◆ ROLES #2 ◆


Discord MOD [0/5]
Interview needed: Yes

The Discord MODs help in revamping the server when needed, adding bots and solve discord related questions. They will also be helping when public servers or event servers are made.

They should have knowledge in making a server, channels, etc. They should know how to create embed, manage bots, and many more. 


Plot makers [0/8]
Interview needed: Yes

The plot makers will be working in our plot shop by providing plots based on the customer's requests. 

They should be creative and can come up with various scenarios.


Trailer makers [0/8]
Interview needed: Yes

The trailer makers will be working in our trailer shop by providing trailers based on the requests of the customers. They will also be making trailers for the community project.

Should have editing skills. Should be creative and friendly.


Carrd designers [0/8]
Interview needed: Yes

The carrd designers will be working in the carrd shop by providing carrds based on the customer's preferences. 

They should have basic knowledge on how to create site pages on Carrd.


Social media handlers [0/6]
Interview needed: Yes

The social media handlers will be posting on social media platforms except Wattpad such as Instagram, Pinterest, etc. They will be expanding followers in that platform as well.

They should have a good understanding of the social media platform and should be dedicated to it.


Playlist makers [0/8]
Interview needed: Yes

The playlist makers will be making playlists based on the mood requested by the customer. They will also be making playlist for any community events.

Should have a good grasp in music and should get the feelings of every song.


Heads [0/16]
Interview needed: Yes

They will be the head of each department namely Planners, Graphic Designers, Bio Designers, Theme Designers, Guardians, Writers, Editors, Hosts, Judges, Interviewers, Playlist Makers, Social media handlers, Carrd Designers, Trailer Makers, Plot Makers and Discord MOD. They will be in charge of segregating work amongst members as well as making weekly reports on the performance of the members to the managers or the founders. 

They must have excellent skills on the role that they choose to be the head of. They should have good management skills and should be kind and patient to help their members in places where they are not sure of.


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Banner Credits :- DathanHamen
