Duel 2: At Gun Point

"Are you packed up and ready to go Yuki?" I heard my mother yell. I grabbed my bags and ran downstairs.

"Yes I am! Let's gooooooooo!" I yelled, while zooming out the door. I can't wait to get to Yugi's. My excitement is going through the roof!

After walking for a bit, we reached the Kame Shop.

We were greeted by Solomon and a cheerful Yugi who dragged me upstairs into his room. We left my parents and his grandfather to talk. Yugi told me that we would be sharing a room and that there was a bed already set up.  Awesome! He told me to get comfortable as he opened my bag full of clothes and belongings. He helped me unpack for a bit until we decided to see my parents off. We ran to the stairway and listened to their conversation.

"Please make sure she doesn't get out of hand. If she does-" 

"Don't worry (M/N), I can take care of her. I'm sure she won't be a problem." 

"Thank you Solomon- you are a life savior! Well, goodbye! Bye Yuki!" I heard my mother say as the door slammed. 

"Didn't even get to say bye...it's like they wanted to get rid of me... they didn't even look in my direction to say bye." I mumbled while holding a saddened face. 


"I can't believe you solved the puzzle Yugi! No one has been able too- they just die or get immense pain." Solomon exclaimed. We were currently eating dinner as Mr. Mouto decided to pester Yugi about the puzzle. I could care less about their conversation.

Not to be rude, but all I could think about was the bracelet on my arm. Not once have I took it off, unless I needed privacy. I feel like it is somehow connected to something ancient. As if it held a presence. As if I needed to wear it for protection. Even though I've had this thing for a day or two, I felt connected to it. I know there is a bigger meaning behind this item, but for now, I will never let it out of my sight.

Then my thoughts drifted to my parents. They have been acting weird lately and I couldn't figure out why. Lately they have been ignoring me, making me stay at a friend's home for long sleepovers, and go on trips that are longer than a year. And now, they are going on there third trip. The weird part is that their jobs that doesn't  acquire them to leave Domino...so why are they leaving?

"Earth to YUKI!" I immediately snapped out of my thoughts and faced an irritated Yugi. He was sitting right next to me while Solomon was across from us. 

"Did you even listen too what I said?" I shamefully nodded a no. Yugi let out a sigh before placing his utensils down and fully facing me. 

"Well then... I guess you need my hugs to get you in the right mind! Get over here!" He exclaimed as he lunged toward me. 

I hugged him back as we enjoyed the small comfortable embrace. We stayed like this for a while as he shoved his head into my neck, while I repeated the same action. His arms were on my upper waist as mine sat on his shoulder and neck. I could smell his faded lavender essence from his clothes and his light cologne. His breath tickled my neck when he had to breath.

Then, he lifted his face a bit and put our foreheads together while holding my shoulders. Then he leaned in my ear and whispered encouraging words to cheer me up. He always knew when I was upset, And this was his way of making me feel better. 

"Thank you Yugi... I needed that." I whispered for him to hear.

"Of course!" He responded with the same whisper as me. 

"Ok love birds, continue eating and get to bed. There is school tomorrow." Solomon said. We broke the hug and continued eating while enjoying small talk. 


"Hey Yugi! Wanna hang out?" Jounouchi asked as Yugi walked past him. Yugi thought for a bit and agreed. 

"Hey! Can I come? I have nothing to do and I finished all my homework?" I said while approaching the boys. They nodded in agreement, "How about Burger World? I hear it's new and good." 

"Sounds like a good idea Yuki! Whatcha think Yugi?" Jounouchi asked. 

"Sounds good!" 

"Hey I wanna come!" 

"Really? I thought you had to do other janitor things?." Jounouchi teased as the boys went off on each other. Soon Miho came into the picture.

"Miho wants to come too!" She exclaimed as Honda agreed on her wish. 

"Wow! You would do anything for her?" Joy ouch I mumbled, which sent the two boys arguing again.

