light, and shared it with Ye Susu.

"Speaking of our company, look at my big boss, his figure is like a supermodel, and his face... is also handsome! The man of the Li family is indeed excellent, but he seems to be a non-marriage, we only I can appreciate him as a mobile poster."

Ye Susu was not very interested in mortal males, so he glanced roughly.

Seeing the straight suit, he looked away with disgust.

This fabric is not easy to grasp and scratch, bad review.

But Xia Lemongrass held the phone alone and admired it again, drooling for a while.

It happened that a company email popped out, [Li Jun (CEO): To Heng Daquan members, happy Thanksgiving. 】

She immediately clicked and read it with a smile, "Ah, the emails sent by the boss are full of fragrance~"

It's a pity that Ye Susu has already looked away and didn't see this familiar name at all.

Xia Lemon glanced at the email and dropped the phone.

"By the way, your landlord has been away? I haven't seen him."

"The rent for this high-end area and high-end house is only 1,000. Susu, although it is cheap, pay attention to safety. Do you understand that guy? You are a beautiful woman with a child. What if he has a bad idea for you? Don't I want to move in with you?"

On the sofa in the small living room at the corner of the second floor, a man frowned when he heard this, his face gradually getting cold.

But finally, Ye Susu was bold and careful.

"No need to."

The man's eyebrows loosened.

However, the next moment, the delicate voice came softly.

"If I don't feel bad about him, he will thank God."

Man on the second floor: "..."

After enduring a full quarter of an hour, the corners of the man's mouth twitched, he walked into the study room with his eyebrows pinched, and quickly made a call.

"Liu Zhen, watch out for idle restaurants nearby."

Some women must find something to do for her.

Lazy and poor, thinking about getting something for nothing, wanting to hook up with strange men...


On the other side, after Ye Xun went upstairs, he squatted in front of the small schoolbag and took out the small phone to continue playing tricks.

Halfway through just now, Mommy called him to eat.

Now, picking up the phone and looking at it again, he found that he seemed to have opened the ‘live broadcast’ correctly.

Although I am illiterate, I can see Arabic numerals: 1 and 1393.

Are these uncles and aunts watching?

1. What does it mean that only one person is watching?

1393, is the number of fans Mommy said?

Ye Xun tilted his head, his little head didn't even think about it, but he saw his red face on the phone screen.

Because he ran in in a hurry just now, now his cheeks are a little pink, and he's a little nervous about doing bad things secretly.


He was shocked suddenly, the phone was not steady and fell to the ground.

Mommy said that he can't appear in front of the camera. If people see him, everyone will know that he doesn't have a father, and everyone will laugh at him.

Ye Xun cried quickly, picked up the phone, hurriedly found the shooting button adjusted to the rear lens, and finally cut the picture to the floor.


He breathed a sigh of relief, raised his little hand and wiped the scared cold sweat on his forehead.


Few uncles and aunts should see his face now.

‘Live broadcast your most real state, but you have to be cute and acting appropriately. ’

Ye Xun didn't know how to do the live broadcast, but he still remembered what Aunt Ye Wantang said to Mommy.

Thinking about it, he wrinkled his face.

He will not act like a baby, let alone be cute.

How to do?

Ye Xun bit his lip and sighed maturely.

After sighing, I was shocked again, for fear that the aunts and uncles in the audience would hear it.

‘The audience is here to relieve boredom, not to see your frown...you want to show them the most comfortable and happiest look. ’

Yes, you can't show your uncles and aunts, you have to be happy.

But Ye Xun thought, holding the phone and standing there, his face stiffened for a while, and he couldn't laugh at all.

He was happiest when he was with Mommy...but he couldn't let Mommy know when he broadcasted it, in case she was angry...

He couldn't even think about it.

Ye Xun lowered his head in frustration, and slowly loosened the small fist that his small hand was pinching because of tension.

Like what Mommy said, he was young, not smart, and unlikable.

He can only fly first.

Thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and carefully put the phone on the table.

He took out the story book from his small schoolbag, carefully spread it out, and turned out the wooden pencil in the pencil case.

This pen was already bald, as if it had been dropped, the pen core inside was broken, and only a circle of wooden edges remained. But the tip of the pen seems to be rubbed frequently, and the wood on the tip is smooth and rounded.

And Ye Xun flattened the first page of the story book, and he didn't think there was anything unusual about it. Leaning over and holding the pen, he began to stroke with the cartoon above.

The bear has a round body, round eyes, round ears...

He doesn't know how to read, and Mommy hasn't taught a lot. He doesn't dare to write random, so he can only follow the line drawing secretly.

The mobile phone was standing next to the pencil case, facing the tabletop, and patted his short fat white little fingers clearly.

He described it carefully, but didn't know that the number of viewers on the screen of the live broadcast room began to jump!

【what is this? Xiaowa's live broadcast? 】

[What is the kid doing? The pens are broken. 】

Two barrages jumped out alone.

What followed was two rewards!

The author has something to say: Male lead: How can you get something for nothing? Well, give her a storefront and let her work!

Assistant: So, is this called "Boss Lady"?

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Home » Transmigration in the Book: I Rely on Raising Cubs to Upgrade My System » Chapter 13: Cub cub mood rises
Transmigration in the Book: I Rely on Raising Cubs to Upgrade My System Chapter 13: Cub cub mood rises
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Ye Xun draws lines on the story book.

This is a drawing class that will be available in the kindergarten. The difference is that the kindergarten has paper and crayons, but not at home, or the inventory is too small, so he is not willing to consume them.

Color crayons, a box of 16 colors.

Use a little less.

The most commonly used colors are easier to use up early.

In order to save paper and pen, Ye Xun came up with a way of drawing against a storybook-assuming he was painting.

He usually does it. After all, Mommy always broadcasts live, so he can only play it alone.

At home, there are not many toys.

Therefore, as he traced and traced, he found the usual state of play and gradually forgot what he was broadcasting.

The tension in my heart gradually dissipated.

The pen held by the little hand became more and more stable, and the drawn line followed the drawing, either rounded or zig-zag.

He never gets tired of it, and can play it for an hour or two each time.

The popularity of the live broadcast room 2……3……13……16……34……has been continuously increasing.

In the afternoon on the weekends and in the leisure afternoon tea time, there are always people lazily having nothing to do, opening a few new live broadcasts at will and having fun.

Slowly, the screen went from a deserted whiteboard with more and more barrage.

[This live broadcast is really only kids? 】

[This story book is familiar to me! I seem to buy it for my daughter too, hahaha~]

[The little guy's hands are so cute, oh, anything is cut down in size, it's cute. 】

[I just came in when I saw the room called "Pretty Girl". I didn't expect it to be a baby, surprise! 】

[What is this little guy describing? 】

Although it is approaching autumn and winter, the sunshine is still good, and it directly reaches the south-facing room on the second floor.

Ye Xun sat on the ground, lying on the side of the round glass tea table. From time to time, he lowered his small black head, touched the dull hair on his head with his left hand, as if thinking, and then ‘filled a stroke’ in the story book.

The table area is not large, and this spread out storybook occupies almost half of the space.

He has a very small nose and looks into the lens from time to time, especially when he is bent over to turn over a small schoolbag, a little fuzzy head with dull hair will appear in the picture.

Suddenly, there were a few more bullet screens.

[Anchor is a baby? The dull hair of this baby grows on my cute spot! Concerned! 】

[Ah, I want to see the little guy's face. The little nose and little hands are so beautiful, I want to touch this soft black hair~]

[Please show your face! 】

[It’s not good for children to show their faces? It's a bit dangerous, the anchor parents should be careful. 】

[Not in favor of children's live broadcast, using children to make money. 】

[The one in front is not the Virgin Mary, maybe someone has a bodyguard at home, I want you to worry about it! 】

[Said that there are bodyguards at home, they must be unmarried and no children. Didn't you see that this pen is old? I have this storybook, and it only costs 25 yuan to pack ten copies. 】

The live broadcast interface suddenly divided into two camps, and the quarrel became a ball.

The popularity value has continued to rise.

Ye Xun didn't know this.

Even when he saw comments, he didn't know so many words.

But fortunately, it didn't take long for both sides to be anxious, they were broken.

"Baby, how are you playing alone?"

Ye Susu who talked about the sky opened the door and came in.

She was a little worried about Ye Xun Cub, so she came up and took a look.

In a word, the live broadcast room was quiet.

Then, ushered in more outbreaks.

[This little guy’s live broadcast is hiding from his parents? 】

[His mother didn't even know that the child was broadcasting! ? 】

[Wow, did you just see it? His mother opened the door and came in, did the little guy frighten his little hands in a panic? He seems to want to cover the camera! 】

[Secretly doing live broadcast... Amazing, how old is this kid? Look at the size of the small hands, about elementary school? 】

[Five or six years old, right? I probably didn't go to elementary school. I just saw the schoolbag he took out. There are no books in it, right? 】

[Kindergarten anchor! ? 】

The entire live broadcast room was shaken!

The mother and son don't know yet.

"Baby, you are reading, why didn't you play with the new toy that your Aunt Lemon gave?"

Ye Susu came in and saw the little guy seriously reading from the back of the coffee table.

Toy gift boxes are piled in the corner.

The little guy is depressed and hasn't healed?

She suddenly remembered this sad question.

No need for the little guy to answer, Ye Susu pulled a big, warm smile, took the toy, and squatted down and sat on the ground, trying hard to keep his eyes level with the child, trying to see a clue from the little cub’s face .

"Don't like this?"

She gave the toy to the other side's arms.

【what? Lego series? Rich! 】

[This is at least 500, right? so big! 】

There are many people who know the goods in the live broadcast room. You can infer one or two by only seeing the corners of the box.

"Baby, take it apart and play."

"Is this a building block? Am I playing with you?"

Ye Susu made the sound double soft.

But Ye Xun lowered his head without saying a word.

The first time he received the gift, he saw it clearly.

This is Lego.

The kindergarten chubby, there are Lego villains and cars, and have shown off to him several times, saying that it is a pity that he does not have a father, and it is estimated that his mother cannot afford to work alone. Unfortunately, he can't play with this toy .

Ye Xun pursed his lips as he thought about it, and pushed the box out.

"I... don't play... this."

He doesn't want it either.

"Mummy, here you..."

He turned his head away and didn't look at it.

There are a few Lego figures painted on the box, like Uncle Fire, and there is a fire truck next to it.

It seems to be more fun than Xiaopang brought to kindergarten.

But... he didn't want it.

He lowered his head, for fear that he would take another look, he couldn't help but want to open and fiddle, so he could only look at the lines of the light brown wood floor near his feet.

"Don't like it?"

Ye Susu was worried when he saw him like this.

She was a little bit unaware of the cub's preferences.

She herself prefers the furry series.

But in the past two days, apart from the story book and a few small cars, she hadn't seen the little boy take any other toys.

Ye Xun didn't know Ye Susu's entanglement.

I don't like it, it's not fun...

He gritted his teeth and pinched the corners of his clothes to say something, but he didn't know why, and he couldn't tell.

He glanced at the box secretly again.

He still... kind of likes it.

In case...the family has money in the future, he also wants to take it to the kindergarten to share and play with everyone like Xiaopang.

But now, the family almost has no money to buy rice.

He knows.

"Mummy, you can sell it to other uncles and aunts."

Ye Xun raised his head and spoke seriously.

He knows that Mommy can exchange money for things that he doesn't use online.

The next moment, he puckered up his ass, stretched out his small hands, and dragged the shopping bag containing the toy gift box from the corner again.

The little hand dug into it, and he found a shopping list.

Pass it to Ye Susu.

"Invoice, Mommy."

"It can be sold without opening it."

He heard Ye Susu say it more than once.

Hang tags are not removed for clothes, and the invoices are kept as much as possible for things to be sold at a good price.

Ye Susu also told him not to break his previous mini-car toy, otherwise it will not look good and cannot be sold in the future.

Therefore, Ye Xun has always paid attention.

"This box, the corners are not broken."

Listening to Xiaopang, Lego is very expensive. If you sell it for money, it should be possible for them to eat for a month?

Ye Xun frowned.


Ye Susu waited for half the payment, but did not expect this answer.

For a while, she didn't know how to speak.

Selling cub's toys?

The gift you just received?

She immediately searched the memories and found that the original body had actually done similar things.

In the past, the gifts from relatives received by children during the Chinese New Year were sold in their original form as long as they were not used for a while.


She raised her head again and looked at the expression on the little boy's little face-pitiful, forbearing, and reluctant, but still stubbornly bracing.

She was sour in her heart, she didn't know where, "I don't want to play, sell it", it's just a brat's words.

He was too miserable. When she was a little milk cat, she played whatever she wanted. She also used the shoveling officer's wardrobe as a cat climbing frame, and she would sharpen her claws when she was unhappy.

Only when wandering is it miserable.

She sighed and reached out to take the gift box.

Ye Xun breathed a sigh of relief.

If he took it a little longer, he was afraid that he would be reluctant to give it to Mommy.

Now being taken away, he has some empty regrets in his heart.

【Oh my God! Isn't it? Does this mom really want to sell kids gifts? 】

[How difficult is the life of this family? Hold a big grass! 】

[Look, his little hands are hanging down, ah, ah, how sad this child is! 】

[This kid... is so pitiful. As for? Lego has to be sold for money? 】

[Don't tell me, do you have no money to buy a pen if you are bald? No, this is too heartbreaking! 】

[My salary is 3,000, and my husband’s salary is 4,000, but I also enrolled my child in a piano class to save money and say nothing is difficult for the child! This mom... I took it! 】

The live broadcast room suddenly became messy.

The two quarrels just now seemed to have never happened.

Those who say that children can't broadcast live are rewarded the most.

[There are only three thousand silver melon seeds left, all for the children, crowdfunding, please don't sell this Lego! 】

[There are only two hundred golden melon seeds left, so you can buy a small Lego for your child. 】

[666 silver melon seeds, give the child a new pen, please this mom! 】

Suddenly, the room's popularity soared.

Ye Susu didn't know anything about it.

She took Lego over, and soon saw Ye Xun cub's somewhat sagging shoulders.

She really wished that she could bring this little boy into her arms, squeeze his soft cheek twice, and want to ask what he was thinking about in his little head!

But fortunately, she resisted it and used a lot of violence on the Lego box.

Tear it apart!

The kind of violence that cannot be recovered!

She waved her hand and raised her eyes, and her voice became crisp and sassy.

"Baby play!"

"Let's not sell!"

Relying on selling cubs' toys for food, is her old cat still plausible?

Must not do that.

She tore the paper box, tearing and tearing it was quite addictive, and turned into a plastic film ball on her fingertips. Keep rubbing it.

After playing for a long time, she finally stopped her movements and stuffed the Lego pieces inside into the little boy's arms.

"Take it, just play!"

Ye Xun was dumbfounded.

First, I was frightened by her violent appearance, and then after I heard her clearly, my small heart beat wildly, as if he was happy but also a little worried.

"This building block..." Ye Xun's feet were still floating, and his voice was dumb. "Play once... there is no use to mess with it."

The building blocks were laid out and took up space and accumulated dust, and it took time to clean them. Ye Susu never bought them for him, and didn't like him playing them.

"It's an honor to play it once."

Ye Susu pulled his tender cheeks and squinted.

It feels soft and elastic, just like you imagined, and comfortable!

Ye Xun's face turned red.


But my heart was instantly as sweet as honey, and I didn't feel any pain on my face.

Everyone called poor voices in the live broadcast room, and suddenly stopped.

