Unanswered calls

Minho POV

I was worried. Not just a bit, no. I was so stressed out, that I was walking around in my room sweating like hell and calling his number for the 10th time in the last five minutes. But again just his answering machine...

„Chan, why aren't you answering my calls..." I mumbled under my breath. I had already called Hyunjin, but he also didn't knew anything. After everything, that had happened between us, the call at night, his self harm, and just everything. I had such a bad feeling. I couldn't wait anymore, so I decided, I would ride to his house.

Now I was on my bike, still trying to call him, but nothing had changed. As I arrived, I jumped from my bike, and ran to the door. This time, it was closed, so I decided to ring the bell.

Big mistake...

A tall and old looking man opened. His cheeks sunken in, red eyes, proppably from smoking and drugs. But the worst thing was the smell. He smelled like alcohol, drugs and sweat. I was completely confused. Who is this?
"What do you want?" he spitted at me. "I-I'm a friend of Chan and wanted to know if he is home." Why did I stutter. "No that little faggot isn't home, but if you see him, tell him he is not welcomed tonight." and with that he closed the door. I was so perplex, What the fuck did just happen?
Is that Chans father???
Still shocked I turned around to grab my bike, but just then my phone rang.
Cute lil aussi❣️
Was standing on the display, without any hesitation I answered the call
„Hello? Chan ? Is that you? Where are you ? I'm a-"
„Minho? It's Felix. Chan is with me and Binnie."
„Why ? Is he ok ?"
„Something happened but I'm not sure if I can tell you sorry."
„ Yeah whatever... but is he ok? Can I talk to him ?"
„ I wouldn't say he's ok, but we take care of him no need to worry. And I don't think you should come now. I think it's best if we see each other tomorrow in school. Bye." and with that the other just hang up. Minho was still worried, but he knew Felix and Changbin would take care of him. So he grabbed his bike and went home. He had a lot to explain to his grandma and Han...

Chan POV

„ you useless kid! Just go. Everything would be better if you were not here. We all would be happier. But your shitty mother had to leave you behind..."
I felt his hand on my face and tears started to fall before I could even realize what just happened. He punched me. Right in my face. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. I screamed...
„Chan!" It took me some time to realize, that I wasn't at home, my dad wasn't here but Felix. He looked stressed and worried and had his hands on my shoulders to calm me down. I started crying. I couldn't hold it in. Felix embraced me and I held onto him.
After some time. I had calmed down, took care about my bruises on body and face, Felix took me downstairs to the kitchen. He and Changbin lived together, since Felix family had moved back to Australia, back then, Changbin had decided to move in with him. The last one was standing in the kitchen and made some Ramen.
„Hey you guys! Finally awake. I made some food. Come, sit down." he said, obviously happy we came.
As soon as I realized what he wanted I got nervous.
„Felix?" I said really quiet, so Changbin wouldn't hear me
„I'm actually not hungry."
„Forget it Chan. You're eating. Hyunjin told me, and I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable by talking about it, but I guess I have to. Just try to eat at least a little bit."
„I-I..." I couldn't respond so I just nodded and let Felix bring me to the table. We sat down and Changbin placed two pots of MAMA Ramen infront if us
374 calories
No way I'm gonna eat that he can completely forget that.
„Eat Chan, you're fine."
I looked up and again down at my food. Then I slowly lifted my chopsticks snd took a small bite. I hadn't eaten in days and was starving. But now the food felt strange in my empty stomach. But I could feel the pair obeye me, so I continued eating. After half an hour and half of the Ramen I felt so bad. I felt like I would throw up every second, I was full and I felt so guilty. I had to get the food out of me.
I stood up.
„Sorry I have to use the bathroom."
„Sure go on." Changbin said so I headed upstairs and ran into the bathroom, closing the door and kneeling down infront of the toilet. I hated this. But a lot more I hated the guilt and the feeling of food in my stomach. And with these thoughts running around in my head, I pushed my hands down my throat. I gagged nothing came. Same again. The fourth time it worked. It hurt but I was used to it. I only stopped when I had all the food out if me. I was crying and my hand had a tight grip around the toilet. I flushed it and stood up on shaky legs. I moved to the sink. I washed my hands, my face and took a gum into my moth to cover up the smell. Then I opened the door as if nothing had happened before and went down again.
„Chan? Are you finished?" Felix pointed to my Ramen.
„Yes, full." I answered.
„That's great. I'm really proud of you. You just ate half of the Ramen, let's cuddle."And with that he embraced me again. When he just knew what I did with the food...

Hey guys ^^
Hope you like this chapter! Good day/ night y'all and take care!