Ignoring them, I turned to Yugi and started to talk to him about Magic and Wizards. We end up sitting in a desk near by, but before I could sit down, my clumsy butt had too trip on the leg of the chair and fall on top of Yugi. He caught me by my shoulders and lifted me up straight. Both of our faces held smiles. We laughed it off and continued our short conversation.

"So you think this monster is cool?" He said

"Of course! It is one of the best in the game! I expected you to know that!" 

"Oh please! This card is better!" He said while fuming. He was just so cute so I couldn't help it:

I pinched his cheeks. 

"Gosh Yuki! Stop it! Ima have saggy cheeks because of you!" He yelled while getting up to escape my grasp. I held on and decided to let the poor panda go...but not before I gave him a hug.

"You are a fluffy panda that deserves attention. I can't help it!"

"Are you too done flirting? We should get going to Burger World!" Jounouchi said with a frown. What's got him upset?

"I don't think you guys should go to Burger World!" We turned to the sound of the voice and noticed Anzu standing there. We asked why and she completely went on a rant:

"The food is seen to be horrible, and there are rats, mice and other things in the pantry! Oh there is also horrible service so you won't get you food for a long time! Not to mention..." 

How long is she going to keep talking smack about that place? How does she even know everything about the food? It just opened...Is he trying to cover herself up for something?

"Well got to go!" And with that Anzu left. I guess we aren't going to Burger World. 

"She's offering herself" Honda said out of the blue. 

"No way Honda! She would never, right?" 

"I don't know Yugi...I would want to agree with you...But I think she is! I'm with Honda on this!" The boys went back and forth with their chatter about Anzu, leaving Miho and I to think. 

She wouldn't do that...right?


"Now! It's Honda!" 

"I'm suspicious now!" Yugi said as Honda, Miho and Anzu left the school. Something is defiantly up...

Yesterday, Miho joined Anzu in leaving school early. And not that it was suspicious enough, I found an extra bag in Miho's locker when she opened it. Does she have a change of clothes? I needed to find out. 

"Let's follow them! What's the worse that can happen?" I suggested.


"Yugi! Hurry up!" Jounouchi hissed.

"I'm trying but she won't get off my arm! She keeps telling me my face is too cute!" Yugi replied as I held on tighter to him. 

After we decided to leave, Yugi protested about stalking them. His  complaints weren't heard by us and made him upset. His face turned into the absolute most adorable panda face! I couldn't take the Kawaii Mode- I needed to hug the angel. But I might have done it for too long...

"Hey look! We lost them! Good job Yuki" Jounouchi muttered.

"Sorry..." I mumbled as i let Yugi go with a small apology. He dismissed it and plundered with Jounouchi about where they went.

 I noticed a couple walking by and saw them going into Burger World. It gave me an idea.

"Hey! Let's go eat at Burger World! I'll pay- FOR ONLY ONE BURGER EACH!" I exclaimed to make sure my point got across. I'm not paying to have them eat as many as they can. 


"Why not! Thank you Yuyu!" I blushed after Yugi said Yuyu. He hasn't called me that in a long time. Why start now...

We went across the street and found that this place was already busy. As we walked up to the automatic doors, we saw Honda, Miho, and Anzu dressed in work clothes and greeting us.

So this is where they were going...

"Ehhhhh!" Jounouchi shouted as we walked in the restaurant. All six of us were as shocked as the next person. 


Jounouchi, Yugi, and I were set in a booth: Yugi and me (by the window) on one side, Jounouchi on the other. We ordered our burgers and are waiting for our meals.

"Wow! I can't believe they are working!" Yugi said as Jounouchi nodded.

"I'm more shocked than you." He responded back, while looking at our friends- especially Anzu. 

"I know right!" I said trying to not think about the weird feeling in my stomach. What is with me today?

I turned my head and saw that Yugi was daydreaming. His dreams of Anzu. I swear, this kid needs to confess. His love for her is driving me crazy! 

And speak of the devil, here she comes.

