

It's been a couple of months since Davis met Penelope. They both had gotten more closer than expected, because they have now entered into a relationship. Davis haven't told his digidestined friends about his girlfriend and today he would break the news to them. Everyone was gathering at the park for a picnic.

"Where is Davis, he's always late"

Yolei said annoyed.

"Relax may be he was doing some last minute chores"

Cody said. Kari scoff.

"Yeah right. Davis and chores doesn't mix"

"Hey you guys!!"

A voice yelled. The group looked to see Davis not to far away waving at them and they took notice that a girl was with them along with a dog.

"Who is she?"

TK asked lovestruck. Kari saw TK's reaction and scoffs crossing her arms over her chest glaring at TK but then turned her attention back to the girl.

"Sorry I'm late"

Davis said sheepishly scratching the back of his head.

"No if its anyone's fault its Dobermon"

She said pointing to her digimon beside her. The digimon just looked at his partner with a glare.

"Why do you always put the blame on me?"

He asked with a growl. Penelope just giggled and looked to the group and stuck out her hand.

"Hi sorry about that, you must be Davis's friends he told me so much about you guys. My name is Penelope"

She said with a smile. The others happily shook hands with the girl.

"And this is my partner Dobermon"

"He looks like a big dog"

TK said amazed. Penelope laughs.

"Yeah we get that alot but he really is a digimon but a rude digimon"

"You just want a ride on my back"

Dobermon said annoyed. Penelope just rolled her eyes.

"So how did you meet Davis?"

Yolei asked curiously.

"Well I met him at the park. I notice he was looking down and so I just decided to introduce myself to him and I haven't regretted talking to him since"

She said with a smile. TK notice that Penelope and Davis were holding hands.

"Wait are you both dating?"

He asked with a grin. Davis and Penelope blushed with a smile on their face and nodded.

"Yeah we been together for a couple of months now"

Davis answered looking at Penelope causing her blush to deepen. Kari glared at the two couples with jealousy.

'No way this can't be real. Its just a game Davis is trying to play for to get me jealous just like how I was doing to him or maybe she actually likes him but what does she see in Davis he's just.......Davis'

Kari said to herself lost in her own thoughts.

"So I hope you guys don't mind Penelope hangs out with us"

"Sure the more the merrier"

Cody said. The teens gathered together to sit down on the blanket. As everyone was sitting down, TK notice that Kari was the only one left standing, he called out to her but she was lost in thought.


TK yelled louder getting Kari's attention who blushed when all eyes were on her. She ignored the stares and sat down beside Davis and TK.

"You know I honestly feel bad I didn't bring anything with me"

Penelope said. Yolei smiled at the girl.

"Its fine maybe Davis will keep you updated next time"

She said with a smirk to Davis who took a bite of his burger and blushed when he saw Yolei and his girlfriend staring at him with a smile. Penelope notice that her boyfriend had a bit of ketchup on his cheek, she smiled as she grabbed a napkin and cleaned it off him as he looked at her with a smile as in saying 'Thank you'. Kari glared at the little moment and without thinking she open her mouth.

"Why did you just do that? Are you his mother or something?"

Kari said annoyed. Penelope froze and sadly put the napkin down.


She said lowly. All eyes were on Kari, Davis was glaring at her.

"Its called pampering Kari. She does it to me and I do it for her"

Davis said as he wrapped his arm around his girlfriend to cheer her up. Dobermon wasn't going to let it go that easily. He began circling around Kari who got nervous of the big digimon.

"You must have a lot of nerve to be talking to my partner with that kind of attitude"

Dobermon said with a growl. Kari began to shake nervously. Penelope saw how Kari was getting and felt sympathy for her.

"Dobermon stop it"

She said sternly. Dobermon let out a growl before going back to his partner's side. Cody cleared up his throat for to distract everyone from what just happend.

"So Penelope what kind of digimon is Dobermon?"

He asked. Penelope smiled at him and gently petted her partner's head.

"He is a Demon Beast Digimon. It is a Hunter Digimon that was originally a Virus Digimon, but was converted to a Vaccine by a mutation. Despite being called a Vaccine it is a ferocious Digimon that exists solely for hunting Virus Digimon, and it can't be controlled by an ordinary tamer. Plus he's a champion level digimon"

She said with a smile. Everyone was surprise by the information and looked to Davis who just finished eating.

"Davis where exactly did you meet her again?"

TK asked. Davis laughed.

"She was actually the one that found me, I was being a bit down from some news I got from a friend"

He said looking towards Kari who gasp but everyone didn't notice.

"So she cheered me up and since then we became friends and then more than that as I got to know more about her"

He said looking towards his girlfriend.

"Welcome to the club Penelope"

Yolei said with a smile. Penelope nodded as a thank you. Kari frown at the couple that was doing an eskimo kiss.

'Uh this is totally fake'

She thought with a pout.

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