Karma & Life

Lohit was dead. His body was mercilessly torn into pieces by the panther. But he was still alive!! He was invisible & free from his body.

Lohit thought “Maybe I am immortal…” when he was suddenly disturbed by the sound of a buffalo coming near him.

Lohit was scared. “Maybe that is Yamraj on his buffalo” he thought. He was right. It was Yamraj coming to take Lohit’s soul as he was dead. He grabbed Lohit’s soul with his hands & took him away.

Lohit, in his soul form, saw a huge black gate. He instantly knew “This is Narka, hell!”

Yamraj informed Lohit “Your stay in Earth is temporarily halted as you died on Earth as Lohit. You will now get the consequences of your actions on Earth, good or bad.”

Lohit asked him “What consequences?”

Yamraj replied “As per Chitragupt’s records, you have earned 6 years in Narka, hell and 8 months in Swarga, heaven. After this stay, you will go back to Earth and take a new birth.”

Lohit was shocked by that. He asked “Why??”

Yamraj replied “Amount of time you stay in Narka or Swarga depends on the type of actions you did on Earth. You have to accept the consequences of your actions on Earth. You killed a bird with a stone which has earned you 1.5 years in Narka. And you broke a promise you gave to your guru, which earned you 4.5 years in Narka.”

He continued “Also 8 months in Swarga for giving love & happiness to your parents when you were little.”

Lohit was then taken into Narka for his stay of 6 years. He was horrified to see the scary palaces of Narka & continuous sounds of people’s screaming & shouting from their tortures.

He was being walked to his torture chamber, when he suddenly heard a familiar sound. He tried to remember the voice & realized “That is Guru Bishat’s scream!!”

He looked around & found Bishat being tortured by Yamraj’s minions. Lohit was completely shocked seeing his Guru in Narka.

He thought “Guruji died 5 years before me, which means he has been in Narka for 5 years now!”

Lohit asked the minion taking him “Why is my Guru Bishat in Narka? He was a Guru. He was righteous & loving to all. What did he do that he has been suffering for 5 years?”

The minion looked at Bishat & said “Oh! Him? All minions wait for the turn to torture him. He has earned the most painful tortures by his actions.”

Lohit, still shocked, asked “But what did he do?”

The minion replied “He is a guru & so he should select all students equally but he was overconfident of his teaching abilities and so he deliberately chose unworthy students.”

The minion continued “A disciple should risk his life for his Guru, not the other way around. When he decided to help you from the tribal, it was again because of his ego. By rescuing you, he wanted to showcase his own knowledge & skills to you & other disciples so you all would respect him more than before. His primary motive was not educating disciples but proving himself as the better guru. Bishat has given a wrong example of the Guru-disciple relationship to the world and so he will suffer a lot more than even you.”

After hearing the minion, Lohit was absolutely speechless.

Lohit thought “I always believed it was my fault. And I am right. It is my fault. But it was Guru Bishat’s fault more than it was mine.”

The minion continued walking Lohit to his torture chamber. But this time, Lohit wasn’t that sacred. Instead he was thinking.

He had understood the complexity of Karma & Life itself.
