#1 - How to Fail an Exam

Everyone was running hard, you included, trying to find a bot to take down was hard enough. You got a small spot to yourself, and you called out loud, praying some creature would respond. To your luck a large flock of birds! They may be pigeons, but you decided to take what you were given.

Having your new pigeon friends carry you upwards, you scanned for something to use as a weapon. Bingo. A chunk of your still-collecting flock dove and dragged up a large metal pipe. It looked like a beat-up piece of an already taken-down bot. But a still good bat, with most of the pigeons swinging the large beam around with as much control as you can get with pigeons. You barely managed to take down a few bots, "Damit- this is nowhere near enough!"

Panic started to set in, there was no way this would work, UA was a pipe dream. Speaking of pipe, it started slipping from your, or your bird's grasp. You were losing control, "Shit"
And as if on cue a bot was being shoved straight for you, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Through your anger, you took a huge swing with the last of the pigeons and sent the bot flying into a building.

The last of your pigeons... hmm... that may be an issue. Cause your falling now, you know that right? You started falling hard for the ground and you screamed for any animal to respond, just hoping you had enough stamina left for your quirk.
A black figure shot towards you and a set of arms wrapped around you as darkness surrounded you.

The impact wasn't too bad, just winded. You blinked and realized the boy who had you hugged close to his body. The light returned around as a shadowy presence lifted. Your eyes widened, and the boy who saved your fall got up and reached out his hand. He almost looked a bit dazed and confused, "Are you alright?"
"Ya... ya! I'm good, are you?! You fell hard! Thank you by the way!"
He stared at you for a moment, letting you take in his features. His bird-like appearance, or head? His red eyes bore into you for a moment, "I am alright, I wish you well." And he was running off, most likely to get more points.

Wow, just like that he saved, probably your life, and had just run off. You stood there dumbfounded for a while, watching where he had run. Until the loud voice announced the time limit was almost up.  This snapped you out of a trance and looked around, there were no bits left. The last was being wiped out. Your heart fell in your chest, you definitely weren't getting in with your sad collection of points. Or at least not the heart course as you had hoped.

**The exam ended and you finished up your day at the school, completing written tests**

You waited for your mom, sitting on a bench, headphones in, knees to your chest, moping.  Someone sat next to you, "Hey Y/N!" The Blonde said, you looked up surprised.

"Hey... Kaaamminnarrii??" You said slowly hoping you got the name right.

"Ya!" He beamed, "Why such a sad look?"

You sighed and paused the music, "I won't get into the hero course like I wanted.

"How so you know? Do you have some super secret inside person!?"

You snorted at the suggestion, "Ya no- I just... super failed that physical exam... I even had to get my butt saved by some guy." You hide your face and your voice became muffled, "Sorry, we just met and I'm just spilling on you-"

He laughed lightly, "No problem! I don't mind someone as cute as you putting all your worries on my muscular shoulders!"

You looked up to the boy trying to flex as he grinned down at you. A laughter escaped you and continued on, it was hard to stop. The whole day being released in one really good laugh. Once you caught your breathe you looked at the boy, "Thank you, Kaminari, I needed that."

The boy seemed stunned for a moment before looking off. "Jeez- dont make it seem all gushy-"

You laughed a little more at the Kaminari's very obviously not used to compliments reaction. "Here." You held your phone out to him. He stared at you confuse, "Your number, my phone."

It clicked in his head and seemed all giddy again, "Oh! ya! totally!" He quickly typed into your phone, and of course this is where your mom pulls up.

"Y/N~" She yelled over the loud music in the car.

You cringed and got your phone back from Kaminari, "Uh- I'll text ya-" You waved and got into the car.

Your mom waved and smiled at the boy. "Mom, please, do not start embarrassing me- today has sucked enough."

She giggled and started to drive off, leaving Kaminari on the bench. "Definitely a MILF"