A bunch of flowers, a bunch of moving, crying calls, mixed with "crowdfunding" rewards came one after another.

And Ye Susu's ear also heard a sweet voice.

[Complete today's task 2. 】

[Cub’s current mood: happy. 】

[Reward value for raising cubs: 1]

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Home » Transmigration in the Book: I Rely on Raising Cubs to Upgrade My System » Chapter 14: Literacy
Transmigration in the Book: I Rely on Raising Cubs to Upgrade My System Chapter 14: Literacy
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Haitang Garden is very quiet even on weekends.

Occasionally, there are only a few happy laughter of children coming from the garden of the community.

Ye Susu happily completed the task, although she was at a loss, and she didn't know how to complete it.

But with the recipe, she began to study what menu to light up next.

And Ye Xun quickly started to stare at the Lego toy that was stuffed into his arms.

Happiness... comes too fast.

It turns out that Lego is like this.

It turned out that it was not as good as Xiaopang said.

His small mouth, which he was trying hard to squeeze, turned up slightly uncontrollably.

Sitting down at the coffee table again, he still did not forget to reach out and touch his head.

Mommy seems to like to touch his head recently.

The curvature of his small mouth is a little bigger.

[Ah, the little guy is touching his head! Lovely love! 】

[Can't see the little guy's face, sad! 】

[He is happy, right? Hehe, play Lego, cute. 】

Ye Xun seemed to have heard everyone's voice, and carefully retracted the storybook and pen to the original place before placing the Lego pieces carefully on the table.

Like a little wolf dog watching the flock, he took every piece very seriously, for fear of losing one of them.

While playing, we still have to see if there is any fall from the ground.

Even if he fights slowly, there are many mistakes, but everyone in the live broadcast room can see this serious, careful and careful action from his white and tender little hands.

Anyone can find that he is very engaged in playing and loves this new set of toys.

The coffee table is a glass countertop. Anyone who has experience knows that a crisp noise will occur when things fall on it.

However, he was always quiet, extremely quiet.

[Why do I feel distressed the more I look at it? Oh, my cousin throws building blocks around and slaps, but this child handles it with care. 】

[Does he want to sell money after playing it? Don't, I'm almost crying. 】

[Why do good babies belong to other people? My son is so bear! 】

[Hey, I look so sad. From tomorrow on, I will reward this kid with all my supper money every day. I will lose weight! 】

[The idea upstairs is good! 】

[In other words, when the mother buys a new pencil for the child, she is very anxious. 】

[Before, his mother didn't even know that he was live broadcast, and couldn't see our comments. 】

【! ! ! Can that little guy know how to withdraw the money we rewarded? 】

The barrage flew in the live broadcast room, and finally someone raised a realistic question.

Yes, rewarded, the little guy is rich.

But can you know how to withdraw money?

Ye Xun played with toys for a while, and slowly his eyes became a little straight.

He is also thinking about this issue.

How to make money from live streaming? How do you get the money out to mommy?

He doesn't at all.

But soon, the problem was solved.

Ye Susu quickly decided to learn new cooking and used up the cubs value, so he asked Xia Lemon to take a look at the children and went to the kitchen downstairs by himself.

She also comforted Ye Xun, asking her to treat Aunt Lemon as a kindergarten teacher, and when she saw him nodding, she left with peace of mind.

Xia Lemon is not a bad person, otherwise he would not always issue red envelopes to relieve an old friend who has been alienated.

Ye Xun devoted himself to the toy again.

Therefore, Ye Susu has nothing to worry about.

But not long after she left, Ye Xun thought of a stupid way.

He watched the live broadcast.

After trying each button again, the setting and withdrawal panel was displayed.

Where there are numbers, he guessed it might have something to do with money.

Seeing Xia Mengmin looking at his mobile phone, he copied down the suspected words with a pencil.

After copying, he put the phone back in.

I took another small note, shuffled the order of these words, and copied it again.

[What is the little guy doing? 】

[Not what I guessed it? 】

[... I'm going to ask that aunt, what do these words mean, and then learn to withdraw money by myself? 】

[My baby, knowing words is useless, do you have a bank card? 】

[The truth upstairs is upstairs, sweat for the baby! Should he be disappointed if he knew? 】

Under everyone's attention, Ye Xun moved with the note.

In fact, he couldn't see anything in the live broadcast room. He took the paper away, and the desktop in the lens was only pieces.

But this does not prevent everyone from hearing the sound in the room.

Before long, Xia Lemon's voice rang.

"Huh? Baby, you want to ask me, what do you mean by this word?"

She was stealing energy in the ant forest, and while operating it, a note was delivered to her silently.

She turned her head and saw Xiao Ye Xun's expectant but somewhat shy black eyes.

I took a busy glance at the paper, and found that the little guy’s crooked words were written a bit big, but I could see that every stroke was very serious and the thickness was the same.

Ye Xun was a little shy and nervous.


Xia Mengmin clicked in her heart, and a broken voice sounded.

Too cute.

This kid is too lethal!

She is content to eat at noon, has no resistance to the child's softness, and immediately becomes a teacher.

"Ah, this is a suggestion."

"Tell, do you know? You mean to take it, carry your bag, your mother goes to the bank to withdraw money."

When she said this, Xiaoye Xun's eyes suddenly lit up.

He nodded more diligently and looked interested.

Xia Mengming thought, she is quite suitable for kindergarten teacher?

Busy and teaching more vigorously, thinking that the child might not have learned pinyin, she started with the shape of the word.

"Look at the word ‘lift’. Next to this handle, it means to hold it with your hand... You just remember it, you know?"

Xiaoye looked for it and found that it was so, and immediately took a careful note of it.

Little finger, quickly clicked the next word.

"This is the word'house', bank account, one household, do you know? Now, here, the combination of these four characters just means bank account."

When Xia Mengming saw it, even if the order was disrupted, he immediately found the phrase.

Xiaoye finds the second to understand.

The withdrawal must be made to a bank account.

In just a second, his expression was lost.

He doesn't have this account.

The live account was registered by Mommy's mobile account that year.

Others are small, do not have an ID card, and even a bank account.

What to do?

"Lemon... Auntie."

Ye Xun finally spoke, with a soft voice and a pink cheek.

He endured eagerly.

"Yuan, is this the word?"

He poked his little finger on the paper and thought of visiting the supermarket sign.

"Yes, that's the word."

Listening to Xia Lemon's words, his little hand suddenly pinched the corner of his clothes with excitement.

He remembered that he saw a number in front of the "Yuan" character just now.

He already has money?

Are the uncles and aunts rewarding it?

His dark eyes flashed, and his usually shy face lit up a lot.

"Thank you Auntie Lemon~"

As long as he didn't recognize the wrong metacharacter, he could roughly know how many bags of rice he earned.

Although you can't withdraw money right away, it doesn't matter, save a little more first, then tell Mommy and surprise her.

Ye Xun thought about this, and his anxiety was calm, and a small smile appeared on the baby's fat little face.

Xia Lemon, who thinks he teaches children, is also satisfied.

"If you don't understand, you can ask Auntie."

Ye Xun immediately nodded respectfully.

Stepping on her short legs, she returned to the coffee table and looked at the backstage with her live mobile phone.

With a snap, his little **** sat firmly on the ground.

123.7 yuan!

Even his small ears were flushed red, his small mouth opened slightly, and his grape eyes were all incredibly surprised.

In that little time, he made...two or three bags of rice?

Aunt Ye Wantang seems to be right. As long as the live broadcast is long, she can make a fortune?

He immediately opened the toy, endured the corners of his mouth, and immediately straightened his posture.

He wants to continue playing for the aunts and uncles!

When Ye Susu left the room, he checked the new mission that had just jumped out.

[Cub Raising Task Tomorrow]

【1. To improve the quality of life of the cubs, earn 500 yuan. 】

【2. Accompanied the cubs to complete a kindergarten assignment. 】

This task is different from day to day, and now she is abruptly asked to make money.

Ye Susu, a vagrant, panicked.


Irritable, what to do?

Almost everything that can be sold at home has been sold for money.

She scratched her hair with great pressure and felt the bald head that the former shoveling officer said.

But in the next second, Shuixu's eyes accidentally swept across the Lego box in the trash can by the door.


She moved her fingers.

Isn't this the greatest invention to vent stress, vent energy, and vent anger, a toy cardboard box that replaces the scratch board?

"Ah, this... I don't need it..."

She is a big cat, and she has practiced for the 99th century. How can she be able to decompress with such a low-level carton just like a normal cat who is not sensible?

She won't!

She turned her head away, and walked calmly with her mobile phone.

But after two steps, she stopped and blinked.

Knead the fingers together, rubbed the corners of the clothes, took two more steps, squatting back to the trash can.

"Although low-level, the ancestors said that existence is valuable. For example... Cub Cub will be in a bad mood in the future, um, you can play."

Human cubs have not played before, they are easy to blacken.

"Then, I will reluctantly...try a poison for the cub first."

Ye Susu cleared his throat.

Carefully looked around.

no one!

A little excitement flashed in her eyes suddenly, and her face was a little red.

It's not that her big cat is not reserved.

It's to help the boy vent his emotions in the future, eh.

Thinking about it, she raised her face solemnly, and resisted not showing any eager look of expectation.

Stretched his waist, stretched his back, three circles from the left and three circles, shaking his slender hands that had turned into a human shape.

I lowered my waist, took out the Lego carton, buckled the trash can and placed it on it, and then—

"Look at me drifting meow punches!"

On the lid of the carton, there are several small holes that she accidentally made when she unpacked it.

Now facing these holes, she punched one by one, scratched one by one claw, extremely precise!

Da da da da da da-

The speed is so fast that it almost turns into a ghost.

She had a stern face, but not long after, the corners of her mouth flew higher and higher, and her eyes became more and more excited and excited...

This is how it feels.

So cool.

So cool to stop!

Blast it!

Tear it up!

Ye Susu shuddered violently, until the body's strength was exhausted, and then he stopped breathing.

She was content and her face was ruddy.

Yes, yes, forget all the troubles!

What task is 500 yuan, there is no pressure at all!

Take cubs to play together tomorrow!

She wanted to roll with excitement, but the next second, the tip of her nose suddenly moved, as if she realized something.

The body was stiff and turned his head.

I saw that in the empty corridor, stood the cold and slender man in the furry blue sweater.

And at this moment, on Jun Yi's handsome face, his expression was dazed and... dumb.

The branches outside the corridor windows shook with the wind.

Ye Susu lowered his head and looked at his fingers as white as jade.


Wait, she can explain!

The author has something to say: Jun Ye: The way my wife attracted me back then was a bit special.

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Home » Transmigration in the Book: I Rely on Raising Cubs to Upgrade My System » Chapter 15: Cubs get into trouble
Transmigration in the Book: I Rely on Raising Cubs to Upgrade My System Chapter 15: Cubs get into trouble
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On the corridor, there is only one door away.

Four eyes face each other.

Silent, speechless.

Only a trace of solidified embarrassment remained in the air.


Ye Susu turned his head, put all his fingers in his sleeves, his ears were red.

Red lips moved with difficulty.

"I am……"

Li Jun frowned.

Ye Susu finally bulged his cheeks, "Dispose of the garbage."

She finished speaking quickly, never daring to stand in front of the carton again.

She was afraid that she would look at it again, and she could not help but touch her hand, and fought against this thing for three hundred rounds.

But she couldn't be exposed in front of this superb catnip, and she hurriedly made an expression of disgust.

She immediately turned around and walked back to the room, but only took a short step, and then walked back with her little red face after exercise.

"This paper... seems to be of good quality, but I can throw in something more."

After all, he drew away the big cardboard box on the ground.

Li Jun squinted, and his gaze shifted from the unrecognizable cardboard box to her.

The water pink coral velvet sportswear highlights the feminine curves of women. Seen from the back, the ponytail made of black hair swings behind the slim waist and back, full of rhythm.

And her walking posture is also different from that of ordinary people. Although she is holding a cardboard box, every step is as standard as measured with a ruler, and it is full of a flowing beauty. Under closer inspection, it is hidden in the waist of the dressing room. The limbs are also swaying rhythmically.

Li Jun frowned and looked away in disgust.

On the first day, she used such inferior and ridiculous means to attract his attention.

How long did they know each other? How impatient is she for men?

He irritably threw the book in his hand on the glass table in the small living room and went downstairs.

"Liu Zhen, have you found an idle restaurant? Hurry up."

Ye Susu returned to the room, and just about to sit down, he received a strange call.

"Miss Ye? I'm an employee of Evergrande Games. The game account you registered with our company before was drawn the first prize-1 million dream fund."

Ye Susu was dumbfounded, "Meow?"

"We can cooperate with the catering department of Evergrande Group to give you the right to operate a 50-square-meter restaurant. You come with your ID card and we will immediately handle the delivery procedures for you. Simple decoration in the store and personnel recruitment are also responsible here. solve."

Ye Susu blinked, "Games? Dining?"

What is it?

The staff's voice is very gentle and formulaic, "Yes, you played our company's "Chinese Little Master" food management mobile game before, so the award is also linked to the food store."

Ye Susu froze for a long time, and finally found a long-lasting memory in the original memory.

When the original body was still in the agency, he used to play this food game live with 19 other female anchors to promote the official.

But you won?

There are so many mortal show operations!

"Ms. Ye, are you still listening? We will have a colleague from the catering department who will meet you in person, and I will send his contact information to your mobile phone later. Look at tomorrow Monday, is it convenient for you to visit the dream store? ?"


Ye Susu blurted out immediately.

Free, of course.

She suddenly bent her eyes.

She knew that as a noble and beautiful cat, as long as she didn't stray at the beginning, she would be able to win the script.

She was born with a **** shovel officer to feed her.

What is a natural koi?

They, that's her food!

She is the big cat standing on top of the koi food~


When Ye Susu hung up the phone, she felt the pressure disappeared.

To make money or something, you can still lie down as expected.

But when she just put down her phone, a WeChat message popped out.

[Ye Wan: Su Su, I discovered a new live broadcast today. For her first live broadcast, she watched hundreds of thousands and received more than one hundred rewards. As long as I tailor the plan, she will surely soar into the sky. Revenue breaks millions. What a pity...All of this originally belonged to you, but you gave up on your own. I hope you will not regret it in the future. 】

Ye Susu chuckles when she sees it.

"This is Luzhu... that heroine?"

This is the live broadcast in the novel that became popular. After marrying the hero, she retired and concentrated on becoming a wealthy wife?

It seems that the heroine is not very powerful Yazi.

The annual income is only one million, which is almost the same as the money she received while lying down.

Xia Lemon looked up, "Who?"

"Ah, nothing."

Ye Susu threw the phone aside.

She doesn't want the hero, and the heroine has nothing to do with her.

She didn't say anything about the Dream Fund for the time being, so let's give Little Lemon a surprise later.

On the other side, after Ye Wan sent the message, even if the other party did not give back, she still smiled in a good mood and put down the phone.

"Sister Wan, Su Lvzhu's video has received 180 rewards in 24 hours and has clicked over 10,000. Our promotion hasn't been launched yet, will we repost it after zero?"

The little assistant knocked on the door and came in.

Ye Wan turned on the tablet and glanced at the company's back-end data, "Yes, 0-1 o'clock in the evening is still the active time of the otaku, which is recommended by the card. She should set our record this year and become a dark horse in the industry."

As she spoke, she opened a picture, which was Su Luzhu's avatar on the live broadcast network.

This girl is wearing a lotus root pink organza skirt, simple, without any filter effect, but with beautiful features, she looks like a girl next door, and it is easy for a man to arouse the desire to protect.

