Long Author Note

I sincerely hope you enjoyed the story. I know the ending was a bit unconventional, but in my mind there was no other way for it to end. There are too many horror stories that end with all the main characters alive and happy after miraculously discovering the means to defeat whatever evil they are facing. I didn't want my characters to find an ancient book with all of the secrets of the stone and I didn't want some aged librarian telling them how to defeat her. I wanted originality and I wanted something that truly scares me. Something unbeatable.

I wasn't planning on continuing the story, but something has creeped into my mind and won't let go. A story that shows that things aren't always what they seem. It is likely there will be a second part to this in the future, though I have some other projects I am focused on at the moment. Stay tuned for a sneak peak of my newest project, Artifice: Existence.

This book (and likely all of my others) is dedicated to those who have supported me in everything I have ventured. My parents, who have loved me unconditionally every moment of my life and encouraged me to succeed and find my own path. My husband who understands me better than I understand myself and deals very well with the daffiness of a unfocused, unpublished writer and inspires me to follow my dreams. My beautiful daughter who is never boring and pushes me to give her the best life I can. And (though this may surprise you) my mother-in law who was my partner in crime in the adventures necessary to write my first novel (not this one) and the very first person I trusted to read a manuscript, even though allowing her to read it caused me to break out in hives.

I have come along way since then, and I must take a moment to thank the readers who have no earthly clue who I am and are reading just because they enjoy it. I hope very much that you have and hope that you look out for me in the future. Who knows, I might just make it.

Thank you again and Happy reading,
Very Sincerely yours,
Sarah Sanford
