Chapter 2

Chapter 2

I pressed the silver button that was situated next to a handwritten sign that read Flat 5 and took a step back to take in the apartment complex.

It towered above me, all ten stories of flats, in grey stone and wooden trimmings. It was nice actually, even though I shouldn't really be surprised, Sonny worked hard and seemed to have good taste.

"Hi, babe. Come up." His voice came through the intercom. Posh. Our front door was a security risk and was left unlocked at all times, hence why Sonny was pounding on the door a few nights ago. No intercom in sight.

I pushed the wooden door open and made my way to flat 5. The butterflies in my stomach were pronounced. This was a big step for a commitmentphobe like me.

Once I was there, Sonny had opened the door before I had chance to knock, or even had chance to turn around and leave, as the nervousness was debilitating.

"Hi." I let out shakily. He didn't seem to notice how nervous I was and led me inside. It was a lovely space. Smaller than I thought it would be, but was decorated well. I wondered how much Sonny had done and how much his roommate was involved in the decisions of the flat.

There was a two seater sofa in the middle of the room, a TV opposite on a black stand, a small kitchen behind the sofa to the right and two doors to the left, right next to each other, assuming they were the two bedrooms.

"Nice place." I said. It was all black and wooden and manly.

"Thanks." He pulled me to him and planted a kiss to my lips. "The guard dog is out at the moment, so we have the place to ourselves." He said with excitement.

"Great." I smiled. Then I took in the smell of the room. A pasta dish? Garlic bread perhaps? Sonny was definitely cooking up some sort of storm. It smelt lovely. "What's for tea?" I stood in the middle of the room. I couldn't help but feel a little awkward as I twirled a strand of brown hair in my fingers. I was such an awkward person at times. It was hard for me to feel comfortable outside of my normal.

"Pasta." Bingo. "And garlic bread." Double bingo.

"Smells nice." I said honestly.

"Come. Sit." He pulled a chair out at the two seater, little and round table beside the grey sofa. I sat down. "Make yourself comfortable." I know he so desperately wanted me to feel comfortable in his space. I suppose he wanted me to come back and feel comfortable enough to be a part of his life fully.

It would take some time. It usually does. But it's something I wanted too, I think.

Come on, Avery, just be normal for once.

I relaxed my whole body and planted a smile on my face.

"How was your day?" I asked. Sonny and I got in to a conversation about our days, his at the office and mine at the pub. Sonny potted around the kitchen to finish off the dinner that he had made.

"Do you have many customers on a week day?" Sonny asked, referring to the pub.

"We do lunch and stuff, so it's mostly people eating and then when the boys over at the building site finish work, they'll come for a few pints afterwards." I said. Sonny put the bowls and the plates on the table. My stomach grumbled as I realised how hungry I was. "This looks so nice." I said.

"I am a man of many talents." He was showing off. "I like cooking. It's fun," he was smiling again. He was always smiling. "Oh, I also forgot to say how beautiful you look today."

"Oh." I blushed. I never took compliments well. I looked at my black skinny jeans and my black tight fitted long sleeve. "You don't look too bad yourself." And truthfully, he didn't. He wore grey joggers and a white tee. He looked relaxed and his boyish charm was highlighted.

"Thanks." He said happily as he began eating his meal.

Eating, talking and laughing with Sonny felt so normal. Or what normal should be. I was enjoying my time, actually, which shocked me more than I thought it would have.

Just as Sonny and I were laughing about a joke that he had heard in work, the door unlocked and opened. I turned to look at the intruder, realising that it must have been Sonny's roommate.

He walked in to the room and almost took up the whole place. This guy was roughly around six foot three and his frame was one of strength and muscle. He had tattoos all up his arms and some trickled up to the bottom of his neck which could be seen past his black tee. He had dirt and grime on his blue jeans, his hands and up his forearms.

Well fuck, he was hot. In a rugged and very manly type of way.

He walked straight in to the room and breezed right past. He turned to look at the two of us sat at his dining table, his step never faltering as his piercing brown eyes moved from Sonny to meeting mine. It was like an electric current went right through my body at that exact moment his eyes met mine. I wanted to gasp, but my mouth was too dry to make a sound.

He walked right past us and straight in to his room, the door shutting softly behind him.


"Told you he's a scary fucker." Sonny whispered across the table. I licked my lips.

"Yeah." Was all I could let out. I actually felt breathless. Maybe my asthma was playing up? Or maybe Sonny's roommate was very fucking fit and my window shopping was outrageous and I knew it?