"You post the words written by the copywriting team and let her live broadcast tomorrow at an appropriate time."

The assistant retired in response. "Ok."

Ye Wan put down the tablet, and a hint of interest appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Any internet celebrity comes from piles of money.

In the age of traffic, what else is to rely on real talent and learning and natural beauty?

This Su Luzhu, in terms of beauty, could not compare to her naturally beautiful cousin Ye Susu.

The former is just the positioning of the girl next door, which is just like an ordinary man.

The Ye Susu girl was pure and sweet. After she had a man at the age of eighteen, her appearance was even more charming and her body was remarkable. It can be said to be from a schoolboy to a working man. The dogs are all in her take-all range, and the target group is wider.

But so what?

Ye Wan wanted to laugh when she thought of this.

Ye Susu has no brains, and blindly worships early Internet celebrities. Live broadcasts like to use heavy filters, dermabrasion and face repair excessively, and he turns himself into an unrecognizable awl face, plus stupid and mindless live broadcast content. It has never been popular.

This is fate!

And even if it becomes popular, her resume will always be engraved with the label ‘know before you are married’, and now she is nurtured... it’s full of black history.

Ye Wan gritted her teeth and sent a message in the family group alone without Ye Susu's mother and daughter.

【After Su Su left our company, he didn't have much savings. He took the children alone, but he seemed to have moved into the rich area. @Everyone, do you have a phone number from Su Su's mother? I'm so worried. 】

After sending it, she grinned.

Of course, this kind of ugly big news must be known to more people.

Why does she remember it now?

In the evening, Ye Susu received the WeChat business card of ‘Hengda Catering Manager Zhang’ on time. After meeting at 9 o’clock the next morning, he suddenly felt that Xianyu Day was beckoning her.

She was in a good mood and was not short of money, so she happily took Little Lemon and Ye Xun, went out to eat a fish hot pot meal, and rushed into the children's clothing store to purchase three cute little children's clothing.

It wasn't until eight o'clock in the evening that she said goodbye to Little Lemon with Ye Xun, whose stomach was bulging.

When passing the stray cat site, Ye Susu personally asked Ye Xun to feed two special dried fish to the stray cats, so that everyone would be familiar with them in the future.

But when he got home, Ye Susu walked in, smelled his body, and frowned.

"Baby, play by yourself for a while, will Mommy take a bath first?"

Cats who love to be clean cannot stand the smell in their hair.

Li Jun, who had just left the room to drink water, happened to pass by.

He looked up and saw the little guy downstairs nodded, looking obediently.

Obviously, this child often asks his mother to wash it first.

"Well, Mommy will investigate the environment first, and then call you in when it's safe."

Ye Susu looked serious.

Li Jun raised his eyebrows mockingly.

Ye Susu talked to the child and raised a small pink face, as if his cheeks were blushed by the wind in the winter. It was pink at the moment, but it was full of heroic expressions.

She didn't seem to go to take a bath, but rather to go to a tiger's den.

She had a dignified face all the way, seeming to be anxious, even Xiaoye Xun, who was behind her, was holding her dress nervously, with a small expression waiting.

Both mother and son seemed to be immersed in their emotions, and neither saw the person sitting on the sofa on the second floor.

One whispered in his mouth, one looked down at the floor, and walked into the room with a strong smell of hot pot.

Soon, their door was closed, and there was silence inside.

Li Jun raised his eyebrows.

He sat quietly for a while.

Looking around the newly partitioned children's bookshelf and playing pad area on the second floor, he pondered, and finally picked up the selected picture version of "A Thousand and One Nights" on the table, got up and walked to the door of their room.

I checked that I was kind of home clothes before knocking on the door.

After a long time, the door opened a little bit carefully.

A small black hairy head was exposed, and two slanted hairs blown by the wind.

Li Jun stepped back and saw the little guy's vigilant, jerky, round grape black eyes, like a little beast that had just finished milking, but shiny but a little afraid of the foreign adult beast.

"Good evening, kid."

Li Jun leaned down, his heart softened, and he couldn't help softening his voice.

Ye Xun bit his lip, seeming a little at a loss.

Li Jun felt a pain in his heart.

When he was four years old, he had already taught Han's eight-year-old boy in the back mountain.

The child looked like a little girl next door timidly.

"Don't be afraid, we saw it yesterday and this morning, remember?"

Li Jun suppressed the depression in his heart.

He once felt that in this world nothing but life and death could confuse him.

But at this moment, he felt helpless, and even wanted to get a parenting expert right away.

"You can call me Li... Uncle."

Li Jun tried hard to draw a small, cordial smile.

However, his face was cold and accustomed, and coupled with his hatred of his absurd past, his smile was not real enough at this moment.

Ye Xun was already sensitive. Seeing his smile like this, he clicked and stepped back in a panic.

I almost fell down because of stepping on the shopping bag on the ground.

"Be careful."

Li Jun gave him a hand.

But the little guy stepped back and looked at him with a guard.

Li Jun's heart tightened.

Countless negotiation experience told him that the little guy is more nervous at the moment and is no longer suitable for continued communication.

"I just wanted to tell you that there are some story books on the bookshelf outside, you can read them."

He took a deep breath and hid the carefully selected "One Thousand and One Nights" behind him.

The first time he communicated with a child, he gave gifts, which was too abrupt.

He can't rush.

The child is very afraid of strangers.

"Good night, little guy."

Li Jun stood up slowly, feeling that his knees were extremely heavy.

The child has such a weak personality, and both parents have inescapable responsibilities.

As a man, a father, he has been blank in his child's life for four or five years. In any case, he is wrong.

He turned around with an ugly expression, his heart cut.

However, the sound of splashing water came from the room in an instant.


Before he took a step, he heard the woman's shrill and frightened scream.

Ye Xun in the room was stunned, her face pale suddenly, and the next moment her body dashed towards the bathroom in the room.

Li Jun's expression also changed again and again.

Soon there was a soft whimper from a woman in the room.

He frowned and walked into the room, "Miss Ye?"

And the little guy Ye Xun, like a small cannonball that lost his direction, rushed and slammed open the bathroom door.

The sound of splashing water suddenly became clearer.

Even Li Jun, who was already standing at the door of the room, could clearly see every stream of water falling from the shower—

And there is... a slim and curvy woman...

Li Jun: "!"

At the same time, Ye Xun's mobile phone screen in the pocket of his little trousers fluttered.

【what happened? Who is screaming? Is the child's mother? 】

[Who was the man who rushed in later? Dad? 】

[Obviously it's not Dad, haven't you heard calling her "Miss Ye"? And what he said, only met with the child! 】

[I am dripping hemp, this man’s voice is so magnetic~]

[Surprised, late at night the baby is selling cute live broadcast, suddenly a man breaks in, and the woman's unidentified screams resounded across the world! 】

【stimulate! Reward 500 gold melon seeds! Please don't stop! 】

The author has something to say: The stimulus comes too fast, like a tornado.

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Home » Transmigration in the Book: I Rely on Raising Cubs to Upgrade My System » Chapter 16: Zai Zai's troubles continued (first. second)
Transmigration in the Book: I Rely on Raising Cubs to Upgrade My System Chapter 16: Zai Zai's troubles continued (first. second)
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When men of all sizes in the room were sluggish, a smart and slim figure in the bathroom rushed out.

Ye Susu almost fled with his head.

The wet white feet stamped water marks on the ground.

And her smooth black hair, just like Luo Tangji, embarrassedly stuck to her pale face and side, making her petite and exquisite.

She seemed to be chased by some monster, panting, patted her chest in shock, and trembled with grievances.

"Uuuuuu! It sprayed my face!"

Li Jun admitted that for thirty years, he had a wide range of knowledge, but at the moment he was also a bit uncertain.

He didn't understand what the woman said.

But the moment she rushed out, he closed his eyes and turned his back gentlemanly.

But obviously it was not as fast as she escaped. He closed his eyes, but his mind was full of what he had just glanced at... The light white shirt on her body was all stuck to her body after being wet.

The extreme colors of black and white made his temples start to throb.


He has a deep voice and considers leaving the room first.



Before he took his legs, there was a very quiet woman sobbing behind him.

Li Jun's temple jumped.

He saw nothing.

Is this also her method?

Hearing him talking to the child, she deliberately screamed in the bathroom to lead him in?

Too vulgar.


But Ye Xun's somewhat panicked voice sounded at the right time.


Soon Ye Susu made some dumb voices, and there were some small whimpers.

Li Jun's face was uncertain.

In front of the child, he didn't want to hear her say anything that shouldn't be said.

But the next second, he was about to ask her to calm down, and when he talked to him again, the crying behind him stopped.

Soon, the accusation of the charming voice rang out pitically and pitifully.

"As soon as I turned on that faucet, oh oh oh, a lot of water came out from the ceiling above, and it sprayed all over my head and face... so sad..."

"Oh my hair is stuck to my body..."

He choked, his voice was still trembling, but it seemed to pretend to be calm.

"Fortunately, bastard, you didn't go in... it's terrible inside..."

Li Jun's brows and feet jumped.

What do you mean?

Is that waterfall shower head in the bathroom?

And he hadn't figured it out yet, Ye Susu had already sobbed and walked back to the bathroom.

"Baby, you play for a while...me, I'll go wash it again."

She procrastinated step by step, just like going to the execution ground, very reluctant.

Li Jun closed his eyes and finally couldn't hold back.

"Miss Ye, turn the handle in the middle to switch from the waterfall shower to the normal shower."

"...Hey, it's cruel, it turned out to be a waterfall..."


During their conversation, the live mobile phone kept beating.

[What's spraying a face? Don't tell me it's the ceiling-mounted shower in the hotel! 】

[This child's mother, how unseen? 】

[No, she seems to be really afraid...]

[Wait, you group of sand sculptures have not grasped the point! She was taking a shower, and suddenly escaped, and then an unknown man with a nice voice (focused on non-husband) rushed in, and finally the man said sorry...you taste, you taste carefully! 】

[Fuck, looking at the black screen at the moment, I feel complicated. 】

[At this moment, I feel a little excited to see Xiaohuang Man, should I give a reward? Urgent, waiting for answers online. 】

[No one thinks, the heroine of this story is a bit too calm? After being read by a man, what line is ‘I’ll go wash again’? 】

[No, her tone was very wronged, she was about to cry, didn't you hear it? 】

[Always feel that something is wrong, first give a reward. 】

But Ye Xun was a little flustered throughout the whole process, and forgot his mobile phone.

He was annoyed that his mouth was stupid, and he didn't know how to comfort Ye Susu, he could only watch her put his arms around his shoulders like this, and went back trembling.

Finally, when Ye Susu closed the door, he frowned and thought worriedly, is Mummy afraid of water? She seemed afraid of being exposed to water.

But he turned his head and looked at the uncle next to him, his mouth flat, and he didn't speak.

Still have to save mommy a little face.

However, Li Jun curled his eyebrows and thought for a while before squatting down.

"Little guy, your mother is a girl. When she is in the bathroom, boys can't open the door frizzy, especially... there are other men present."

Ye Xun was stunned, but in the next second, his lips suddenly lost their blood.

Li Jun touched his head comfortingly.

Some words, although cruel, must be told to children.

The live broadcast room burst instantly.

【really! 】


[Mom did not scream when she saw a strange man on the spot because she didn’t make her child sad? She pretended to be calm, but she was too ashamed to be ashamed, but she didn't say anything because she was afraid of scaring the child. This mother is really great! 】

[Then what is the identity of this man! ? Werewolves are still ordinary villagers! ? 】

[Holmes goes online: Calling "Miss certain", the two should have met less than three times; at this moment, at 8:30 in the evening, the man and the woman are living together... It feels like a temporary cohabitation, but not a romantic relationship. I bet on 800 silver melon seeds, the tenant and the landlord! 】

[Same as tenants? The child’s mother is in bad condition. The storybook and pencil are not good enough. They must be renting a house. Is this man probably living next door to them? I just guess. 】

[I have to mark this live account. Tomorrow Monday, will the baby be at home or at school? Is it broadcast at night? I must come up with an answer, otherwise I will suffer from insomnia! 】

[A reward of 500 gold coins, I hope this live broadcast will be alive for a while...]

On the other side, Ye Susu, who didn't know that he was the focus, almost weakened his legs as soon as he walked into the bathroom, and tremblingly held the bathtub next to him.

She has been a cat for 99 years, and the water sprayed on her face is not as much as tonight.

It's cruel!

Who can imagine that in such a beautiful and perfect house, there is such a brutal ‘punishing cat shower nozzle’.

The cat is afraid of water.

She used to do wrong things, and the shovel officer would spray her face with a water gun.

There was another time when she was wandering. She was almost drowned in the water by a mortal... That feeling of suffocation, every time she remembered, she could not breathe.

Bathing is the most annoying in the 99th century, not one of them.

But she is a human now, so she can't help but wash.

The biggest sequelae of eating hot pot today is the strong smell on the body.

She was reincarnated as an adult, but she still retained her sense of smell, which was very irritating.

"As a genius who is about to become a great demon, Mei Miao, well, I'm not afraid...I'm really not afraid..."

She swallowed, and finally, as the best man said, she switched the shower and turned on the faucet.

This time the current was finally much smaller, and it was no longer a rush.



The water is so annoying, woohoo.


Ten minutes later, Ye Susu walked out of the bathroom listlessly, wearing a bath towel, all over his body and red eyes.

She feels like she's just a mess.

But just as he was about to fall top-heavy on the soft big bed, there was a sound in his ears.

[Currently, Zai Zai's mood is happy → down. 】

[If you cannot re-enhance before 24:00, ‘Today’s Task 2: Raise Mood’ will be regarded as a failure and the cub raising value will be deducted by 1. 】


Ye Susu turned over with difficulty.

Why are you feeling down?

If Cub Cub takes a tragic bath like her later, will his mood be blackened?

Ye Susu trembled, "Baby?"

She looked up, but did not see the little guy in the room.

The tip of his nose moved.

She got up hurriedly, followed the smell of the little guy, and walked out of the room with a faint taste of catnip.

Sure enough, on the small living room sofa at the corner of the second floor, I saw Xiaoye Xun shrunk into a ball.

He has a sad face and dull eyes, looking at the floor.

What's going on here?

Ye Susu looked blank.

But Ye Xun heard the noise and looked up to see her. He saw that her face was flushed at the moment, and he thought of the mistakes he had made, and he became more depressed and blamed himself.

Suddenly, the eyes were wet.

"Mummy... Yes, I'm sorry."

His voice is very soft.

Ye Susu was stunned, "Huh?"

Ye Xun sobbed, "I, I shouldn't have opened the door, causing Mommy... to be seen by my uncle. Light. Light..."

Ye Susu: "Huh?!"

Ye Xun was obviously frightened, "I, I don't know. I heard my uncle say that I knew...boys, you can't watch girls, take a bath..."

Ye Susu blinked.

This mission failed too unjustly.

"Fool, what is this?"

"He has seen me, and I will see him next time. Just. Just, isn't it all right?"

Ye Xun was half crying and was stunned.

And Li Jun, who was hiding in the study and peeking outside, was also dumbfounded.

He told the child to cry and was at a loss and wanted to call a parenting expert.

But now...it seems unnecessary.

But when he released the phone, he pressed tightly on the painful temple.

This woman's way of education is completely wrong!

But Ye Susu was outside the study, smiling.

[Zizai's mood improves and the mission is successful. 】


But everyone did not know that Xiaoye Xun’s "long forgotten" live broadcast in his pocket, the number of fans soared.

