Chapter 26


I sit in the hospital chair next to Bare, he's so still. I miss my crazy firecracker, but i have to stay strong, and believe that he will be okay

"Bare Finnick Mellark?" asks a nurse form the door

"Yes, that's him" i say, standing up

"Are you his mother, Katniss Everdeen?" i emit a low growl

"No, i'm his mother, Katniss MELLARK" i say sarcastically, the nurse turns bright red and frantically apologizes

"Oh yes, mrs. Mellark i'm so sorry let me get them to fix that! I just came in to tell you that his ribs and wrist are healing faster than expected" she says giddily

"Really?" i know Bare is tough, but i just can't believe how well he's doing, especially after needing to be resuscitated

"Yes, children seem to bounce back so much faster than adults" she smiles in delight, then her eyes nearly pop out of her head in remembrance

"Oh yes that reminds me! Haymitch Abernathy has almost completely recovered from yesterday's injuries"


"Oh yes, he was attacking the colonel and bruised a rib" she said over dramatically mortified

"Thank you for telling me" is all i can say, and she leaves the room

I sit beside him, stroking his ashy blonde curls which are now free from the bandage that was once on his head, and begin to sing;

Deep in the meadow

Under the willow

A bed of grass

A soft green pillow

Here it's safe

Here it's warm

Here the-

Im cut off by a faint knock at the door

"Come in" I croak, sounding more miserable than i actually am

I smile wide when Annie walks through the door

"Hi Katniss, i heard what happened... are you okay?"

"Yeah i'm perfectly fine, the nurse said that he will be okay. Hopefully out of here very soon"

"That's great! I heard what happened with Gale, i knew that deceptive little coward would pull something like that"

"He's not a coward, he just... loves me"

"That is a pretty sick form of love..."

I shake my head playfully

"I know, but until Haymitch was sober, and my mom was off work, it was the inly love i had"

Annie shakes her head sympathetically

"Well i need to get back to Flynn, i don't trust these guards" she says suspicious, i laugh and hug her

"Thanks Annie" she smiles and leaves the room quietly


After an hour of watching Bare's vitals like a hawk, who should stumble into his hospital room but the drunk himself?

"Oh hi sweetheart, i heard about what happened" he says stumbling into a chair

"Yeah so did I" i say taking the bottle of liquor from his hands

"Look i didn't come in here for you to take the only thing that's making me feel normal at the minute, i came here to tell you that Plutarch wants to speak with you" he says, moments before collapsing to the floor

I roll my eyes and call a few nurses to bring him to his room, then head to the center room to meet with Plutarch


When i enter the center room, my mind wanders

What could he need to talk to me about? Was it about Peeta? Was it bad? Maybe it was something completely unrelated

I'm quickly snatched back into reality when Plutarch roars my name

"Katniss! There you are, good to see you" he says

"Why am I here Plutarch?" i asked annoyed

"Wow wow wow, why so snippy?"

"Because this is time i could be spending-" he cuts me off

"What, staring at your son's vitals without blinking?" he says with a chuckle, i sit back in my seat and roll my eyes

"I was just going to tell you that we have Peeta..."

I jump from my seat


"Yeah, there's a crew in the aircraft bunker, ready to take you over to see him" he says with a grin

"Thank you!" i yell running out of the room

I can't believe it! They have Peeta!

ok guys the next chapter is the last one!! we'll see if it actually comes to a conclusion, or if you need to wait for me to write another book!

just so y'all know, i write the full book before i publish it so since chapter one, the ending has been written hehe

if it does end on a huge cliffhanger, good luck waiting a few weeks until i publish again! hehe

also that sounded kind pf arrogant, sorry! love ya'll and thanks for your unending support!
