༆Bryan? And who?༆ |fnaf|

(scrapbaby8  TY for request)
3rd pov:
"If you get lost in there that's not my fault I told you no," Molten growled in annoyance, he kept hearing Bryan beg about wanting to play mini-games. It had started to annoy Molten so much to the point that he had to stop himself from punching Bryan.

Lolbit, rockstar Freddy, ballora, and Baby decided to tag along with the two. The other three decided to tag along for fun, ballora nonetheless also wanted to make sure they would be okay. Rockstar Freddy only went with them making sure Bryan didn't decide anything stupid that would cost him his life. He learned to never leave Bryan alone because he always manages to find a way to get himself stuck in situations.

Around 10 minutes had passed with Molten trying to figure out the correct coordinates to the correct universe. One wrong click and they can end up in an entirely different universe. So Molten had carefully yet swiftly typed the numbers into the control panel to get them where they wanted to go. Bryan had gotten bored of waiting and started to annoy Molten little by little making Molten get sidetracked from the panel accidentally clicking the wrong button on accident. Luckily he acknowledged it and was about to tell Bryan that he wasn't able to head into the portal due to an error, but he was too late.

"Bryan wait!" lolbit yelled catching the attention of the rest. He was the only one to notice that Bryan had jumped into the portal before Molten gave him the signal that he was able to go in.

"Shit! He couldn't wait!?" molten yelled in frustration. He hated how impatient Bryan had always been. He was about to rush to input coordinates to the panel until realization hit him.

He couldn't put coordinates into the portal, it would make Bryan stuck there. Wherever he was molten hoped that there was a portal that he could jump right back into to get back here. yet knowing Bryan, molten knew that even if there was one Bryan wouldn't go back in, he would go exploring dangerous or not.

Lolbit noticed his hesitation to put new coordinates into the control panel. "Why aren't you typing anything!? We need to bring him back!" he yelled distressed.

Freddy quickly made his way to molten side to see if there was any way to fix what just happened. Ballora had been calming baby down as she had started

"We can't! If we change the coordinates he'll get stuck wherever he is!" molten yelled louder scaring baby a bit. He felt anger build up inside him as the seconds passed. He was about to blow a fuse until he noticed two human figures stumble out of the portal.

"What the fuck.." one of them mumbled. They didn't look familiar yet they sounded so similar to someone they knew, he sounded like a monotone and 'mature' version of Bryan. He had black shirt and pants with a red vest with stars, and a yellow bow tie.

There was another person next to him that they didn't recognize, he had light blonde hair and very pale skin. He wore a white and yellow suite and matching blazer.

"Bryan are you okay?" He spoke up trying to help him up, at least they knew that he was Bryan. Molten heard a resemblance but didn't know why until he heard the other man say his name. This Bryan was another version of the Bryan they knew.

"Im fine, thank you vendi," he responded quickly. He looked up at the group of five as he stepped in front of vendi. His expression changed from skeptical, to more of a remorse look on his face, as if he remembered something.

"Molten?" His voice slightly cracking as he spoke up. Molten was taken back sinc he didn't know who he was, he had a clue but wasn't sure.

"Bryan? The same Bryan from this dimension?" Molten knew it might've sounded stupid to ask, this Bryan could've not even knew what a 'dimension' was but it was worth a shot to him. He wanted to know where the bryan from his dimension went.

It was silent for a minute or two, it seemed like realization hit 'Bryan'. His expression changed once again he looked as if he fully knew what was going on.

"No, I'm definitely not your Bryan.." he sighed, he sounded less relieved than when he first spoke.

"Can you get us back to my dimension?" he asked, his voice sounded shaky unlike before. he seemed more cautious about what's around him.

Vendi took a notice to that and gently grabbed Bryan's hand locking it into his. He wanted to reassure Bryan that he was okay, he didn't know what to say in this situation but he was at least able to comfort him in some way.

"I don't think so, I think the only way is to jump back from where you came out of." Molten sighed slightly griping the control panel in anger, he knew that it was a 50/50 that it wouldn't work and it could end up in Chaos which is something none of them wanted.

"That can't be the only way" Bryan rose his voice in disbelief. He knew it would be a horrible risk if he decided to jump through the portal just to get back home.

"I mean what else ideas do you have? You're not even from this universe, you could mess everything up." rockstar Freddy answered in a cold tone crossing his arms.

As an hour or two passed, Bryan was with molten and rockstar Freddy. While Bryan was with them two, Vendi had made his way towards the other three with them slowly making a conversation.

"Vendi," Bryan said catching his attention before continuing. "I think the only way is to go through the portal."

Vendi took a deep breath in nervously before responding. "Alright, if we must then I suppose we should head in.." he said walking towards the portal where Bryan was. He noticed how Bryan had been fidgety and on edge earlier, wanting to know if he was alright he decided to ask him.

"Bryan are you okay?" he whispered to Bryan gently soothing his arm to try and comfort him.

"Oh, hun I'm fine." Bryan stuttered pausing a bit. "Its just, unsettling I guess, I'll tell you when we get back." he continued with a small smile.

"Well then, lets go in." vendi said looking at the to Freddy animatronics for reassurance they could go.

Grabbing Bryans hand, they both walked through the portal hoping for only the best.

(I FINISHED, Motivation sadly left me, but the next one-shot will come soon! Plus have faith in me😭)