Even exclamation marks floated by.

[Baby Mom: I was watched, but it’s okay, I also showed people back, and I made a profit... (Awesome my mother!)]

【Cattle! Followed! 】

[Unexpectedly, I came to see Mengbao, but I got down on my knees. 】

[It's over, I suddenly think this poor mother is a little handsome. This robber logic is completely on my cute point! 】

【Reward 500 gold melon seeds, follow Sanlian! 】

[To be honest, this method of education is very bad, please don't lose your mind! 】

[This kid really goes to peek at girls in the future, what should I do? Those who give rewards, think more! 】

[Against this misleading education! 】

Criticism quickly broke out in the barrage area.

But soon another wave of voice retorted slowly.

[Watching the six-hour live broadcast (with all the silence and black screen time in between), I want to say, this child is obviously inferior, okay? Didn't you find out that he didn't say ten words a day?

Such a child needs to build self-confidence, not criticize or deny him.

My husband is an early education researcher. Children aged 3-5 are in the stage of gradually understanding the different sexes of men and women. They don’t need to feel ashamed. As long as they don’t expose themselves in public and do not look at other people’s bodies maliciously, Okay.

With such an inferiority child, repeatedly overemphasize his mistakes and tell him that he can't look at girls, and it is easy to cast a shadow on his future love life. 】

【with. 】

[Stand this word count! 】

When everyone was arguing, Ye Susu also tilted his head and thought.

Calculating the wee hours before 24 o'clock, there are still three hours, she still feels unsafe, and adds another sentence.

"Baby, well, you smashed the door open without knowing it, not intentionally. So, it's okay."

"You and Uncle Gao Da Zhuang are both innocent. This is probably your destiny in the dark."

"Next time, we will be okay if we are more careful."

Ye Susu touched his head.

"If you are really sorry, Mommy will fine you one thing, okay?"

Ye Xun bit his lip, his black eyes flashed, and he nodded silently.

He knew it was wrong.

Get punished and feel more at ease.

"Okay, then you go take a bath," Ye Susu said, holding his heart with lingering fears, "Punish you to stand under the big waterfall and wash yourself for nothing. But you must remember that when the water is on your face, Be sure to close your eyes, otherwise your eyes will hurt and you will shed a lot of tears..."

Ye Xun blinked.

And the more Ye Susu said, the more clever he felt.

Send the cub to the water first, if he gets messed up by the waterfall again, she can remedy it.

"Come out, I will reward you with a bite of dried fish~"

[666, I just said that the way of education is wrong, come out and get beaten! 】

[Perfect preaching~ Use a bath to punish the child, which not only achieves the purpose of telling the baby what is wrong, but also does not leave him a psychological shadow. 】

[This mother seems to be very good, why is the baby still inferior? curious. 】

[Ah, this live broadcast is poisonous, I can’t stop watching...I want to know more and more, the story of these two mothers and sons...]

[He seems to have no father, right? 】

[I haven't seen my father for a day, only a strange man who seems to be a tenant, is it a single-parent family? 】

[Reward 666 gold coins! My dear, promise me, live broadcast every day! 】

As night fell, Ye Xun, who agreed to take a bath, was walking into the bathroom with a towel.

After rubbing for a long time, I finally came across the phone in my trouser pocket.

His face froze.

Only then did he realize that he had forgotten. After he got home, he started the live broadcast again. He was walking around just now, and he kept putting his phone in his trouser pocket without stopping.

He took out his phone in a panic.

The screen keeps going blank, are the uncles and aunts angry?

Will they hear that he made a mistake just now?

Will he be ashamed of Ye Susu?

He was walking around in the bathroom in a hurry.

But finally, I saw the characters still floating on the screen.

He could not read the text, but he saw a lot of emojis, smiley faces, thumbs, 666...


He was relieved immediately.

Uncles and aunts don't seem to be angry, maybe they didn't hear anything bad just now?

Ye Xun, with a red face, stood in front of the bathtub, pointed the camera at the ground, and then stretched out his hand and waved under the camera.

[Wow, what do you mean? Baby saying hello to us? 】

[It means goodbye, right? He wants to take a bath, it's almost nine o'clock now, the little guy should go to bed. 】

[Ah, what shy baby is this? Goodbye, also waved silently with a tender little hand without speaking? 5555~What on earth has he suffered before? 】

[Hey, I should do my homework too, baby, 88. 】

[88, good night, good dreams~]

[Have a sweet dream, what a fuck~]

A bunch of words floated by.

Ye Xun bulged his cheeks for a long time, put his little hand back in frustration, and clenched his fist silently.

He didn't know many words, and didn't know what his uncles and aunts said.

He sighed leisurely, and finally after more ‘88’ floated by, he tentatively poked the screen a few times and successfully exited the live broadcast.

The moment the room cut off the signal, the number of fans stopped at 494, and the total number of rewards was 204.3 yuan.

Ye Xun's eyes dimmed a lot.

Originally, he thought it was a lot of money, but tonight Ye Susu bought him the children's clothing, he peeked at the tag when he tried it on, and found that one was worth more than 300.

And Ye Susu added seven or eight pieces to him in one breath today.

Ye Xun raised his little hand and broke his ten fingers, but in the end he didn't count it clearly.

But he knew that he spent more than earned, a lot more.

He suddenly shrugged his little shoulders in mourning, put the phone on the side of the sink, and changed his clothes, and then he stepped on his short legs listlessly and stepped into the bathtub leisurely.

Turning on the shower, the water rushed down, and his face changed instantly.

The live broadcast is really difficult.

No wonder there are so few successful uncles and aunts.

He is far from it!


In the winter night, the north wind is blowing.

The single-family Haitang Garden is extremely quiet, without the wind effect of howling ghosts and wolves in the old house.

Advanced fresh air constant temperature equipment and gentle floor heating all seem to be warm and comfortable in the spring of four seasons.

When the clock in the room reached half past nine, in this strange room, the two mothers and sons finally lay neatly on the bed.

Ye Susu scratched his belly and fell asleep in a second, heartless.

But she was always awake, and soon opened her eyes again to see if the little boy hadn't disappeared, and was lying obediently beside her, and soon fell asleep in a daze with confidence.

Xiaoye searched for a fragrant wash, lying on the soft and elastic bed that Rensen had experienced for the first time, counting sheep sadly.

Smelling the sweet smell of Mommy's body, after counting the twenty little sheep taught in the kindergarten, he counted it annoyingly a second time.

Fortunately, he secretly broadcast the live broadcast for a whole day, his spirit is tense, and his little head didn't hold on for long, his consciousness began to blur.

The slender and curled eyelashes trembled, and finally drooped on the lower eyelid.

With his only consciousness, he cautiously pouted his little butt, sneaked past Ye Susu's arm, nudged it lightly, then raised the corner of his mouth and slowly fell asleep.

One big and one small, hands and feet reach each other, breathing long.

But this night, there was a person next to them who had insomnia.

The child is playing next door.

The child slept next door.

Is he used to sleeping in a new bed?

Is he satisfied with his new home?

Is he still afraid of himself?

Li Jun sat in the study all night.

The more you think, the more energetic.

Early on Monday morning, Ye Susu was woken up on time by a bird outside the window. She wanted to tiptoe around the cub and get out of bed, but the next second she was shocked by the tremor of the mobile phone.

[Second Aunt: Su Su, you used to be unclean and you had children before you got married. You can still say that you are young. Your mother didn't teach you well, but what's the situation now! ? You have no long memory! ? Go to the rich and take the kids to live with others in the villa? Are you so capable? Live by this? You are discrediting our old Ye Family! Your cousin got married this year. If her mother-in-law heard about this kind of thing, she would think that our girls are so shameless! 】

[Three Uncle: You go home, your father is gone, but you can't be lawless! I'll call your mother to have a meal together this Saturday. 】

Ye Susu looked blank.

According to the inertia of the original body, she brushed the circle of friends, and saw countless strange friend states.

[Three cousins: Poor people must be hateful. Being deceived once, can be said to be stupid, and deceived a second time, can only be said to be self-willing and depraved! If you have a brain, you can think. Where can there be a free lunch in the world? Is it because the wind blows in someone else's house? Say let you live, let you live, what does he think of you? Picture you haven’t studied in college, or picture you have a baby? After all, you are stupid! 】

[Little cousin: Tsk tsk, it's better to be born into a woman, and live in a good house without having to work by yourself. (Low beep: This article blocks parents and elders)]

[Second cousin: forward ‘Men pretends to be rich and defraud women’s physical and mental money, girls have snacks’]

Ye Susu was dazzled to see this big tuo relative's remarks.

The kinship of a mortal simply collapses the Meow who is used to living alone.

But these words, cohabiting, rich, villa, talking about her?

Ye Susu stared.

What are these mortals doing!

She opened her small mouth and blew the hair of her bangs.

Extend your finger, one operation, all black out!

After finishing her work, she finally smiled and squinted.

The world is finally clean.

Early in the morning, disturbing Qingmeng, these stupid mortals.

Ye Xun, who was next to him, had already rubbed his eyes, curled up his two dumb hairs, and sat up from the bed in a daze.

He opened his eyes, seeming to be a little dazed, but soon realized that he was in the new home, and grape black eyes slowly recovered.

"Baby, I'm going to cook porridge and eggs, you can wash first."

Ye Susu said, putting on the fluffy slippers purchased yesterday.

She is most used to this feeling, wishing to make her whole body hairy, but obviously not. After thinking about it, she regretfully wrapped herself in a big pink fringed scarf and scratched her fingertips. Grinning emotionally.

When she walked out of the room, Ye Xun probed her head, and got out of bed with her hips. She walked to the bag with her bare feet for the first time and took out her mobile phone.

After the first time, the second time has been very skilled.

Open the software, turn the camera to the ground, and start the live broadcast.

He looked at the screen, and the little cheek gang suddenly pulled out a curve in a serious and serious manner.

Well, before going to kindergarten today, let's show the aunts and uncles live brushing your teeth and washing your face.

Did they get up as early as he did?

【Number of people online today: 1. 】

[Received reward: 200 silver coins. 】

As soon as the phone screen lights up, the first gift announcement will appear.

The author has something to say: If she wants to look back, she asks him if she is afraid!

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Home » Transmigration in the Book: I Rely on Raising Cubs to Upgrade My System » Chapter 17: Make money for cubs (third more)
Transmigration in the Book: I Rely on Raising Cubs to Upgrade My System Chapter 17: Make money for cubs (third more)
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"Baby, eat."

Ye Susu called out, and immediately made Ye Xun turn around in a panic, hiding his little hands behind him.

"Good, good."

Ye Xun looked back and found that Ye Susu hadn't entered the room, but only shouted outside the door, and he was relieved.

He took out the hidden mobile phone, continued to extend his little hand in front of the camera, and carefully put his five fingers together and waved it.

At the same time, a bunch of barrage flew past the screen.

[Awei is dead, he can't stand his eyes! Zai Zai, you just jumped halfway through the morning exercises. 】

[No way, knock this early in the morning, so cute that the old aunt has a nosebleed, just now the little guy brushing my teeth really poked me, although I only saw the toothbrush handle and little hands, oooooooo...]

[Zizai's signature wave motion, 7878 appears again, go full! 】

[Is going to kindergarten today? Come on baby! 88~】

[Reward 666 gold coins, feed the little guy, eat more breakfast, grow taller! 88~】

[Continue tomorrow morning! I couldn't get up, but seeing the little guys trying to get up early, I immediately became sober! 】

[Do morning exercises with little baby tomorrow~]

Ye Xun didn't dare to look carefully this time, afraid that Ye Susu would be anxious, so he quickly quit the live broadcast, and carefully put away his mobile phone.

But until he ate the hot fish porridge, he was still thinking about it.

The aunts and uncles who came to see today are much less than last night.

He can't read the words, but the numbers in the corners of the screen have become fewer, and the characters flying out have become a lot less.

Is it because uncles and aunts find his live broadcast boring?

Ye Xun was a little depressed. He bit off most of the egg that Ye Susu handed over in one bite, chewing his cheeks all over.

He doesn't know what can be broadcast live.

Just now he did the morning exercises taught by the kindergarten teacher according to his memory. Isn't he doing something ugly? Persuaded uncles and aunts to leave?

‘You have fewer viewers, so you have to reflect on yourself! With so many people doing live broadcasts, why do you come to see you alone? What is special about you, besides this face, what else can you make the audience pay? Think clearly! ’

The words of my cousin Ye Wan couldn't help but pop up again.

Ye Xun wrung his brow.

He doesn't even show his uncles and aunts...what should I do?

"Why don't you eat it?"

And Ye Susu, who was sitting next to him, saw that he was not eating and he was not as behaved as he was just now. After thinking about it, he reached out and touched his belly.

Ye Xun, who was distracted, didn't pay attention, and Xiao Ruan's belly was immediately touched.

His little cheeks flushed instantly.

"It's a little drum... full?"

Ye Susu tentatively pressed the little guy's belly a few times.

The melancholy and entanglement in Ye Xun's head disappeared instantly.

Both hands and feet seemed to be rippling in the warm water, and there was only a small voice left in his head, rotating repeatedly.

Mommy touched him.

Mommy touched him.


Mommy's hands are so soft, Mommy is a little fragrant...

His little head was working at full capacity, and soon he forgot the dried fish he was holding.

[Zizai is in a good mood. 】

A line of text suddenly appeared before Ye Susu's eyes.

She breathed a sigh of relief, but soon couldn't help rolling her eyes again.

I am not in the mood for a task today, I have lost a lot!

After breakfast, the mother and son followed the map and arrived at the kindergarten.

Saying goodbye to Ye Xun, Ye Susu glanced at the [Task 1: Income 500 yuan] that was still unmoved today, and immediately rushed to the place agreed with Mr. Zhang of Evergrande.

"Probably I ate too much koi in my previous life."

The location of the shop that the other party gave her was only a street away from Ye Xun's kindergarten, a five-minute walk.

Ye Susu couldn't help feeling his good luck.

Meow Meow Private Kitchen.

Ye Susu didn't take two steps before he saw the striking shop sign.

Because it is close to the crossroads, it is very obvious.

"Miss Ye, this is Zhang Chen, the representative of the Food and Beverage Department of Evergrande who communicated with you last night."

A middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes, slightly fat, with a general belly, showing crow's feet with a smile.

Seeing her gaze, he explained.

"This store brand is based on the preliminary dream plan you posted yesterday, and I urgently found someone to make it."

Ye Susu stood at the door and couldn't help but admire.

On the sign of Meow Meow Private Kitchen, there was a big pink plum claw.

Not bad.

This is an important mark that distinguishes her from mortals.

She mentioned it to Manager Zhang on WeChat yesterday, but she didn't expect it to be done so soon.


She glanced at Manager Zhang with appreciation.

Mortals are still excellent in a certain way.

Zhang Chen noticed her expression and couldn't help but smile even more.

"There is also the interior decoration. You can tell me if you want to change it. The decoration will take a little time. The purchase of items should be quick."

Yesterday, he was going to take his children to learn to swim, but he received an emergency call from Liu Zhen. The big boss asked him to find someone to take charge of a dream fund plan.

Time is very urgent and will be completed on Monday.

He was surprised at the time.

The dream fund plan, he had never heard of, was not in the plan he had seen.

This sudden command of the big boss, for whom the dream comes true is worth pondering.

And he added the other party's WeChat, and when he saw that the avatar was the back of a beautiful woman, he had a subtle guess in his heart.

When he saw the real person today, he was even more certain. He was very thankful that he went out in person last night and didn't let his subordinates do anything casually.

