The Diary

[A thunderclap illuminates the dark sky outside. Inside the castle, Avalon and Ron are walking on the Grand Staircase.]

Ron: Have you spoken to Hermione?

Avalon: She should be out of hospital in a few days, when she stops coughing up fur balls.

[They see water on the floor.]

Avalon: What's this?

[They start following it.]

Ron: Yuck!

Avalon: Looks like Moaning Myrtle's flooded the bathroom.

[Avalon and Ron enter Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. She's sitting in a window and whimpering.]

"Oh, the poor girl."

"She's actually very friendly once you get to know her more." 

Myrtle: Come to throw something else at me?

Avalon: Why would I throw something at you?

Myrtle: Don't ask me. Here I am, minding my own business, when someone thinks it's funny to throw a book at me.

Ron: But it can't hurt if someone throws something at you. I mean, it'd just go right through you.

Myrtle: SURE! [flies right into his face] Let's all throw books at Myrtle because she can't feel it! Ten points if it goes through her stomach! [puts her arm through Ron's stomach] Fifty points if it goes through her head! [puts her arm through Ron's head]

[Avalon shoves Ron before looking at Myrtle.]

Avalon: But who threw it at you anyway?

Myrtle: I don't know. I didn't see them. I was just sitting in the U-bend, thinking about death, and it fell through the top of my head.

[Avalon sees a book near the stall and goes and picks it up as Myrtle moans and whimpers away.]

[Avalon and Ron head to the Hospital wing to show Hermione the book.]

Hermione: There's a name in this diary....'Tom Marvolo Riddle'

Ron: 'Tom Marvolo Riddle'...hang on! I know that name. How do I know that name...oh, of course, that night I had detention. My job was to polish the silver in the trophy room. I remember because I kept burping up slugs on Riddle's trophy.

Avalon: What was the trophy for?

Ron: He won an award some fifty years ago.

"For lying, cheating, blaming others for his own mistakes." Avalon listed off with a glare to Dumbledore as she said every word. 

Hermione: Fifty years ago...are you sure?

Ron: Yeah, why?

Hermione: Don't you remember what Malfoy told you? The last time the Chamber was opened was-

Avalon: Fifty years ago and that means-

Hermione: Tom Riddle was here! At Hogwarts when it happened....what if he wrote about what he saw? It's possible he knew where the chamber was and how to open it....even what sort of creature lived in it. If so, then whoever is behind these attacks wouldn't want this diary lying around, would they?

Avalon: It's a brilliant theory Hermione, but one flaw...There is nothing written in the diary.

"Why have a diary if you don't write in it?" Kimberly asked.

"Magically charmed diaries, Miss Hart. A simple spell can make the words hidden to anyone but the owner of the book." Flitwick said and Kimberly nodded.

[Avalon is seen at a table in the Gryffindor Common Room after everyone has gone to bed. She turns the pages, seeing nothing written in the book at all. Avalon then sits back and thinks before sitting up again and taking his quill and dipping it in ink before putting it to paper and watched in amazement as the ink just disappeared.]

Avalon: [writing in the book] My Potter.

[The writing disappears and new ones appeared saying 'Hello, Avalon Potter, my name is Tom Riddle']

Avalon: [starts writing again] Do you know anything about the Chamber of Secrets?

[The words once again disappear and new ones appear-'Yes']

Avalon: Can you tell me?

[Avalon watches as the words disappear and the word 'No' appears and Avalon huffs and puts her quill up and closes the ink bottle before looking back at the book. 'But I can show you....Let me take you back fifty years ago.' The pages then flip and at the bottom it read-June 13th. The book begins to glow and Avalon is suddenly pulled in to the book.]


"I'm right here and I am fine....I think?"

"Yep, that is James right there."

"I dunno...that sass is all Lily."

"I agree with Lupin on that."

[Avalon is teleported to Hogwarts fifty years ago and walks down the hallway and sees a young boy standing by the stairwell, looking up.]

Avalon: Excuse me....could you tell me what is going on here? Are you Tom Riddle? Can you hear me? [Notices that he does not respond at all and sees a couple of wizards carrying down a stretcher with a sheet covering something. A pale and cold hand could be seen dangling from the stretcher as the wizards pass.]

Dumbledore: Riddle! Come.

Tom Riddle: Professor Dumbledore.

Avalon: Dumbledore?

Dumbledore: It is not wise to be wondering around at this late hour, Tom.

Tom Riddle: Yes, Professor...I suppose I...I had to see if the rumors were true myself.

Dumbledore: I am afraid they are...Tom. They are true.

Tom Riddle: About the school as well? I don't have a home to go, they really wouldn't close Hogwarts...would they professor?

Lucius and Snape frowned, seeing the younger version of their 'master'. 

"He....he's kinda cute." Kimberly admitted.

"But totally evil and not worth your time, Kimberly." Avalon patted Kim's hand. 

Dumbledore: I understand, Tom, but I'm afraid Headmaster Dippet may have no choice.

Riddle: Sir, if it all stopped... if the person responsible was caught...

Dumbledore: Is there something you wish to tell me?

[Riddle says nothing for a moment]

Riddle: No, sir. Nothing.

[Dumbledore gives Riddle a look]

Dumbledore: Very well then. Off you go.

Riddle: Goodnight, sir.

[Avalon follows Riddle down a Hogwarts corridor. Riddle reaches a door and, holding up his wand, enters. Inside the door is a younger version of Hagrid with a large box.]

"Wait....that was the same look he gave Avalon." Remus pointed out and people agreed.

Hagrid: [speaking into the box] Let's get you out of there.

Riddle: Evening, Hagrid. [Hagrid slams the box shut as Riddle enters.] I'm going to have to turn you in, Hagrid. I don't think you meant it to kill anyone, but...

Hagrid: You can't! You don't understand!

Riddle: The dead girl's parents will be here tomorrow. The least Hogwarts can do is make sure the thing that killed their daughter is slaughtered.

Hagrid: It wasn't him! Aragog never killed no one, never!

Riddle: Monsters don't make good pets, Hagrid. Now, stand aside.

Hagrid: No!

Riddle: Stand aside, Hagrid!

Hagrid: No!

Riddle: Cistem Aperio! [The spell hits Hagrid's box and makes it burst open. A giant spider crawls out and scurries out of the room.] Arania Exumai! [The spell misses Aragog, who escapes.]

Hagrid: Aragog! Aragog! [He starts to go after Aragog, but Riddle levels his wand at him.]

Riddle: I can't let you go. They'll have your wand for this, Hagrid. You'll be expelled.

[Hagrid lowers his head in shame.]

Avalon: [stretching out her hand] Hagrid! [The door slams shut as Avalon is pulled out of the memory.] HAAAAAGRIIID! [Avalon disappears from the memory and then reappears at the table in the Gryffindor Common Room.] Whoa! [She runs off.]



"My dear you saw the evidence though." 

"Do not try and pander to me after you have drug my name through the dirt. Anyone, and I mean anyone who dares lay a hand on Hagrid during any of these films will suffer my wrath and be declared an enemy of House Potter." Avalon threatened as a wave of magic went through everyone.

"What was that?"

"That was a solemn magic vow that cannot be easily altered." McGonagall said as everyone stared at Avalon in shock. 
