Chapter Three: If Home Is Where The Heart Is Then Were All Just Fucked

Hi everyone! So I would go through and explain Ruby, and Bandit's happy parents, but frankly I am lazy AF. Oh and also Ruby, Bandit, Declan, and Saint are all around the same age.


|| Gerard Way|| || First Person||

"One second dad!" Bandit yells from the top of the stairs.

"If you don't get down here in the next three minutes, I'm sending the aliens after you." I yell back, leaning against the kitchen counter. I hear a groan the rushed teen. I laugh to myself, and continue to play flappy bird on my phone.

45 pathetic attempts at trying to fly the fucking bird through the posts later, my daughter is standing in front of me.

"Well are we going or no?" Bandit sasses.

"Watch it young lady." I say trying to hide my smile. I'm so proud of my sassy, little girl. I grab my keys, and head out the door.

"Dad, can I drive?" Bandit asks with her puppy dog eyes that she knows I can't say no to.

"Are you going to make us later then we already are? I told Pete we'd be at his place at four and it's already four fifteen."

"If we tell Pete that I drove, I'm sure he'll understand." She says with a knowing glace. Pete's late to 95% of things anyway so, what the hell. I hand the keys over to my hopeful daughter. She snags the keys from my hands and jumps in the drivers seat. As I go around to the passenger seat, I remember what happened last time she drove, and hope this trip doesn't end up like the last one.

|| Pete Wentz|| || First Person||

Where are they? They were suppose to be here a half an hour ago. I start pacing around the living room.

"Babe, I'm sure their fine. Gerard probably fell asleep watching Batman again. Don't worry baby." Meagan says as she wraps her arms around my stomach. I know she's probably right, but I can't help but to worry. Knowing those two, anything could be happening. I unwrap myself from Meagan and head over to the window. I start to think about when Patrick was late and didn't call, and I found out from his mom that he was in the hospital for overdose. The only thing that pulls me out of my unpleasant thoughts is when my phone rings. I fumble for my phone in my pocket. My heart drops with I see the caller ID.

"Hello?" I say nervously.

"Pete? Yeah it's Gerard. We got hit by a car, and Bandit's not doing too good. Can you come to the hospital?"

Okay that sucked. I'm sorry. Had a bad day and I kinda took it out on my characters.

~Stay Fab Young Bloods~