"Because the store area is not large, we have fewer seating arrangements, four double tables, and two more single tables in the aisle."

Ye Susu followed. Before entering the store, he saw an oversized glass window. The sun shined unimpeded on the tables and chairs inside, looking very warm.

She paused and smiled suddenly.

"Miss Ye?"

Zhang Chen turned his head, seeing that no one was following, he felt a little bit in his heart.

Is this unsatisfactory?

This small shop is a bit small, and the decoration is streamlined. Because the owner was in a hurry and had location requirements, they only found this one.

"If it feels small, we can find a way..."

Zhang Chen wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"No, that's good."

Ye Susu stepped into the store and strolled around in the aisle between the tables and chairs.

The gap in the middle just allows people to pass through.

The shop where she and Zizi ate last time seemed to be so crowded.

Most importantly, she used to like to squeeze in narrow cardboard boxes, obsessed with the feeling of being surrounded by tight clusters.

"Ah, it's okay, no need to change here."

"Okay, look at the kitchen again."

Zhang Chen led the way.

Ye Susu followed behind, facing all the equipment of the back kitchen, opening his eyes.

The stove is spacious and bright.

The pots, bowls and plates are also neatly folded, so Meow takes a look and wants to push down...

Her eyes flashed.

"it is good!"

Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief, "Will you order by yourself or through us? The ingredients of our Evergrande Catering can be selected on the same day for delivery, so there is no need to worry about the quality."

Ye Susu, who is used to being fed, nodded without hesitation, "I will leave it to you."

Zhang Chen thought to himself, he guessed right, it really was the boss's family.

He didn't believe it if it wasn't the petite girl that the boss spoiled!

I don't even choose the ingredients myself, and I want to open my own small restaurant and become someone else. I definitely don't know my mother.

But where is he in charge?

The boss allocated a million, just play with this girl.

"Oh right, do you have a balance of your one million dream fund? Can you help me add a bookshelf here?"

Ye Susu walked to the empty wall next to the glass window and paused.

Zhang Chen was stunned, "Yes, a while ago it was popular to publish books and follow the route of culturally popular Internet celebrity shops..."

"Okay, then help me purchase a batch of cooking books."

"Okay, cooking...huh? Cooking book?"

Zhang Chen looked back with some difficulty.

Ye Susu was a little embarrassed, and flipped through his pocket, "I only have one copy of "Breakfast 100". I want to learn a few recipes, but I can't find it."

Zhang Chen was shocked, but after thinking about it, he immediately understood.

This girl is a proprietress and doesn't cook by herself. It's normal for her cooking skills to fail.

"Then I also have a resume list here. The monthly salary of the chef is about 5,000 to 15 thousand, and the waiter is 3,000 to 5,000. You can choose a few employees, and you will be able to work soon."

Ye Susu took the file, glanced at it, and frowned her delicate eyebrows.

"Fifteen thousand?"

She has only 10,000 in savings now.

"Is their money paid by the Dream Fund?"

Zhang Chen smiled, "Yes."

The boss is pampered, and naturally someone pays.

Ye Susu nodded and patted the little heart that he was scared just now.

"Then in the end, will the unused money of the Dream Fund go directly to me?"

Zhang Chen thought for a while, nothing wrong.

Anyway, it's all Jinwu Cangjiao, and she loses the money casually.

"Yes, you give me an account for the remaining part of the 1 million dream fund, and I can let the finance pay."

Liu Zhen said that the expenses were reported directly to him, and it was estimated that he took the private account of the boss.

Ye Susu's eyes flashed, "That's OK, no more employees."


"The chef is me, the service and the cashier are also me."

Ye Susu returned the list of employees back to Zhang Chen casually.

Zhang Chen slowly typed a question mark in his mind.

A quarter of an hour later, he was dumbfounded at the newly released hand-painted ‘complete’ menu.

1. Fish porridge; 2. Shrimp steamed egg; 3. Dried fish


Is this done?

He had never seen such a menu!

Is the woman the boss likes really extraordinary?

"Well, first."

Ye Susu looked at the bank text message that had just received 300,000 yuan, grinning.

Thanks to her wit!

What kind of hiring? !

In the 99th century, she had been wandering for half of the time. She had had enough of the bitter bitterness of winter without food.

Later, her memory increased, as long as she had extra food, she would hoard it.

Who knows what will happen tomorrow, maybe the shoveling officer was a good shoveler, because a human flu suddenly disappeared, leaving her alone in the room, hungry to the point that her limbs are weak, and meowing is useless...

Three hundred thousand, at least equal to three hundred thousand dried fish!

Hidden for the winter to raise the cubs, so much peace of mind.

Thinking about it, Ye Susu was in a good mood, "I heard that this money is in the bank, and there is interest. Employees, can't give me money, I still cost money, I don't need any of them."

Zhang Chen: "!?"

On the top floor of the Evergrande Center, a light gray carpet separates the cold president's office from the arc-shaped meeting room area with a serious atmosphere.

Standing in front of the door, Liu Zhen took a deep breath before pushing the door and entering.

In front of the entire floor-to-ceiling window, there was only a simple desk.

On both sides of the wall, there are shelves full of various original books.

"Boss, Miss Ye has taken over the storefront, and the first batch of ingredients she requested has been delivered... She will start business today."

Li Jun, who had just loosened his tie and finished his shirt cuffs, was picking up the silver signature pen on the table.

Hearing this, looked up at the past.


His cold complexion was obviously unexpected.

"The staff are on duty?"

The woman's Jin Liang has been in contact several times, and it is already clear.

There is no dry goods in the mind, the character is not motivated, lazy, but I do my best to curry favor with a cash cow.

Today is hard work.

Thinking, his eyebrows warmed a bit.

But Liu Zhen had a weird expression. He thought about it and said, "Well, Miss Ye decided to run it herself first. This is the menu."

He handed over a cell phone.

Li Jun raised his eyes, and glanced at the recipe that was so concise that it could not be deleted. There were only three...handwritten things that couldn't even be called a dish...

His black eyes sank in a second.

"What is Zhang Chen doing?"

Zhang Chen, the senior project manager of Evergrande Catering, personally revitalized hundreds of small restaurants.

He is so experienced that it is impossible for him to have such a logical error.

Liu Zhen couldn't help but squeeze a sweat for this man.

"Ms. Zhang said that Miss Ye is going to leave the remaining 300,000 shop fund, not to hire chefs."

As soon as this sentence was finished, Liu Zhen felt a cold grinning glance toward him.

He could not help but bite the bullet and continued.

"Zhang always wanted to persuade me a few words, but Miss Ye said that she will not be open for long every day and she can do the job. Call her directly with the money, and Mr. Zhang will not have to worry about it afterwards."

With 300,000 operating funds, Ms. Ye's eyelids were so shallow that she thought about taking them away in one go.

In two months at most, her small shop will enter a profit model under the guidance of the catering department, so that she will have no trouble with food and clothing throughout her life.

Take this money now...how long can you live for, three months? Or six months?

Liu Zhen didn't know what to say.

"it is good."

Li Jun's expressionless face pulled out a faint smile dyed with anger.

"Let her go."

"There is no need to report the profit and loss of this store to me in the future."

Some people just can't support the wall.

The author has something to say: A few days later, a certain man felt a pain in his face.

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Home » Transmigration in the Book: I Rely on Raising Cubs to Upgrade My System » Chapter 18: Make money & darkening crisis (1st and 2nd more)
Transmigration in the Book: I Rely on Raising Cubs to Upgrade My System Chapter 18: Make money & darkening crisis (1st and 2nd more)
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Soon, the peak meal time at noon was approaching.

Near Yili Road, there are not only high-end residential areas, but also several office soho buildings and comprehensive shopping malls.

And "Miaomiao Private Kitchen", which occupies the most eye-catching position at the crossroads, is at the right moment.

In a short while, there were a lot of people crowding around.

"Hey, when did you open a new store?"

"Before the couple drove it, and then they went home and closed the door. It seems that the boss has changed. I took a look, what can I eat now?"

Usually at noon, office workers like to choose affordable packages.

But many people were stunned when they saw the menu written on the blackboard at the door.

【1. Fish porridge (stay up late)】

【2. Shrimp custard (depilation and meowing)】

[3. Dried fish (for weight loss but gluttonous)]

There is a cute cat paw print behind the price on the blackboard.

The fish porridge and custard are all 10 claws, and the small fish has 12 claws.

"It's a bit special, it doesn't seem to be expensive, try?"

"Haha, Brother Chen, you just said that you stepped into the Alopecia Party ahead of schedule. This is a rescue!"

"Get out!...then this one."

Office workers are basically numb to the choice of what to eat every day.

Just work for a month and eat all the nearby restaurants, and the follow-up is nothing more than reincarnation and reincarnation.

No matter how much you like, you will get bored even after eating. When a new restaurant appears, everyone will often have to try new flavors.

It's not delicious, at most it is included in the list of "Old and Dead".

However, these three people walked into the store and soon found that the store was extremely deserted.

At the noon rush hour, not only were all the tables empty, not even the waiter saw one.

There was only one girl who was half paralyzed by the balcony under the glass window, holding a bottle of mineral water and worrisome...girl.

With light on his back, I can't see the facial features a bit.

"Boss? Is it open?"

The boy who had just laughed at Brother Chen's bald head touched his own Mediterranean Sea.

Just when they were thinking about whether to leave, a slender finger was lifted up and pointed lazily at the cash register by the door.

The trio looked in the direction.

All the machines and equipment on the checkout counter are readily available, and the QR code signs for receipt are also neatly arranged.

There is also a disinfection cupboard next to it.

Next to the cabinet is a big bucket, and next to it is a package of suspected dried fish.

There is a small table at the back, and it says, "If you want shrimp steamed eggs, call me again, and the others will take it by themselves. ’

The three were all suspicious.

"Probably it's a newly opened store. It's too late to hire people."

"It feels like a street stall...wait, are there no other dishes?"

They heard everything and lowered their voices.

However, a delicate voice soon sounded from the balcony.

"Nothing else, just the menu at the door."

The male with hair loss among the three was surprised.

He spoke very quietly just now, this lady boss is at least seven or eight meters away, and she can hear clearly?

This hearing is a bit scary.

But he didn't say anything, an exclamation around him, but it sounded faster than him.

"Oh, damn, the boss's voice is so cute! She is softer than the up-master of Baby Loli..."

The face of the man with hair loss was startled.

The third person next to him, a man with acne, was suddenly surprised when he heard this.

They are programmers and single dogs, and like to get together to watch some cute up hosts on the Internet during their lunch break.

Hearing this voice, I couldn't help but compare it with my favorite up master.

"Baby Loli is just cute, and it's not a voice control."

"Will you want to eat it, or change the restaurant? Hurry up. Don't you want to make 56 kinds of instant noodles to eat and broadcast later?"

"Hey, shouldn't it be the beef noodles next door? Wait until the chef here is in place, there are no vegetables or meat here."

The three of them thought about it, and they were about to move outside the store.

But the soft and lazy voice behind him sounded again.

"No vegetables, but vegetable juice, would you like?"

As soon as the sound fell, a slender hand already held a bottle of green vegetable juice and passed it to them.

It seems to be a blink of an eye.

I don't know how she suddenly walked behind them from seven or eight meters away.

And... the fingers are slender and slender, the skin is milky white, and the nails are crystal clear with pink, which is a bit pretty.

The three of them turned their heads and opened their mouths at the same time, and then pushed hard the glasses on the bridge of their noses.

"Holding a big grass..."

I don't know who said it, and the faces of the three of them were all red.

I saw the beautiful face of the girl in front of me, which seemed like flawless jade in the sun, with no pores, and still glowing.

Cat-eye-like black pupils, the corners of the eyes are slightly raised, revealing a little girly sexiness, plus a small nose, pink lips, and a fluffy pink skirt.

Moe mother!


The blood tank of the three people was half empty.

Half of the blood, after the cute-looking proprietress approached another five centimeters, it ran out completely!

"Five yuan a bottle. I bought it from the supermarket next door without a price increase. Would you like it?"

"Supplement B vitamins and fiber."

Ye Susu turned to the back of the bottle and read the ad text without emotion.

"it is good."

"Get one."


The otaku with three empty blood tanks subconsciously took out the phone and wanted to scan it.

In less than ten minutes, they handed a bowl of porridge, a custard, a packet of dried fish, and a vegetable juice to the large drumsticks bought from the supermarket next door, staring blankly.

Ye Susu glanced at the task panel and suddenly heaved a sigh of relief.

[Task 2: Earn 500 yuan (230/500). 】

She is really witty.

Even if you buy something from next door and sell it again, your income is counted.

This task does not require a net profit.

Obviously, this was the third day of the 100th life, and the ancestor was still reasonable, and he didn't give her **** difficulty as soon as she came up.

At present, this is the normal difficulty that cats who are new to the mortal circle can complete.

Ye Susu wiped off the sweat that almost came out.

Just now she sent Mr. Zhang away, she was going to do a big job, earning 500 yuan quickly, but in the end, she waited and waited, but there were no guests.

But finally, after she slept secretly and pretended to sleep, using the hearing of a mortal to eavesdrop on the guests, she discovered that the problems were "no vegetables", "vegetables without big meat", and "not full."

Unfortunately, there is no more value for raising cubs, so she can only go to the next door to purchase some vegetable juice and chicken drumsticks.

Fortunately, we finally managed to retain three guests.

Thinking about it, Ye Susu showed a relieved smile.

On the other side of the improvised four-person table, the program ape trio stared at the things on the table and looked at each other, blushing a little after a while.

"Go, there is no food in this restaurant."

"This boss is teasing me, withdraw, go and eat sauerkraut fish next door!"

"Huh, someone really eats at this store?"

A wave of people who came into the store to read the recipes quickly left. Before leaving, they looked suspiciously at the trio, suspecting that they were the boss's trust.

The trio wanted to hide their faces under the table.

"Brother Chen, why did you say you want vegetable juice? It's embarrassing now. Just now, the girls in the service department looked at me as if they were looking fools."

"Fuck, it's not like you said that the boss's voice is cute, otherwise I would have gone out early!"

"Damn, Brother Chen, you're so embarrassed to say me? Do you dare to stop peeking at the boss!"

"Everyone is responsible for admiring beautiful women, what's wrong?"

The three quarreled, and finally when Ye Susu languidly returned to the "Best Sunshine" balcony, he couldn't help but let out a soft sigh.

No filters, beautiful women in reality.

She looks so sweet, her eyes are so cute, her voice is so soft.

"I thought that Mengmei only lives in the second dimension."

"There are also cultural festivals and show venues..."

"It's so close to the company, come here tomorrow to buy pickled cabbage fish next door?"

If the proprietress is the host of the up, facing this picture, they can all eat three more bowls of rice!

You can forget the melancholy of writing code!

Thinking about it, the trio couldn't help pushing their glasses, pretending that they didn't peek, bowed their heads and took a bite of the "home restaurant" in front of them.

All of a sudden, their eyes straightened.


The Mediterranean man wiped the hair that moved some hairline back, and for a second he felt the elasticity of the shrimp in his mouth, sandwiched in the soft and warm custard, bursting out delicious shrimp juice, and flicking on his teeth.


In an instant, after sitting for most of the day in the morning, his somewhat sore waist felt most of his vitality restored.

Even the painful fingers of writing code exploded at an unprecedented speed and scooped into the bowl in front of him.

This is a cute girl who is alive, can talk, interact, and cook!

