The last resort

Little did Lucy know that about a year later after the avengers were broken up by the government Lucy and her family were not wanted in any other guilds so they went to the last resort witch was to go back to Fairy tail.

(a clocked figure enters the guild hall)

Erza: who are you? 

Wendy: I know that scent!

Lucy: Hi Wendy! 

(Wendy runs up and hugs Lucy)

Mira: What are you doing here?!!!

Lucy: Well the Avengers broke up and we did not end on good terms so we had no where else to go and I am pregnant with our second a little girl so I thought of the one place I thought we could go witch was here if you guys still want me?

The Guild: Of course we still want you Lucy!

Lucy: So you guys are getting two new members.

Levy: Okay so what is your Sons name you never told us.

Natasha: Oliver James Romanoff.

Mira: Nice to see you again Natasha!

Natasha: You to Mira.

Juvia: If you don't mind Juvia asking what is your daughters name?

Lucy: alexandrite Nicole Romanoff.

(after they got there marks the guild caught up with them)

(the Romanoff's lived in fairy tail for the rest of there lives after having another little boy named Ashten Elliot Romanoff he was the trouble maker because spent to much time with Natsu and Gray.)  

The End
