Part 15



Mentions of r#pe

When I woke up again it was so quiet, almost too quiet. I was surprised to see that Daryl or Maggie wasn't in there. I didn't think much of it, I mean this is a busy place and the world kinda ended. I can't be the top priority, I get that. I slowly got out of bed winching when I hit my side on the dresser by the door. 

I walked down the stairs one painful step at a time. I finally made it out the front door when I saw everyone standing around... a pile of rocks....? 

No, a funeral... Who died now...? I made my way over silently and tapped Maggie on the shoulder. She startled then pulled me away from the rest of the group.

"Mags.... what happened..?" I asked quietly.

"Otis, he died trying to get medicine for you, Shane made it but he didn't..." She said in a whisper. I pulled her in for a hug and she didn't push me away. 

"You should go back and lay down... I'm sure Daryl or someone will come see you soon..."

"All right..."

Maggie went back to the group but I walked back to the house silently. I can't be around when funerals happen, especially when he died trying to help me. Yeah sure he shot me, but it shouldn't have cost him his life.

I made it up the stairs and back into my room when the front door opened quietly. I sat on my bed just thinking. Daryl was up in my room soon enough.

"Hi..." I smiled weakly at him.

"Hey, darlin'." He said moving to sit down on the bed next to me.

"What happened..? To Otis..?" I whispered putting my head on his shoulder.

"Shane says tha-" 

"No, what do you think happened?" I cut him off.

"I think Shane left him for bait, so he could get away and say that Otis wasn't fast enough."

"I wouldn't be surprised."

"You wouldn't?"

"Oh come on I read everyone like a book as soon as I got into the group. Andrea's a major bitch but not a problem, Glenn's a gatherer, T is the honorable one, Lori is just here to make everything harder, Dale is the voice of reason, Carol is sweet but she'll kill ya if you're not careful, Carl well he's a kid, and Shane.... something ain't right with him, I don't know what it is but when we showed up with Rick something changed. Oh and he's obviously banging Lori, or was at least."  I stated simply.

"And me?"

"To the group, you're the hunter, to me you're.... you, the same one you've always been. With all the time we spent together I don't think you could change much towards me. You're just, Daryl but now you're my Dar-bear."

"Huh. Maybe we did spend too much time in the woods together darlin'." He chuckled.

"Oh shut it." I laughed and smacked his arm playfully, he faked an offense.

"How are ya feeling?" He asked looking at me. I could see the concern in his blue eyes.

"I'm fine... Have we found anything on Sophia?" I whisper asked looking away.

He pulled my face back up to meet his eyes, "Not yet darlin' but we will. I know we will..."

I honestly couldn't tell if he was trying to convince me or him. But I didn't care. I knew he would help me no matter what, and we were going to find her. We had to. 

"Together?" I asked in a whisper with a small voice.

He kissed me softly then pulled away to lock his blue eyes with my E/C ones, "Together..."

After a few moments, we heard a knock at the door I turned away from Daryl to see that it was Maggie.

"Hey, sorry I can come back later." She said with red eyes.

"No, no it's okay." I responded.

"I'll come back in a bit." Daryl said giving me one last look. He left the room and I pated the bed so Maggie would come sit.

"Hey. Are you okay..?" I asked her.

"I just... You people just came here. You were shot halfway dead, your leader ran you here from a mile... Then you all show up... I just. I never thought this would happen. Never thought I'd see you again, I'm happy I did don't get me wrong,  but it's just, I hoped I would see you, ya know when the world wasn't over. I mean last time I even saw you, you were hiding, running from Ethan. You looked like hell because of what he did. I don't even know where you went after that I-" She was rambling at this point becoming frantic.

"Maggie, Maggie, Mags. Slow down take a breath. I know this is all a lot. I mean both times you saw me I was damn near death... I know Mags. But I'm still here. You're still here, and Hershel and Bethie, and Patricia, you're all alive. We are here. And I know my group being here isn't ideal. I know you and your family don't know most of us. But if they weren't we never would've seen each other again. You're practically my best friend. And you'd still be wondering if I ever got away from..... him. But we're both here. And I can promise you, every single person in our group, they are good people, at the worst they can be bitchy. But mostly... we're all good... Mags I promise you nothing bad is going to happen to you that is caused by us. I promise."

She seemed to calm down after a few minutes. Just taking in what I said. "How long were you... with him after you came here?"

"He found me shortly after I left... I couldn't bring myself to leave him. No matter how bad it was. I was with him every day after here. So... 3 years..."

"Did it..." She passed starting to whisper. "Did it ever go beyond the punches...?"

"Maggie... why are you asking...?"

"I need to know... I just, I worried about you every single day since you left... You're my best friend too..."

"Yes... It went beyond the hits..."

"How bad...?"

I waited a few moments before I told her the story of the beer bottle... And a few other incidences where he did it even if I said no.

"Oh, Y/n..." She whispered pulling me into a tight hug. My eyes were red and puffy from crying at this point. I didn't care. I was just happy to be back with Mags, and Daryl...

I saw Daryl pause by the door. I knew he noticed my red face. But I just silently nodded at him to wait a few moments before coming in. I could practically see the worry swarm him at the fact that I was crying. But he could wait till after Maggie and I's moment.

When Maggie let go she noticed Daryl and quickly said bye and left to give us some privacy. Almost immediately after closing the door he came over and gave me a hug.

"Darlin'... why are you crying?" He said still holding me.

Word count 1180

~ Shy