After the trio gobbled it up, they looked at each other, and all the members' wolf eyes shone bright and scary.

"I suddenly remembered that it seems that I can work overtime at night, and I can have an overtime meal..."

"It makes sense, I also have a lot of bugs to fix today."

"I have an evening release, just to drink porridge, I am not afraid of staying up late."

At 12:30 noon, the business in Miaomiao's shop was still deserted.

In addition to the trio, there were many people who left after seeing the menu, even if Ye Susu took out the vegetable juice to no avail.

"Hey, vegetables are so unpalatable, isn't it good to drink them?"

Ye Susu on the balcony took out his "100 Questions for Breakfast" with a headache.

To learn the new menu again, at least in the evening.

Fortunately, Mr. Zhang was still reliable, and soon he sent someone to install the bookshelf, and he also sent two boxes of cooking books.

Ye Susu flipped it through and found the "600 Cases of Recipes for Internet Celebrity Shops".

She dared not act hastily this time.

The choice of meals for mortals was different from what she thought, and she realized it too.

Noble cats occasionally give the **** shovel officer some good looks.

She thought for a while, holding the book, reluctantly walked to the table with three guests.

"I will update the two menus tomorrow, you can choose."

The soft voice, combined with the gimmick that seems to be ‘customized cooking’, made the trio of blood flow out again after the trio’s response to a full meal.

Let them choose, listen to them?

This kind of interaction is also present in the live broadcast room of the up master.

But this has always belonged to the local tyrants with the most rewards. Where is the turn to get a speech?

Without rewarding a few fleets, the cute up masters can't see them at all!

"Ah... okay, okay!"

"Let me see, I see..."

The three people who took over the cooking book tremble a little.

While they are choosing, they are happy.

The Mediterranean youth finally couldn't hold back, and leaned back.

He secretly clicked on [Keyboard Man Group] on the top of WeChat.

[Ouqi: Comrades, I found a cute girl, alive, at the coordinate ‘Miaomiao Private Kitchen’. 】

[European gas: Come eat dried fish, see Mengruan boss! 】

[Ouqi: She asked us to customize the menu for tomorrow, customized, VIP treatment! 】

Ye Susu certainly doesn't understand the psychology of otaku.

However, as a noble and beautiful cat, she really understands the gaze that mortals appreciate, and she is not at all shocked.

After waiting for ten minutes, she twisted her waist, took a peculiar meow step, and approached the trio facing the recipe.

He glanced down silently, his eyes suddenly rippling.

"Oh? Spicy grilled fish, shrimp paste water spinach... Well, it sounds generous, thank you for your suggestions."

As soon as she stretched out her hand, she took away the recipe, leaving the three of them with a beautiful back.

The trio looked up, "!!!".

They patronized in a daze, hadn't finished watching, hadn't chosen.

Just turned a few pages casually.

Rely on!

Ten minutes later, crowds of people poured into the store.

At first glance, they were all men, ranging from twenty to thirty or forty, and most of them were bald.

"Ah, there really is a lady boss!"

"So cute... Uh, I mean, we want a dried fish."

"Sigh, it's true! Pack, congee? Yes."

The Mediterranean youth in the trio was suddenly crushed by the people next to him.

"Fool, a good sofa, you have messed up!"

"Say yes, the enclosure is so cute!"

[Task 1: Earn 500 yuan (823/500) for the life of the cubs. 】

【mission completed. 】

[Reward value for raising cubs: 1]

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Susu finally counted his daily income.

She completed the task properly.

Excluding the cost of vegetable juice, chicken drumsticks, porridge and rice, the net income is basically 200 yuan.

Ye Susu is already satisfied with this number for the first time making money with his own hands.

Seeing the time, she closed the store.

"I haven't seen the little boy for a day, and I'm still a little uncomfortable, and I panicked."

Ye Susu muttered and walked towards the kindergarten.

The kindergarten ends at 4:30 in the afternoon.

Miaomiao’s private kitchen was too close to the kindergarten, but when she arrived, there were already many parents at the door of the kindergarten, waiting in a crowd.

Except for full-time mothers, those who can come to pick up their children are mostly grandparents.

Ye Susu looked very strange.

Normally, the original body does not communicate much with other parents. On the one hand, she is a single mother and does not want to be asked. On the other hand, because of the live broadcast relationship, she does not want people to recognize her voice.

Of course, it is also crucial that there are no rich single men in the parent group worthy of original attention.

Therefore, Ye Susu arrived at the gate of the school today, and the others only cast some glances, but they all stood far away and didn't mean to talk to her.

Compared with other parents who are together in twos and threes, discussing how to prepare for their children's primary school exams, extracurricular art classes, etc., she is especially lonely, as if being left out.

It may feel embarrassing for another person, but Ye Susu is very comfortable. Instead, he feels that the air is fresh by occupying a large area by himself.

"Susu, you really are here, where have you moved these two days?"

But a gentle but anxious voice broke her peace abruptly.

Before Ye Susu looked back, her right arm was pinched vigorously!

"I heard Ye Wan say that you live with a man? Is it true?! Why do you want to fall for it like this..."

The voice was angry and anxious.

But before he finished speaking the complete sentence, the packet in Ye Susu's hand turned into a Pegasus meteor hammer, banging it flying, and knocking it on his face!


The man cried out in pain, startled and angry.

But he didn't let go.

The pain in his arm caused Ye Susu's scalp to explode!

She just thought of Zai Zai, and let her guard down, before letting a mortal close her body.

In the 99th century, even when she was wandering, mortals had to touch her hair if she was in a good mood.

This so-called crude insult to mortals!

She lifted her foot and kicked him **** his calf!

He took the bag in his left hand and slapped it.

"You brave, broad daylight, brilliant, dare to bully me like this!? See if I can beat you to death!"

The man seemed to have never expected to be treated like this, and finally let go of his hand with a cry of pain, and stepped back again and again.

"Susu, calm down, I'm your brother Jingwen!"

Ye Susu exploded his hair, his eyes glared at the visitors.

I saw the other person look like a dog, a gray overcoat, and a black wool scarf. His face was gentle and gentle, and he didn't look like a bad person.

But who wants to be so human and beastly.

Ye Susu recalled the original relatives, and his white face suddenly sank.

"Nonsense, I only have a brother."

As Zhou Jingwen moved away, his gentle face was shocked and embarrassed for an instant.

But seeing Ye Susu's delicate little face, full of vigilance towards him, he couldn't help frowning, feeling an inexplicable pain in his heart.

"I know that you are still angry with me. After so many years, you have not forgiven me, but... even today, I still hope that Susu, you can be happy, just follow me and..., in short, I hope you Find someone you really like to stay with you, instead of throwing in your arms because of temporary benefits."

Ye Susu was impatient to listen to the beep.

However, when he was about to move somewhere, his neck stiffened abruptly.

She remembered who it was.

Zhou Jingwen, the original first love, was also her senior in middle school.

When she turned eighteen, she decided to dedicate herself to him. The two secretly went to the bar to get drunk and courageous, planning to go to the hotel that night.

However, who thought she was drunk, Zhou Jingwen was called away by a call at home.

When she woke up the next day, she was found on the bed in the hotel by Zhou Jingwen and Ye Wan in a panic. Only then did she know that she was confused and didn't know who the hotel spent the night with.

The subject is not Zhou Jingwen.

After that day, Zhou Jingwen was very remorseful and obedient to her, but after knowing that she was pregnant by accident for two months, he broke up. He said that because of this incident, he realized that the love for the original body was not love, but the love for his sister. He was willing to maintain the integrity of her life, but as a brother.

From then on, Harajin was completely disappointed with love and began to fall into the pursuit of wealth, because she knew that true love was unreliable.

"Hoh," Ye Susu sneered, "So it was you."


This man not only caused the original body to get pregnant unexpectedly, but every time he appeared in front of the original body, he continued to show his compassionate appearance of'he is willing to take care of the original body.'

"Susu, can you talk about your current problems first? The previous things have passed. Can you not see my compensation and self-blame for so many years? You know, I am also in pain."

Zhou Jingwen's face was still aching.

Ye Susu rolled his eyes.

Is he embarrassed to look like a victim and suffering?

Spicy meow eyes!

She remembered that according to the plot at the back of the novel, he was still involved with the original black-bellied cousin Ye Wan.

Both of them knew what happened back then.

This week Jingwen felt that Ye Wan understood his difficulties best and his debt to Ye Susu, and felt that Ye Wan had been comforting him, standing on his side to give him strength, and was very kind.

In the novel, after sending Ye Xun to the countryside, he felt that Ye Susu finally got rid of the nightmare of having a child out of wedlock. He didn’t need to blame himself anymore and officially announced that he and Ye Wan were together. Soon because Zhou’s family was entertaining The background of the circle made Ye Wan a super first-line agent.

"Susu, if you are short of money, I will give it to you and move out of that man's villa."

Zhou Jingwen looked sad.

"How did you become what you are now?"

At the entrance of the kindergarten, there were many parents who gathered.

At this moment, Ye Susu and him became a dog-blood drama at eight o'clock, which made everyone cast their eyes. From time to time, they went gossiping over Ye Susu's beautiful face and curvy figure.

Zhou Jingwen obviously did not expect so much, he only knew that Ye Xun was in this kindergarten.

Ye Susu would definitely be here, he just came over.

But now that he noticed the strange sight, he knew something bad.

"Susu, you get in the car with me first, my car is nearby."

However, Ye Susu raised his delicate face and raised his hands with a smile.

"Do you know how you treat the existence of creatures like you in the wild?"

Zhou Jingwen was stunned, but he quickly became handsome, "We went to the car and said that it is not good to talk about the impact here."

"I'm talking about you big head!"

Ye Susu retreated to the flower bed, pulled the broom in the hands of the uncle sanitation, said ‘borrow’, and slashed towards Zhou Jingwen.

"Scum, you roll me round!"

In the motorcade parked at the entrance of the kindergarten, there was soon a Cadillac, silently turning the front of the car and turning away from the side road.

The glass window was closed by the extremely cold man in the back seat of the car.

"Liu Zhen, Ye Xun's new kindergarten will be in place in three months."

"Investigate all parents and teachers, and arrange for them to transfer schools if they have anything to do with them."

He spoke with a cold air.

Liu Zhen smiled bitterly and took notes, "Okay."

The boss is really furious this time.

Ms. Ye is also too unscrupulous. She pitted 300,000 yuan in the first second. Now she is tugging with a man at the gate of her child’s school. Parents and teachers will soon know about this. If Ye Xun hears rumors, what will happen to him? Self.

Hey, Miss Ye's private life is really messier than the investigation report.

Liu Zhen touched his nose, "Boss, do you go home now?"

"Yeah. In ten minutes, let Dr. Dong call me."

Dr. Dong is a senior child enlightenment expert.

"it is good."

And as soon as that Cadillac drove away, Ye Susu at the entrance of the kindergarten pulled Zhou Jingwen, who looked affectionate and painful, to the side of the road!

"Get out! Dare to come to my site again to make trouble, once you see it!"

She shocked all the parents of passersby sturdily.

Even Zhou Jingwen got into the car with her head in her arms and looked at her bitterly, "Su Su, I heard Ye Wan say that you resigned and did not accept her kind persuasion. I still don't believe it, but I really didn't expect you to listen like this. Persuade... how innocent and sensible were you back then?"

Before he finished speaking, the broom's head had already touched his face.

Zhou Jingwen's face changed again and again, and finally moved the car window, leaving a sentence, "Think about it."

He stepped on the accelerator and left with a look of hatred.

Ye Susu gave his broom back to the uncle sanitation with his arms akimbo, and thanked him.

However, she swept her gaze and found Xiaoye Xun who was standing stupidly at the entrance of the kindergarten.

He seemed to be a little frightened, and looked at her blankly.



Ye Susu ran over in a second.

If Zai Zai's mood drops, she will go find the scumbag and whip the corpse!

It is easy to fall in the mood, but too difficult to rise. That task appears again, and she will definitely become a kitten who has lost her dream.

But Ye Xun was carrying a small schoolbag, and his body trembled.

He just walked out happily, because today he finally found the wifi password of the kindergarten in the teacher's office, and he can broadcast it to his uncles and aunts in secret for a while...make more money, and then hand it over to mommy.

But now, his shoulders shrugged and pulled down.

As soon as he walked out, he saw Ye Susu beating people, and the nearest parent group, whispering also passed into his ears.

"Hey, that kid is really a single parent, no father..."

"This man actually sold himself for money and to live in a villa... It is conceivable how this child got here."

"I said I've never seen my kid's father, alas."

"She herself is also ignorant of the child, she doesn't care much about it. It's not bad to pick it up on time one day a week! Sure enough, she doesn't think much about it!"

"Oh my God, I didn't expect that there are such people in this school, so don't let her children damage our house."

Ye Xun squeezed his small fist suddenly, and the corners of his mouth were tightly closed.

There was a cold light in Grape's black eyes.

If you look closely, this temperament really resembles a certain cold man.

However, Ye Susu didn't want to study, and a thunderbolt sounded in her mind.

[Alert: Your little cub, there are signs of primary blackening. 】

In the next second, she saw Ye Xun's little brat grinning, like a little beast defending her territory, rushing out of the kindergarten door like a cannonball.

"Don't say it!"

"You, you... are not allowed to say!"

[Alert: Your little cub, the signs of blackening deepen. If no measures are taken, it will be converted to intermediate blackening after 5 minutes, which will cause certain damage to the surrounding environment. 】

[Countdown: 4 minutes 59 seconds...4 minutes 44 seconds...]

Ye Susu: "...!"

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Home » Transmigration in the Book: I Rely on Raising Cubs to Upgrade My System » Chapter 19: The cubs on the edge of blackening look for their father (third more))
Transmigration in the Book: I Rely on Raising Cubs to Upgrade My System Chapter 19: The cubs on the edge of blackening look for their father (third more))
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Seeing Ye Xun rush to the small group of parents next to him, Ye Susu shook.

She has seen this scene a lot.

In anger, the little milk cat scratched a claw at the mortal, soft, not much lethal, but--

[4 minutes and 13 seconds...]

[Once Cub Cub causes harm to others, the blackened part will be irreversible. 】

Ye Susu's heart pumped.

In a blink of an eye, I saw Xiaoye Xun rushing over. The brand new white shoes I just wore today had a few black footprints, and his little feet were about to... step on a sprout grass among the sidewalk tiles.

Ye Susu panicked!

What is causing harm? Does the flowers count?

"Baby, don't move!"

She exclaimed, and using the strength of the breastfeeding, she rushed towards Ye Xun Xiaozai with lightning speed.

Ye Xun just clenched his fists, trying to raise them to the aunts who scolded Ye Susu and cursed him for not having a father, but in an instant, his small body was suddenly embraced by a soft, soft embrace that seemed to be sweet and warm. Hugged it!

His movements stopped abruptly, and even the angry little cheeks were suddenly discouraged.

The cold light in Grape's black eyes only ignited halfway, and then stopped.

He lowered his head and glanced at the hand that was around his waist.

Turning his small face with difficulty, he saw Ye Susu's pale face at the moment.

In the second half of the sentence he was about to yell, you were not allowed to say ‘my mommy’, and you suddenly forgot to speak.

"Baby, calm down, let's calm down."

Ye Susu trapped the cub, pulled off his raised calves, and placed them on the empty floor tiles behind.

Feeling the little guy in her arms, her body muscles went from tight to stiff, and finally loosened, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

never mind.

However... [3 minutes 39 seconds, 34 seconds...], the countdown window hasn't stopped.

Ye Susu's expression quickly panicked again.