"Here are your burgers. Hope you enjoy them." Anzu said as she slammed the burgers down on the table- except for mine. She gently handed me my tray as she glared at the boys. I love being a girl sometimes.

"I hope you guys like extra ketchup!" She exclaimed while squishing the bottle of ketchup on the burgers. I noticed a weird pattern and saw that there was a message:

Talk and I will end you 


"Why are you even working here?" I asked trying not to piss her off.

"Because I want to go to America to become a dancer in New York! I need the money so I decided to earn it now!" She exclaimed. I nodded in understanding. "Well! I won't tell. Girls gotta stick together huh?" I said while scolding myself on the last part of my statement. I don't say things like that. 

She nodded And walked away to let us eat. 

As we were enjoying our food, we heard Jounouchi say to look behind us. I saw that it was some man in a dark brown suit, white black pants, leading Anzu, Miho, Honda, and another guy to a room. 

Yugi, Jounochi, and I decided to follow them. 

"A CRIMINAL-" Miho shouted out.

What criminal? Is it the one the police are looking for lately?

"We know he is in here somewhere, but we can't just give away out knowledge of that. The guy has a scar on his leg that was from the night before. We need to check to see if he is here."

"Can we help too?" I asked coming from behind the door. The boys soon joined me while asking the man the same question. 

"The more the merrier." The cop responded.

"But first, we need to find an excuse for crawling on the floor." I said. 

"Here!" Honda exclaimed as he brought a basket full of toy cars. Perfect. 

Anzu walked out of the room, held the basket and 'dropped' it on the floor. As soon as the cars made it far enough, everyone (besides Yugi, the cop, and Miho) crawled on the floor to 'gather' the runaway toys. 

Ok... I'll admit...crawling on the floor isn't the best thing right now. I'm in my school uniform. Thank god I'm wearing my hoodie on my waist. 

Customer by costumer, I checked their ankles to see if there was a mark. Nothing. Not one person...

"What on earth is going on here?" A woman asked as she had enough of the violation. Other customers agreed with her protest and spoke up.

"Ok everyone." The cop exclaimed. We gathered in the middle of the room. 

"There is a known escapee in this restaurant. Right now, we are looking for him." The cop explained. 

"Then why lift our pants?" A man wondered. Others murmured in agreement. The cop responded again: 

"Because all we know about him at the moment is that he has a mark on his ankle due to a hit from a baton." 

"No one has a mark." Anzu said as she came to the cop.

"Isn't there something else you know Mr. Cop?" Honda asked. 

"Well," the man said as he flipped through a notepad, "We know he has the scar and information from the prion says that he was allergic to eggs..."

Nothing useful...


I have an idea!

"Eggs? Well, didn't everyone order something in this restaurant?" I asked. A man with orange red hair, tided in a ponytail nodded.

"The buns of these burgers are made with eggs! In fact, all food here uses eggs in meals." I said as loud as possible. Everyone looked at me in confusion until the cop got the idea. He looked around the room and noticed a man hyperventilating. He walked up to him and asked if he was ok.

"Eggs... I'm going to have a breakdown." He muttered.  The cop lunged to arrest him as he jumped out of his booth and exclaimed that he is going to get sick. 

"Actually! The food here doesn't use eggs! Our buns are 100% flour." Anzu said as she relaxed my strategy. The man continued to struggled in the cop's arms. 

"But you've got the wrong man! It's not me!" He exclaimed and thrusted forward to the orange haired man. Everyone fell to the ground from his fall, as the allergic man mumbled stuff under his breath. Did he say a scar?

"It's the manager! He was the one who did it not me!" He yelled while grabbing his shirt form the back. When the cop brought the man to his feet, the shirt ripped, revealing a spider tattoo.

"He's the one you're looking for!"

The manager then leaped to his feet, dragged out a pistol, grabbed Anzu, and held the gun at her head in the matter if 30 seconds. 

