like three different theories

So nobe my guy absolutely love him. Just like springtrap or AI afton. Now we know freddys being possessed by springtrap which turns down my original theory so im changing it a bit bevause ai afton was my fav.

So nobe gives me springtrap vibes it could be because hes played by davis no clue but heres a list of things that reminds me of springtrap

- they are bunnys

- not fixed ( missing an eye and springtrap is well springtrap)

- both have realations to portal

- hate molten

- acted really nice to baby

I will re watch the episodes and add more later.

Also heres another thing why was nobe first sense was to go to dylans place aka the ex CFO Valeries son AKA the person afton cheated on his wife with.

Now obviously the whole Freddy and springtrap possession thing so im saying AI afton ( i miss him okay 😭😭). ALSO NOBE IS YELLOW and has no memory

Or maybe nobe is just another copy afton made. My reason to this is where has afton been because hes not been the the tube . And dylan could feel the teeth from nobe.

And nobe's reaction to bryans name cmon thats sketchy.

Ofc this is me just stretch things a little because why not

Heres some things not really related but still.

Do you guys think freddy and afton knew about bryans dad or family things because one remember when we used some things freddy said in S1 for the whole
" bryan is christ afton "
Phase well one stood out to me

" you will remember soon "

That was said by freddy which was whispered to bryan

Number two

In bryans recent episode we know who the blue kid is but the green one. If u listen at one point we hear the beginning letter of the green kids name A

And who though they met bryan before and is related to green

Adrien the froggy person ( idk i dont remember at this point in time as its late) what realations does the green kid have tho.

Number three

Nobe go chomp on dylans hand

Anyways nobe is on edge 24/7 hates this random scent he hates anything to do with bryan and his park, molten, and dylan. He dosnt know pretty much anything but hes a bit like bloodmoon from sun and moon show. He reminds me a bit of davis in looks wise a bit and as we know davis has been doing his own thing w kat and everything but even davis now has a connection to the portal.

( Blue im very upset w u talking in doctor suess isnt a red flag dr suess is great ( i sound childish im sorry) you , org, ponk and red are my favorite penguins tho so you get away w it )

( also bryan and davis and dylan stop if you see this ive had to change my own character lore and lore in general because ive thought of things but you have put them into videos first. I dont want to seem like im copying them but its hard to make lore i like without it.

Also those curious i have 2 rp channels one for rps based of games or shows the other stuff that are like hobbys or storys.

Im doing a mythology rp right now. Yes we have an inside joke that me and my team are the new origins group and

im sorry for ranting have a great day)


Sad moments so this is most unlikely a bad theory