But Ye Xun saw her expression and remembered what he had just wanted to do, his little face quickly turned pale as a paper.

How could he be like that just now?

He doesn't have a father. He is Ye Susu's biggest shortcoming. It's the existence that makes her unable to lift her head. He knows, he has always known.

However, just now he heard those aunts scold Ye Susu, he still couldn't help but want to shut them up, couldn't help but want to beat them... let them apologize to himself and Ye Susu!

How could he be like this?

If you lose your temper like this, you want to hit someone and you want to swear.

So, he is... a bad boy?

Ye Xun lowered his eyes, the little fist that had just been loosened tightened again, and the teeth in his little mouth creaked.

Did he lose Ye Susu's face just now?

But he hates everyone who says he doesn't have a father, and even more hates those who scold Ye Susu... If you are a good kid, you will be scolded, he doesn't!

He would rather be a bad boy!

Ye Xun raised his stern face, and a trace of cold air in Grape's black eyes gathered again.

Listening to the countdown in his ear, Ye Susu was about to turn around in a hurry!

She has a keen hearing, and within a short while, she heard the sound of the little guy grinding her teeth in her arms.

She lowered her head, and saw the anger of the little boy, the murderer, who seemed to be biting.


Wait, calm down!

She wanted to do damage before, how did the shovel officer stop her?

Ye Susu panicked and his eyes lit up.

She hurriedly lowered her head, opened her mouth to bite open the zipper of her backpack, dig in with her left hand, and immediately turned out a small dried fish, and her right hand pressed Ye Xun's cheek!

"Come on, Mimi, open your mouth."

Ye Xun's angry face froze.

Ye Susu made persistent efforts, "Mimi, I'll eat dried fish for you."

Feeding the dried fish, the **** shovel officer begs her for mercy in this way.

crack shot.

Every time her anger can be extinguished.

Ye Susu looked at the little cub in his arms expectantly.

Ye Xun was pressed by Ye Susu's cheeks and listened to her coaxing Mimi, she couldn't help but lost her way in a daze and opened her mouth silly.

When he stayed, the dried fish was stuffed in.

Suddenly, the savory and sweet taste overflowed his little mouth, making his whole little head unable to move for a moment.

Obviously, in his memory, Ye Susu had never coaxed him like this before, nor had he fed him anything like this before.

But Ye Susu saw that his little teeth were no longer grinding, and there was something in his mouth to replace bite, her heart fell halfway.

But the other half is still hanging.

"Oh, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked!"

"Such a rude kid, what a tutor!"

"Scared to death, I thought this kid was going to hit me! Seeing how fierce his eyes are, it's like looking at an enemy!"

"Yeah, I can't do it without my father, it's lawless!"

More and more criticism and satire sounded.

Ye Susu suddenly flew hair.

She finally blocked the little boy's teeth.

This group of mortals who are making trouble... forget her, don't you even let it go?

No wonder the boy will be blackened in the ending, be beaten at home, be bullied when going out, it is simply a little pitiful.

She smiled with her hands on her hips.

"Shut up all for me!"

Just kidding, bullying her mission cub in her turf.

He is blackened, can these stupid humans afford it?

Ye Xun, who was standing in front of her, was shocked by the roar.

But Ye Susu didn't notice, he was still full of combat effectiveness.

"You have a tutor, but you stand here spitting on my cubs? You are so uncivilized one by one, so you are ashamed to say us? Auntie, you just chatted with someone, and you stepped on the wild flowers on the side of the road. You just threw a ball of tissues into the trash can. You didn't throw it in and fell on the ground and didn't pick it up..."

"And who else, you just crossed the road before waiting for the green light. Grandma over there, your grandson was eating bread on the road, and the leaves of the vegetables fell on the ground."

"Do you guys also mention the family education?! I think you have a father, but that's it!"

Stupid mortals, nothing can escape Meow's dynamic vision.

Ye Susu raised her head and chest.

"Please don't damage my noble babe, otherwise I will consider taking my babe to transfer to another school!"

"Study with your cubs, I think it's better to raise them freely!"

A group of people stared.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"I have a child today, I don't know what you are, don't slander!"

"How courageous..."

Several rebuttal voices sounded, but under Ye Susu's stare, their voices became lighter and lighter.

There are even parents who have received their children a long time ago, turn their heads and leave.

It can be seen that what Ye Susu just said is correct.


Ye Susu was still a little worried after teaching the enemy.

She bowed her head and grabbed the black guy's shoulders.

"Don't be afraid, who will bully you in the future, remember their taste, go home and tell me. You are still young, look at your paws, they are not half as big as they stretch out, you can't do it yourself, you know? If you fight, you hurt What about the flowers and plants on the side of the road? How innocent they are."

The parents who hadn't gone far turned their heads abruptly and almost twisted their necks.

Is there such a way to educate children?

However, what made them even more fascinated was that the child Ye Xun nodded.

Ye Susu expressed satisfaction and touched Ye Xun's shaggy hair.

"Moreover, in our race, the real king never makes a move personally. We are going to lie down and win the stream."

"Remember, we must remain elegant no matter when."

Difficulties, there are shoveling shit.

Of course, unless reborn as a stray cat.

Ye Xun seemed to be still digesting these words, Grape's eyes were a little confused, but the ferocious look on his little face disappeared.

It's just a countdown... it hasn't stopped.

[1 minute 35 seconds, 1 minute 34 seconds...]


Ye Susu collapsed.

She was holding the bastard's hands a little weak, and her legs were a little too soft to take a step.

Is it true that the practice of the 99th century will be reduced to ashes today?


When Ye Susu was desperate, Ye Xun's low frustration sounded.

"Are they true? My father, he is a bad guy... he, he..."

Why did he abandon Ye Susu and himself?

Ye Xun's little hand dropped weakly.

In my mind flashed a look of contempt and mockery in the past.

Why does someone have a father, but he doesn't...

Is it because he is a bad boy to be punished?

Ye Susu was stunned, "Huh?"

She didn't expect to be asked such a question.

A series of historical relics of the original body have nothing to do with her big cat Ye Susu.

how to explain?

Said the original owner had a hole in his head?

Saying that she doesn't know who his father is. In her opinion, do mortals have few good things?


[Countdown 58 seconds...54 seconds...]


"Ah, baby."

Ye Susu took the child and walked to the crossroads, and suddenly saw the glass of the car parked next to them-reflecting the appearance of their big and small.

Although Zai Zai is a human being, to be honest, this appearance characteristic has grown in her aesthetics.

The hair is soft, the skin is white, and the face is round... ah.

"Cub, look."

She immediately picked up the little guy and took a picture at the glass car window.

"A three-flowered cat and a small black cat cannot give birth to an elegant Persian."

"The bloodline is the bloodline. No matter how fake it is, it can't be changed."

"You look so good-looking."

"Overall, your father's genes must also be excellent."

Ye Xun was dumbfounded, obviously hearing this for the first time.

Ye Susu looked at him as if he had heard it, and quickly added a fire.

"In my experience, beauty is linked to a noble lineage. So, your dad won't be a terrible person."

"Of course, why isn't he by our side... Well, who knows? Maybe his head was caught in the door, and he suddenly lost his memory... Mortals always have many accidents, and Mommy can't tell."

For a long time, Ye Xun frowned his little eyebrows, skeptical.

"Like the grandmother of Xiaohua's house next door, I don't remember Xiaohua anymore?"

Ye Susu breathed a sigh of relief.

When the children grow up, they will choose the comparison group by themselves.

"Yes, that's it. Don't be sad. In short, it's not your problem. Mommy learned how to make small mouse buns yesterday. Let's have an extra meal tonight, okay~"

There is nothing that dried fish and mice can't solve!

[Countdown...19 seconds...18 seconds...17 seconds. 】

[Congratulations, the blackening signs of Zai Zai have faded temporarily. 】

[Please continue to complete today's task. 】

Ye Susu screamed, feeling that he was finally alive!

But Xiaoye Xun thought that if he walked out of the kindergarten, there would be no wifi to continue the live broadcast, but some mistakes occurred.

There is a thing called mobile data network.

The cell phone he put in his schoolbag, the bullet screen flew wildly.

[I seem to ride a roller coaster with this kid! 】

[Oh my God, is he a single parent who was shunned by kindergarten students? 】

[Those parents are really too much. If my children are scolded like this, I will fight them! This baby's mother, today is so good, she gave me a big breath! 】

[Hey, it hurts in my heart to hear the cub finally ask about his father's soul. 】

[I also grew up single parent, my parents divorced when I was very young. Baby, my sister told you that without a father, you still have a strong mom, don't be afraid! 】

[The baby is so poor, did you buy a new pencil today? 】

【Reward 500 silver coins. 】

[Give 1000 gold coins. 】

[Poor, 2000 silver coins, all my pocket money is given to this kid. 】


The car at the intersection waited until the mother and son left before driving slowly.

Liu Zhen in the co-pilot turned his head and looked at the man in the back seat whose face was uncertain.

Originally, the car had just driven away, but Ye Xun was seen rushing towards the parents in the rearview mirror, and the boss asked the driver to drive the car back.

As a result, Ms. Ye accidentally made a speech to the one-way glass window next to the boss...

According to the investigation report, Miss Ye's former neighbor, Grandma Xiaohua, was eighty-five years old and her brain was degraded, so she couldn't remember anyone.

When he thought of this, he got goose bumps behind his neck.

Miss Ye is scolding the boss?

The blood is noble, but the head is caught in the door. Isn't it as good as the dementia grandmother to remember things?


A cold utterance fell into the car.

Liu Zhen trembled.

But the next moment, his tablet shook, and he was a little surprised when he read the title of the email sent by the Propaganda Department.

On their Evergrande network, a live broadcast room named Beautiful Girl was on fire and received more than a thousand rewards.

And the anchor is a kid?

What is the boss of the Ministry of Commerce doing!

How can a child sign a contract without an ID card?

The author has something to say: Cub: I was terribly scared.

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Home » Transmigration in the Book: I Rely on Raising Cubs to Upgrade My System » Chapter 20: Zai Zai was caught (first and second shift)
Transmigration in the Book: I Rely on Raising Cubs to Upgrade My System Chapter 20: Zai Zai was caught (first and second shift)
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Children live.

The child is suspected to be around five years old.

The Ministry of Commerce of the platform received the contact of two brokerage companies today, hoping to get the contact information of the guardian of this live broadcast, and they want to sign a contract.

Liu Zhen felt very headache when he saw this email. The boss was in a bad mood. Didn't this report hit the gun?

The prince is less than five years old this year. The boss has recently been at a stage where his father’s love has exploded and his children cannot suffer. Now let him know that there are still minors on their Evergrande platform, and they are such small children making money for their parents. Is this okay?

Sign a big head ghost!

Liu Zhen took a deep breath and decided to let the Ministry of Commerce investigate the situation of the ‘beautiful girl’ ID.

But before he sent the news, the car gradually stopped by the Haitangyuan Garden.

As soon as it stopped, the door of the rear compartment was opened from the outside.

"Second Uncle, why did you come to live in this small house? I went back to my home and looked for you twice, but in the end it was Housekeeper Zhao who saw me being pitiful and told me... Hey, Liu Zhen, long time no see."

With his left hand in his pocket, the same tall, high-quality gene from the Li family, but Jun Yi's unique peachy-eyed man, smiled and bent over and greeted the car.

"Four young people."

Liu Zhen was surprised. He pointed his finger on the half-edited short message, and he had a bad feeling instead.

Li Jun squinted his black eyes, his face with light behind his back was difficult to distinguish.

But obviously speaking, there is a certain kind of displeasure.

"Housekeeper Zhao didn't tell you that he went to the company to find me for anything recently?"

Li Yinchen stretched out his hand to lift the broken hair, revealing the yingying tearful mole beside Peach Blossom's eyes.

"Second Uncle, you are so unfeeling. I went to your company first. The secretary said that you had something to leave early, and I went home to look for you. But Steward Zhao said that you didn't come back again, so I went to the company and waited again... After three or four trips,...well, I said business, ok?"

It didn't take long for him to be baptized by Li Jun's chill.

"I'm twenty-eight, don't stare at me like you stared at a child... Well, it's like this, don't I have a network music agency that specializes in signing online celebrity live broadcasts on major platforms, so I always pay attention to it. Data from various live broadcast platforms."

Hearing this, Liu Zhen's bad feelings became even heavier.

Sure enough, the key point of Li Yinchen's next sentence came soon.

"Guess what's going on? Just now, I just wandered around on our Evergrande platform, and as a result, I saw a unique potential stock!"

"Although his data has not yet made it into the top ten hot list, I can guarantee that he will definitely be hot. There is no similar type in the market at present, only this one! Build it casually, no, no need to build, just rely on his natural The idea of ​​sculpting, live broadcast at will, can become the hottest anchor this year, no one!"

Liu Zhen bit his scalp and turned back tremblingly, "Fourth Young Master, the boss is off work today, something is worse than tomorrow..."

"What class does workaholics leave?"

Li Yinchen rubbed his palms, obviously still digging into the excitement of the newcomer.

"Second uncle, the Ministry of Commerce said that it needs your approval before giving me the contact information of the other party. Give them a call quickly."

Liu Zhen sighed and gave the Fourth Younger a helpless look.

The boss is in a bad mood today, and it burns at one point. He has already hinted to the four young masters.

Sure enough, Li Jun twisted his eyebrows, his black eyes sinking, "What's wrong with this anchor, it needs my approval?"

Evergrande Group is one of the Li family's family businesses, involved in a number of business areas, and now the leader is Li Jun. In the entertainment section of Evergrande, there is a popular live network platform.

The online music agent is a company run by three generations of Li Yinchen himself, but backed by his family, it is easy to sign a newcomer on the Evergrande platform in the first time.

Evergrande’s Department of Commerce is not stupid, and will not make it difficult for Li Yinchen to sign the contract.

Unless there is a problem.

"Haha, second uncle, you asked the point, I will show it to you, you will know..."

Li Yinchen had already prepared the phone.

Once opened, it is the Evergrande live broadcast platform.

Soon, a soft and cute voice came out inside.

[Mommy, if father recovers his memory, he...will come, come to...we? 】

In an instant, the grim man with long legs in the car changed his face!

And Liu Zhen in the front row almost jumped up.

In the next second, the atmosphere of the carriage became strange and cold.

And another charming female voice soon sounded clearly from the phone.

[Baby, your dad can't use it for food or play, why do you always think about him? Now, put on the gloves,... we are home. 】

[Mommy...Is your father gone...]

[Well, there was before...]

[What happened later? 】

[Hey, it was gone afterwards. 】


"Hey, this kid has no father or grandfather."

Li Yinchen's peachy eyes tightened, holding his mobile phone and holding his breath, before shaking his head in melancholy for a long time.

"It's so pathetic."

He was immersed in the conversation between the mother and son, without noticing the weird atmosphere in the car, and sent the screen of the phone to the man beside him who said nothing.

"Second uncle, look at the barrage above, and then look at the reward data. This child who has no father and mother has definitely conquered the rhythm of more than 50% of Evergrande’s live broadcast audience. Even I can’t help feeling that this child is pitiful. , I want to give a reward, I want to see what he is doing every day, and whether his life has become better...Is he being bullied today...This child is letting him go!"

The screen of his mobile phone is pitch black.

But one barrage really floated past.