"And I told you he doesn't speak to me." Sonny interjected before I could say another word or before I could even show him that I felt guilty for thinking his roommate was fit. Maybe he'd find it funny?

Probably not.

"Maybe he's mute." I said. "Not everyone is as talkative as you." It's something I struggled with at first with Sonny, actually. He was very talkative and chatty. I liked my silence. Didn't like to give too much away. But actually, when sonny was talking, I could talk less, so it was a win-win situation.

Granted, sometimes I needed a few days 'Sonny free' to feel normal again and not so overwhelmed, but it was charming. And he seemed to be interested in me. It was nice.

"Ah, I don't know." He shrugged. "It would be nice to get to know my roommate really, but I don't think it's going to happen anytime soon."

"Well, you're a good talker so why don't you make conversation with him? I'm sure he won't bite."

"A guard dog that doesn't bite?" He blew out a breath. And as if God was answering our prayers, the door creaked open and Sonny's roommate entered the living room, looking down at his phone and looking a whole lot cleaner than he did earlier.

I gave Sonny the eyes, the eyes to say 'go on'.

"Uhhh." Sonny coughed the croak out of his throat. "Hey mate, we have some pasta left over if you want it." Jesus Christ, Sonny, you're acting like a scared little puppy. I looked over at the broody man who stopped in his stride to look over at Sonny.

He didn't look at me again. He wasn't quite meeting my eyes.

"Thanks." He said gruffly, before walking out of the front door and closing it softly behind him.

It was stifling when he was in the room. I wasn't sure why, but it was like I held my breath.

"So, do I take that as a yes, I would like some, or a no?" He gets up from the table and takes the empty bowls with a laugh. "But hey, we're now on to three words instead of two since I've moved in. Score!" He cheered.

The night went rather smoothly. Sonny and I cuddled on the sofa and took full liberties that we were home alone.

It was actually a lovely evening. However, a part of me couldn't wait to go home. So I gave Sonny a kiss on the cheek and stood up to leave. 

"I'm going to go now, I think." I said. "It's been a lovely evening."

"So soon?" He almost pouted.

My social battery was easily burnt out. I think I just wanted some time alone now, but I didn't want to upset him.

"I've got to be up early for work." I said. I wouldn't say ten in the morning was early, but I wasn't going to tell him that.

"Okay, babe." He replied. No further questions.

My flat wasn't too far from Sonny's. It would take fifteen minutes to walk or I could call a taxi which would take about five to get back. I did have a car, a banged up little shit box of a car that was always breaking down. Currently, it was out of use and parked outside my flat.

Either option of a walk or taxi was a fine one with me anyway, but I could probably do with the walk.

Sonny took me in to a hug and planted another kiss on my lips. I kissed him back. Comfortable. That's what I felt when I kissed him. Safe and comfortable.

I didn't dwell on it long as I let go of Sonny and walked over to the door and opened it.

"See you-" I crashed right in to what felt like a brick wall. The wind was pushed from my lungs and straight out of my mouth with force. "Fuck." I breathed as two large hands clamped around my shoulders.

Buzzing. My veins were buzzing.

"Careful." A deep, gruff voice let out. Then, I felt cold as the two large hands left my shoulders.

"Sorry." I breathed again. I made the mistake of looking up. Two intense brown eyes looked back down at me. Before I could think any further into how they were a hazel brown, how piercing they were or how they resembled honey, or some other cringey shit, they were gone and so was his body warmth.

When I turned around, Sonny was looking at me with wide eyes. Shit, he mouthed.

"I'll be going now." I said awkwardly and just as I was closing the door I heard that same gruff voice again.

"Are you going to let her walk home on her own?"

"I-I-" I heard Sonny stuttering. I rolled my eyes as I started walking down the steps. As soon as I got to the door to exit the building, I heard a scuffling of shoes. Then, a soft hand fell on to my shoulder.

"Sonny?" I turned to look at him.

"Guard dog made me feel guilty for letting you walk home on your own." He shrugged as he zipped up his coat.

"You don't have to walk me home." I exclaimed. I would probably be a lot more help in an attack than Sonny anyway.

We left the building together. It was cold outside. I shivered. I wish I had brought my bloody coat.

As we were leaving, it was as if I could feel a pair of eyes on me, on my movements, on my back. I was probably being silly, but I turned around anyway and looked up to the window of Sonny's flat.

Two brown eyes. They were haunting.

And they were looking right at me.

But as soon as they were, they were gone again in a flash. The curtains now shut as if I was imagining it all. Was I imagining it?

What the fuck was that all about?