"Make a move and the chick gets it." He said, shoving the gun farther into her head. Anzu looked horrified. No one made a move. The cop was standing up and looked petrified but calm. Jounouchi and Honda were on the floor while glaring at the manager. Yugi and Miho seemed to be behind the cop, as they stood in fear. I stood my ground in front of the cop but not too close to the man in question.

"Hey man! Let her go! There isn't a reason for you to take her hostage ya know? It won't get you anything!" I said while everyone gasped. No one would dare talk in a situation like this. Yet here I am, standing 1 meter away from this dude, while staring daggers at him. 

Poor Anzu, she just wanted money to get to her dream. Not to be shot dead. If anything, I should be the one killed...

"You know what pretty girl? I think you're right. There isn't anything I could gain from taking her hostage." And with that, he flung her across the room. The cop managed to catch her as Yugi examined her for injuries and mental stability.

"But...I like girls like you. Ones who will give me the time of my life with their sassy attitude!" He said while inching closer to me. I stood in place paralyzed. At least half of my plan worked.

"Why don't you take her place instead? Because as you said, I gain nothing from her, but I sure as hell will from you!" He lunged at my arm and grabbed me harshly. He then pulled me to his chest, where I could feel his heart beating on my back. He had the pistol pointed to my head as I was told to walk to a booth with him. No one said anything- no one could get worlds out of their mouth.

He placed a blindfold on me and turned me to face what I believe is the front of the seat.

"I require a drink! You there. The weak looking one! Get me something to chug! And if anyone decides to make a move, you'll get it." He exclaimed as he shot in the air.

I heard shoes scrambling across the tile as I processed the situation.

Who is weak looking...? 

Oh my god! 

It's Yugi! If he comes, he might get in big trouble...

"Yugi! Don't come. You'll get hurt!" I heard a voice yell. It was Anzu.

"Shut up!" The man yelled as I heard a slap. A HARD slap followed by a heavy fall and Yugi screaming Anzu's name.

This manager just bitch slapped my friend. I couldn't keep my anger in. I fumed in rage until I felt a sudden shift in my mind. My fists must have left nail marking on how hard I tightened my fingers. I was beyond upset...and this guy is going to pay.

"Anyone who handles my friend in such a way will get what comes to them." 

I instantly perked up as I heard the familiar voice of Yami. 

Shortly, I heard a small clank as something was sat on the table.

"I brought this, just like you asked." Yami said as I heard him shuffling in the booth seat in front of us. 

"Who gave you permission to sit?!" The man's voice boomed as my attention shifted towards Yami. 

It sucks not being able to see anything and being in a helpless situation. If I weren't stuck with someone else in the same body, I might have a change to leave, but since Yuki's spirit is also involved/intertwined with mine, any injuries will transfer on. 

I let out a soft grunt of frustration as I heard Yami call out the start of the game. 

"What are the rules?" The crook asked as I listened in carefully. 

"It's simple, we only have one rule: out of 10 fingers, you must only use one of them. Each chose one finger and that finger will be the only one in use for the whole game." Yami explained. 

He seemed stressed. His voice was rough and the direction of his words seemed to be directed towards me. 

Was he looking at me? I can't feel his stare, yet I can feel the tense atmosphere around all three of us. 

"I chose this finger, so I can shoot my gun." The man stated proudly. 

It must be his pointer finger.

"Very well, I chose this finger." Damn it Yami, I can't see anything.

You better have picked a good finger. 

Maybe I should look for a way to escape


I'm blind by the blindfold

My arms are free, as well as my feet

However, I am way to close to this man which means I could get hurt easily, or cause some type of pain on someone else in a close distance. 

My best shot is to move around and see what I have to work with. 

I shuffled a bit in my seat, away from the man holding the gun, as I felt his body turn towards me. 

"Don't go anywhere! If you move I'll shoot someone!" He said as I heard a gun shoot go off in the opposite direction. 

I sensed that I had no way out of this, it's all up to Yami. 