[Oh, I cried. 】

[It's okay, it will be better, baby look forward~]

[Hey, rewarding 6666 gold coins, I don’t say anything. 】

[Well, the ball is over, let's transfer the child to another school, so many people in this school scold this child, it really doesn't work! 】

[Before, do you know how troublesome it is to transfer? Letting children go to a good school is not something ordinary parents can do if they want to do it! School district room, do they have it? Sponsor the red envelope, can they get it together? If the road is far away and they want to rent and move, how much savings do they have? 】

【stop fighting! Do you think the child is not bitter enough? The keyboard man is so rough! Everyone should come to crowdfunding. I will reward 520 gold coins every day from now on. How about everyone? 】

[Crowdfunding +1, reward 2000 gold coins, this little pocket money, my sister still has it. 】

[Join, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, and you can give me a reward when you get the money! 】

[Kuo Yi, I was going to buy a skirt after get off work, but I don’t buy it now! Reward 20,000 gold coins! 】

[Wow, I immediately felt like "raising a baby in the cloud" with everyone, and I was rewarded with 520 gold coins. 】

"Look, second uncle, how long has he been live broadcasting? In just five minutes, this reward has surpassed all newcomers... But because he is a minor, the Ministry of Commerce said that he should ask the guardian first, and then report to you."

As Li Yinchen said, the peach blossom eyes bend, as if he saw the first doll artist he held in red, rising slowly and becoming the brightest star in the night sky, no, the brightest cub.

But he had only halfway through his laugh, when he poured down a basin of icy cold water!

"Liu Zhen, let the Ministry of Commerce reject all brokerage companies' applications for signing contracts."

A ruthless command fell in the carriage.

Li Yinchen's peachy eyes twitched, "Second Uncle?"

Li Jun's handsome face was gloomy, his eyes crossed from the phone screen, his eyebrows were frowned, he pulled off the tie of his shirt collar roughly, opened the car door, and stepped out with his slender legs.

"Second uncle, wait a minute! This kid has endless potential. Do you want him to stay in Evergrande to sign?"

Li Yinchen pushed the car door and chased it out.

But before he finished speaking, he saw his second uncle, who has always been elegant and perfect. His eyes looked terribly like a beast on the edge of rage. Two buttons on the collar of his shirt were torn off and rolled into the grass nearby.

"Are you questioning my decision?"

Li Jun narrowed his black eyes dangerously.

Li Yinchen's legs trembled unconsciously.

"Um, no, it's a discussion..."

"Yes, then you will report to the group tomorrow."

"No, no, no, forget it," Li Yinchen twitched peachy eyes, "I thought about it, I don't need to sign a contract..."

Hengda’s hunchback, a huge pile...he can't finish it without sleeping!

Only the inhuman physical strength and brain of the second uncle will do.

As soon as he fell, he banged, and the door he slammed almost smashed his nose.

"Today, Second Uncle... have you eaten gunpowder?"

Liu Zhen who followed behind was dumbfounded.

You just found out that you not only ate it, but also the fuse!

He ignored the greeting and hurriedly opened the code lock to enter.

"Fourth Master, goodbye."


Li Yinchen touched his tall nose, lowered his head, and operated the phone first.

"Crowdfunding, I also want to participate, so let this little guy spend five thousand yuan first... Hey, my account is frozen!? Paralyzed, which idiot did it!"

The stupid man who ordered a certain account to be blocked, the dark-faced man, entered the house, looked dazed, and stiffly took out his mobile phone.

He leaned against the wall, and the daylight hadn't set for nearly five o'clock, but his figure was shrouded in shadow.

He struggled to open Evergrande's live broadcast app.

Search the room "beautiful girl".

A second later, there were intermittent familiar voices from inside, from time to time it was Ye Susu's soft voice, occasionally with the child's soft voice.

This kid...

Li Jun sullenly covered his forehead.

How old is he this year, will he appear live?

The Li family’s child has received business education since he was a child, but since he was ten years old, he used his father’s account to learn to buy and sell stocks and to run a virtual company. It was not until he was eighteen that he officially entered Evergrande to take over the substance. industry.

And Ye Xun, the child, is less than five years old now. Judging from the number of rewards, he has earned more than Ye Susu.

Such a child is his son.

Li Jun twisted his eyebrows, only feeling a fire in his chest, rushing to his forehead, but after half the payment, he felt his heart ache again.

Proud, heartache, and angry.

Standing next to him, Liu Zhen didn't dare to move, desperately reducing his presence.

"Encrypt the personal information of this room ID and forbid anyone to query it."

"All recorded videos, delete."

Li Jun's slender fingers squeezed the phone tightly.

Liu Zhen hurriedly responded, "Should this number be blocked? It is forbidden to broadcast...this kid?"

Exposure of minors is inherently controversial and must be conducted with the guardian's knowledge.

And the guardian of this child, Miss Ye, is obviously unreliable. Another guardian in line-his immediate boss, a man who is ranked high in the country, will allow his own son to make money from live broadcast?

Liu Zhen immediately thought of stopping the future prince.

But just as he said, the code lock of the door was pressed open.

Liu Zhen shut up immediately.

The mother and son are back.

Before the door opened, Ye Susu's unique and adorable voice had passed into the room from far and near.

"Baby, do you have... homework in kindergarten today? Will you do it, I will help you with it?"

This is exactly what a good mother looks like.

Liu Zhen slandered.

Instead, when he was thinking about avoiding it, he heard a cry.

"Mr. Li, you are also at home."

"This... the bank card brother... it's you."

Ye Susu has a good memory, and when he saw Liu Zhen, he remembered who he was.

Liu Zhen hurriedly smiled, "Hello."

As soon as he finished speaking, his smile froze.

Damn it, is he on the kid's live broadcast! ?

How many fans are there just now? ?

He couldn't help looking at Ye Xun, and saw that he was not holding a small phone, but the pockets in his side pants were a little bulging, and there was a metal bump.

He missed the mirror.

Well, this kid is shooting blindly, there is no camera.

"Ah, I have something to look for..."

Liu Zhen's smile widened.

But the cold voice interrupted him.

"Let's go to the room and say."

Li Junduo didn't give Ye Susu a look, concealing the disgust on his face with extreme restraint, and quickly turned upstairs.

Looking at her more, he was afraid that he could not control himself.

Every moment, I wanted to take Ye Xun away directly and cut off contact with this woman.

If it is not for her ID to open the live broadcast, it is impossible for the child to successfully register on the platform and have the live broadcast qualification.

No matter how nice she said in front of the camera, this is a kind of show. No matter how she instigated the child to make money in front of the camera, it made him intolerable and disgusted.

Such a woman is more unbearable than the investigation report!

Li Jun held back his anger and waited for Liu Zhen to follow up in the study. The storm in his black eyes broke out completely, "Close the door!"

Liu Zhen trembled.

Li Jun set the'Pretty Girl' live broadcast room as a concern, and then suppressed his words, "Modify the rules of this room, no one can enter."

As he said, he threw his phone on the table.

"Room, only my access permission is granted."

Liu Zhen opened his mouth, but nodded immediately.

"it is good."


But downstairs, Ye Susu blinked in disbelief and raised his eyes to look towards the second floor.

Catnip, in a bad mood today?

He even ignored her?

He is so courageous!

She didn't **** him, didn't rub him, did he lose his temper?

Hi, then she will ignore him too!

Ye Susu snorted, looked down at the cub, and angrily put on the slippers.

"Zubzai, go, let's do our homework."

"it is good."

Back at the new home, Xiao Ye Xun was finally relieved by the comfortable environment.

There is no strange look, no ridicule, making him more comfortable.

But soon, he had new anxiety.

Taking advantage of Ye Susu's carelessness, he slipped into the bathroom as soon as he returned to the room, pretending to wash his hands, and prepared to reopen his live broadcast.

He went out of the wifi range of the kindergarten, and he should have dropped the connection.

Uncles and aunts, are they all gone?

He bit his little lip, a little worried, but a little relieved.

He has no father's affairs, and he doesn't want the uncles and aunts on the Internet to know.

He is a special child.

He...want to hide.

But Ye Xun lowered his head, and soon found that his live broadcast room seemed to have a lot of rewards.

A closer look revealed that today's reward exceeded 61990 gold coins.

The background shows that his current withdrawal number is 1,239 yuan.


Ye Xun opened his small mouth in surprise.

When he walked out of the kindergarten just now, he was a little worried and didn't look at the live broadcast room carefully.

Could it be your uncles and aunts who like to watch his painting lessons in kindergarten?

"Baby, did you fall into the pit?"

Ye Susu suddenly shouted outside the door.

Ye Xun hurriedly responded, "No, no..."

He looked at the screen again in a panic.

The timing of the live broadcast seems to be changing. He still doesn't understand the meaning of the clock, but it seems to mean that he has successfully connected to the Internet and is broadcasting again.

Ye Xun breathed a sigh of relief.

He was about to put the phone in his trouser pocket, and then hid it in a small schoolbag outside, but his eyes widened in the next second.

The number in the upper right corner of the screen suddenly changed from 794 to 1.

The text that was still floating just now is gone.

He stretched out his little hand in a panic and touched the phone screen.

what happened?

This number should be the number of uncles and aunts who watched online. He copied it down and asked Aunt Lemon.

There were more than 700 uncles and aunts just now, why are they now 1?

Ye Xun's little hands trembled.

Uncles and aunts all ran away?


Because he was disconnected all the way and didn't live broadcast?

Or do they dislike him anymore?

Why did my uncle and aunt suddenly disappear?

The little guy's face turned white suddenly, and he hurriedly circled around in the bathroom with his mobile phone.

Is the phone broken? He put it in his trouser pocket. Was it crushed just now?

"Baby? Are you unable to **** out?"

Ye Susu asked another question.

Ye Xun's face blushed, "No...I, I will be rough right away."

He was busy pressing his little finger, tentatively exiting the live broadcast, and then started the live broadcast according to the operation this morning, but the number of people was still 1.

Uncles and aunts, really are gone...

His shoulders drooped suddenly, and he walked out of the bathroom listlessly.

Seeing him coming out, Ye Susu was not in a high mood, so he snorted in his heart and touched his belly the first time.

Ye Xun's ears were red.


Ye Susu really regretted that he didn't communicate with those female cats.

Ye Xun bulged his cheeks and shook his head.

"Then we do the kindergarten homework first?"

Ye Susu glanced at the taskbar that he had updated after receiving the child.

[Task 2: Help Zai Zai to complete a kindergarten homework, and get the teacher's evaluation: good. 】

[Good assessment: The teacher gives the child a small red flower reward. 】

[The task reward (raising cub worth 1) will be issued after receiving the small red flower. 】

[Task time limit: 24 hours. 】

[The countdown begins. 】

Big head and big head.

Now that Ye Susu saw the countdown, he instinctively wanted to blow his hair.

But in front of the cubs, she has to maintain the elegance of the big cat, which is so difficult.

Thinking of her 99th life, she didn't know what the homework was, and she was still a little frustrated.

Ye Susu was immediately ready.

Seeing her serious face, Ye Xun had to temporarily set aside the uncles and aunts who were broadcasting.

But thinking of today's homework, his small face quickly collapsed again.

However, he tried to raise his head, the dull hair on his head cocked.

"I can do it myself."

Means, without my mother's help.

Ye Susu grinned as soon as he heard it, and the answer was very pleasant.

Zai Zai is big and has learned to do homework by himself, so I am so relieved.


"No way."

"Mommy wants to help."

Ye Xun was stunned.

And next door, sitting in the study room, Li Jun, who was already playing the live broadcast of "Pretty Girl" on the big screen of his computer, had blue veins on his slender fingers holding the signature pen. He looked even more ugly when he heard Ye Susu's words.

This woman doesn't know what it means to let go of education and cultivate children's independence from an early age.

She should not care, but there are so many things she should not interfere.

This is obviously her deliberate show on the live broadcast.

Li Jun was angry from the heart.

And the next moment, he heard the child's low, unconfident, timid voice from the computer.

"The teacher said...today...well...make a toy by yourself and take it to the kindergarten to share with everyone."

Li Jun was stunned.

Manual work?

This is a parent-child game where parents interact with their children.

He was busy opening a web page and searching for ‘handmade toys’.

I haven't seen the search results yet, but Ye Susu's voice on the computer came out again.

"Toys, I will do this!"

Li Jun took the mouse to click, and then moved his gaze to the live broadcast window.

"Let me think about it... Babies... Yesterday's carton, um... If too many cubs play together, that one will soon be broken..."

When Li Jun heard this, he couldn't help but think of the strange scene of her scratching the cardboard box yesterday in the corridor, and he frowned.

Can not bear to look.

"Ah, let's do this! Another decompression artifact..."

Li Jun stared at the black screen, listening to the unreliable, delicate voice, feeling irritated.

I can't see what she is going to do, but there is always a bad feeling.

Thinking about him, he dragged the webpage and found a webpage about the work of a small origami dinosaur, opened the drawer, took out a stack of white A4 paper, and studied the page.


It's dinner time.

Li Jun stretched out his hand to press on his stiff neck and raised his head. Finally, the arrogant little dinosaur who could only stand up at the 178th table was neatly gathered on the side of the table.

As if looking at the army, he solemnly picked out the most majestic and mighty one, nodded, and his expression finally eased.


He got up, unbuttoned his shirt cufflinks meticulously, took the casual jacket from the hanger, and tried to show a friendly smile, ready to knock on the door next door.

However, the door opened automatically before it touched.

Ye Susu just happened to walk out, with a pink smile on his face, as if he had just laughed happily.

But when he saw him, Ye Susu's smile suddenly disappeared, "Mr. Li, what can I advise?"

I just ignored her, but now he can't afford it.


Li Jun couldn't bear to communicate with her. He pressed his thin lips tightly before speaking, "For work relations, my colleague just gave me a small toy for the child to play with."

As he said, his indifferent eyes passed over her, and he was going to look for the child in the house.

However, the sound of ping-pong-pong came from the house.

He saw Xiao Ye Xun in the middle of the room at a glance. He saw the little guy hearing the sound and turning his head. Grape's black eyes were stained with bright stars, his face was puffed, and the hair on his forehead was a little wet. , As if he had just exercised.

"Wow, cub, you knocked down three bottles. Miaomiao sweater bowling, you have one point more than me!"

Ye Susu's cheers sounded.

Ye Xun's small face blushed, but immediately brighter light broke out in his small eyes and lowered his head, but the corners of his small mouth were faintly upturned. It was a rare face that couldn't hide small pride.

Li Jun looked over, and soon saw three empty bottles of mineral water lying on the ground in the house, and a woolen yarn wrapped around Ye Xun's fingers...a round ball of woolen yarn was dragging...

"What is this? Dog?"

After praising the cub, Ye Susu turned his head and saw the paper dinosaur in his hand and commented without hesitation.

"My God, it's so ugly."

Li Jun: "!!!"

This is a dinosaur!


But now it is close to dusk, the sky is getting late, and the night is getting thicker.

Many pedestrians rushed to the subway and bus stations on the road.

But some people, at the crossroads, faced the closed door of Miao Miao's private kitchen, and asked the soul three times.

"It's half past six in the evening, is it still closed?"

"Ah, where's the living boss?"

"What's the matter? The blood of my overtime work depends on the boss's porridge to continue my life!"

"Hey, you really didn't lie to me, are there really cute girls who open a store? Where's the girl? Where's the store? Okay!"

The author has something to say: That night, a man studied handicraft until late at night, and his family ran out of A4 paper.

The misunderstanding of the male protagonist is reasonable, and Ben shrimp does not like the behavior of relying on children to make money, if it is a small child.

Behind, there will be slaps on the face, everyone can rest assured, the heroine will not be wronged, oooooo!

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