The little protege

This story doesn't have an exact place in the novel or the manga, it's a kind of AU (alternative universe), it also contains things that didn't and won't happen in the canon.

With this cleared up, let's begin!

Maomao was lying on a bed, she was very exhausted, drops of sweat fell down her cheeks, mixed with some tears, but those tears were not of sadness, but of extreme joy.

Maomao caressed the head of the little girl he had by his side.

- My little - he murmured, passed his hand over his little face, of his daughter, his beloved daughter Azumi...

After a while the wooden door was heard opening, a tall man entered the room, slowly stepped to the bed where Mohammed was and knelt before it.

- How are you? – he asked sweetly as he joined his hand with that of Maomao

- Well, thank you Jinshi...

- How's the baby? – whisper as her hand moved to caress her little daughter's small head, while tears fell silently down her cheeks

- It's okay... , our little Azumi - she pointed out as she removed the tears from Jinshi's face - she will never be alone... - I whisper - she will never be in danger, no one will hurt her....

- Maomao... - said Jinshi – you know that nothing will happen, we will take the best measures... nothing will happen to him, I promise – Jinshi withdrew his hand from his little daughter, which went to pose on Maomao's cheek

- B-b-but...

- You'll have a guard to watch you wherever you go.

- I-I-I'm fine.

There passed a great moment of crushing silence, while they both watched the little baby, who was already asleep beside her mother.

- Well I guess I have to go now – said Jinshi in a sad voice

- Why don't you stay here...

- I guess I can't stay...

- No, I think we can sleep here the three of us – I affirmed while patting with her hand the bed where she was lying – there is enough space

- Well I guess I don't have a choice - Jinshi said as he stood up - I'll go and change my flight - he commented as I put a sweet kiss to Maomao and his daughter on their respective heads

- We are waiting for you - he smiles - don't take too long

After this Jinshi left the room and returned a few minutes later wearing blue pajamas, she approached the bed where she had a space and lay down next to her baby

- Good night - murmured Maomao, and then fell into a deep sleep

- Good night - smiles - << she'll be tired >> thought

And so the little family fell asleep with their daughter in the middle, so the hours passed and it became morning but not before some nightly interruptions by their little Azumi.

The next morning they got up and went to Azumi's room , it had a wooden floor, the walls were decorated with tapestries of lilac and pink flower designs , there was a white carpet with a wooden cradle in the center of the room , a clothes closet in the right corner and a play place on the left. They went in and placed their little girl in her little crib of white sheets.

- We must let her rest – said Maomao – babies sleep about 18 hours a day

- That's fine, but now I think I'll go to work

- Well, I'll stay here and watch the baby.

Having said this, Jinshi approached Maomao and immediately gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek making her blush.

- See you – he said with a smile, he knew well that this type of behavior did not like much, but sometimes they gave good results as he saw below:

- Y-y-yes – babbling – S-See you

Jinshi withdrew from the room leaving a Maomao blushing to the ears, who had a hard time getting back to reality, taking a chair to sit next to her little daughter and gazing gently at her...

Holisss, well my name is Sofia this is my first fanfic, with the help of my sister, which owns the account, by the way, we tried to write a story that is to your liking, well I don't know what else to say XD, so

Bye :3