I shifted towards my original spot as the man grunted in content, before shifting his attention back to Yami.

"I would not speak to my friend like that if I were you. Have some respect." Yami said with venom in his voice

"Hurry up then buy, I don't have all day." I heard a new sound coming from my left side. Liquid pouring. 

Is this man seriously thinking about alcohol at a time like this?

He ended up pouring the drink for s long time as I could hear the glass slowly fill up with the assumed alcohol he has. 

"After the game is started, you can do what you want. You can even pull the trigger." Yami stated confidently as the man grunted in content. 

"Foolish child!" I heard him mumble as he continued to pour the liquid in the glass.

"Ready,... game, start."

"HAHA! The game will end in a second!"

Yami! What are you thinking? I shifted slightly forward in my seat as I heard a small clank.

What was that?

"That's right, I haven't lit my cigarette yet. You might as well use your thumb to light the tobacco before I end you." The crook stated as I heard a shift moving from Yami's side. 

In a few seconds, the lighter was turned on as the smell of tobacco overwhelmed the air.

Suddenly, the voice of Yami came in as he said his final statement.

"Oh the lighter, you can have it back."

I heard the man grasp as Yami said more words.

"That's Russian Senowolf that's you're drinking." Yami said with confidence.

"And what's it have to do with anything?" That man exclaimed in fear. 

"The alcohol percentage is at 90%." I said loud enough for both to hear. 


I continued to hear the luring of the alcohol as I tried to picture the events that were taking place.

Yami lit the cigarette, then he said he can have his lighter back. 

But before that the drink was still getting poured, and judging by the way the man was acting before, I doubt his gun is out of his hand. 

So that means that one hand is still pouring the drink as the other olds the trigger. 

But where did the lighter go.....?

Of course! 

On the top, flat part of the hand that's pouring the drink! 

I could feel him shaking as I held a smirk on my face. 

"Wouldn't move buddy! Unless you want to end up as a big fire so I can roast some marshmallows." I stated before getting pulled up by my wrist. 

"Let's go." Yami said as he pulled me in his direction. 

After getting out of the seat, Yami took off my blind fold as I was meet with his dark crimson eyes that held mischief and playfulness. 

"Not a bad play." I said.

"Thank you princess~. I always appreciate a compliment from you." 

"Ugh, why don't you finished your game?" 

"Whatever you say my dear." He said before turning to the man before us. I looked more closely at the scenery as I saw a few ways to escape such a predicament. 

After s few seconds, the man put down the pistol and picked with the lighter, while using more than his pointer finger to do so.

"I knew you would break the rules. The Yami no game measure the truth inside a person. Let the doors of darkness open." 

Not even a moment later, the man starts yelling in pain, screaming about being on fire. I could see him clearly, his body turning into ash, but still being the the same form. I could see the pain on his face. 

I turned to Yami and noticed the same eye on his necklace triangle thing, on his forehead. 

I wonder if that happens to me...

"What did you think princess?" He asked while braking me out of my thoughts.

"I think it's time to go." With that, I switched back with Yuki, but not before giving a salute to Yami and seeing him respond back with a nod. 

"You're all late!" I yelled at Anzu and Yugi.

They were walking together towards me and Jonouchi.

I felt a ping of something in my heart, but let it slide. 

"I found this really cool beer place, with food." Jonouchi said as the automated doors slide open to the resultant he was talking about. 

To our surprise, Miho and Honda were dressed up in the uniform for that store while posing on the same weird pose as they did in Burger World. 

"What are you guys working here!" I asked. 

"Minho needs the money to buy new clothes!" Miho explains as Honda cried in determination. 

"And I must do whatever I need to do to please Miho-chan!" Honda exclaimed while crying. 

I deadpanned at the stupidity in front of me. 

Turning my head, I noticed Anzu, Jonouchi, and Yugi were wearing the same facial expression as me. 

Glade I'm not the only one that sees the unholy site in front of me. 
