Chapter 2.

          During the first winter of year two hundred and forty-four of the third era, Koproh had already made good use the wood reserves that he had anticipated a few months earlier. Unfortunately, this winter seemed particularly cold in Koproh's mind, maybe it was because of the new role that was given to him, as a father he didn't want his young little boy to freeze to death. So, he started to gather more wood as quickly as possible but, the mountain didn't seem to agree with him.

          One morning, or maybe an afternoon, or even a night... who knows. The sky was so full of snow and clouds that it was impossible for him to catch sight of the Sun's light. Koproh was just finishing to split wood when suddenly, he heard screaming as in an echo. He picked up his ears to determine if it were a cry for help or not. After a few seconds of attention, the warrior came back to his house and told his wife that he had heard a cry for help not far from here, he took his sword well maintained and went through the snowy mountain to seek this voice. Despite his physical condition of warrior, it was really hard for Koproh to reach this mysterious voice because of the snowy weather that was not willing to cease and because of the slippery slopes that were getting even more frozen with the altitude. As he progressed in the snow, the voice was getting louder and he was able to hear a feminine voice saying, 'Help me! Please... I am so cold... Help!' And Koproh screamed, 'I hear your call miss! Please, keep talking thus I can find you!' As soon as the woman had heard Koproh's voice, she didn't stop talking to him and thanking him for helping her. A few moments later, he found her, and without wasting a minute he made her climb on his back underneath his coat and started walking back home. However, because of the snow and the fog, he took the wrong way and lost himself and the woman. He entered a cave situated on a side of the mountain and so they were safe from the cold wind and the snow. 'There, miss, you are saved. I must go back home now, with my family.' Koproh said. 'No wait, don't leave! You... you won't survive out there by that weather... I will not let you go leave for an assured death.' The woman said. 'I am a warrior, you know, I have already known worse!' He said, getting too much self-assurance. 'Maybe, indeed, but you can make the decision... please, stay mister...?' She said, afraid that Koproh could make the worst decision of his life. 'Koproh from... from Zohop.' He said to answer her wondering. 'Delighted to meet you, Koproh from Zohop, my name is Soca.' She said with a shaky voice. 'I would have preferred to meet you in some better circumstances. Please just call me Koproh.' He said and smiled as to reassure her that everything will be alright soon.

          He took a seat next to her and rested for a minute before he moved, seeking something to start a campfire to get hotter. Once the campfire was burning, he took Soca's hands and helped her to get close enough to the campfire, then he sat down next to her again. Lucky for them, this cave was made with a particular type of rock that gets to a nice temperature easily and is able to keep it for hours. 'So,' he started a conversation. 'Tell me how such a bad adventure got in your way?' Soca looked at him for a second and answered him, 'It... it is quite a long story to be honest, I doubt you would really want to hear it.' He caught a glimpse outside and said, 'Well, I have quite some time to wait here to be honest, better learn something interesting.' She sighed and said, 'Alright then, I will tell you my story.' She got closer to Koproh because it made her feel safe, which made him feel nervous about his beloved wife. Soca took a deep breath before telling the reasons that led her up to the snowy mountain, 'It all started in my native village, I was peacefully walking in my house when a man entered while screaming in a language which is unknown to me. Actually, I do not think that it was a man, this creature was tall and really thin. As soon as he understood that I did not speak his language, he ran through the house and, in a state of panic, I fled without lingering and try to understand this... thing's intentions. When I left my village, it was sunny and everyone else was gone to pick enough fruits for the week, the weather was wonderful, there was not any cloud in the sky, nothing that the glow of the Sun could not go through. When I reached the snow, I thought that it was nightfall, but in reality, it was a snow storm that was showing up and I got lost in this white desert. But the gods sent me a savior before I die, and here we are. That's it, now you know everything.' Just after her story was finished, she fell asleep. Koproh took his fur coat off himself and put it on Soca thus she wouldn't get too cold. He was not scared to be cold, he was a warrior after all.

          The night was peaceful, nobody and nothing went to disturb the rest of our two characters. Koproh was the first to wake up, the storm had gone and the sun had come back, high in the sky. As he got out of the cave to take advantage of the sight and get warmed up for the day, he heard Soca speaking without really understanding her words. He concluded that she must be speaking during her sleep. A few moments later, Soca woke up whereas Koproh came back inside the cave to get her ready to leave. 'Hello Soca, did you have enough rest?' He asked. 'Hello my savior, yes I had enough rest, how about you?' She replied. 'I had some better nights than this one. Anyway, we must leave now, as long as the sunlight can light our path.' He said as he looked every inch of the sky to see if there were clouds. 'To leave? Where would we go? I... I don't remember the way to my village.' She said as she got scared that Koproh would abandon her here. 'We will go to my house, with my wife and our son, don't be afraid, as soon as we can, we will get you back to your village.' He put his hand on her shoulder as he talked. 'Really? Well, thank you so much... once again you save my life... I don't know if I could ever thank you enough.' She said and smiled. 'We must leave, now.' Koproh said and they both started to walk in direction of Koproh's house. Soca gave his coat back to him and thanked him again.

          They arrived without any issues to Koproh's house and Kaliha opened the door asking where her husband was during all this time and who was that woman behind him and every type of question that a scared woman could asked. So, he explained her everything that had happened and they all entered the house, where Tirhok was still sleeping. 
